Bai Li Liang Ge nodded. These days, Jun Jinzhi often ran to this side and granted the owner of Chi Ming manor. It was reasonable that news spread quickly.

"I hurt myself accidentally. I'm going to get the medicine." Bai Li Liang Ge explained one sentence.

Jun Jin's gentle smile showed a happy look: "Congratulations, developed an antidote."

Feng Chi Ming's arm is still injured. Bai Li Liang Ge is a little worried, but he still patiently says to Jun Jinzhi: "it's too early to say that we have developed an antidote. I just extracted penicillin. It's successful to do experiments on rabbits, but I haven't done any experiments on humans. So, there are still great risks."

Jun Jin nodded, and then said, "you are so anxious. Do you want to do experiments on the king of Ming?"

Bai Li Liang Ge said, "he insisted so."

Jun Jin didn't say anything else. Instead, she said with concern: "Miss Baili has been developing antidotes day and night in recent days. She should also pay attention to rest. This is the ginseng soup that I asked Yuetong to cook. I can drink it when I have time to tonify my body."

Jun Jinzhi handed the food box to Baili Liangge.

Baili Liangge noticed that Jun Jin was still holding a food box in her hand. The fragrance wafted out of the food box. Baili Liangge couldn't eat or sleep these days. When she asked about the smell, she suddenly felt her stomach cooing twice.

Hundred mile cool song hey hey smile, generous took the food box: "gentleman son, thank you."

Jun Jin's smile: "compared with the hundred mile girl, I do very little."

Jun Jinzhi's smile is gentle and beautiful, which makes people feel better in a moment. When Baili Liangge Dun feels that life is full of hope.

"You're flattered. Call me cool song later. It's quite awkward to call me Baili girl." Hundred mile cool song naughty said, this man is really a considerate good man.

Jun Jin's eyes flashed a little surprised, generous with nature is indeed a special place of hundred miles cool song, he then said with a smile: "call me Jin after that cool song."

"Jin Zhi." Bai Li Liang song called, instantly felt closer to Jun Jin's relationship.

"Then you go busy, I'll wait for your news." Jun Jinzhi made way for the hundred mile cool song.

Baili Liangge felt more comfortable and went directly to the direction of the laboratory.

Jun Jin's eyes follow the back of the hundred mile cool song, silently recite two words of cool song in the heart, and then smile.

However, he was a step slower than Feng Chi Ming.

Yuetong, who had been looking for Jun Jinzhi all the time, saw Jun Jinzhi standing there. He hurriedly walked over and helped him: "childe, you still have injuries. How can you run around?"

"Shut up." Jun Jin's low voice yelled.

"Childe, if you are hurt, you should keep it in the house. What's the matter? Don't you think the master didn't fight hard enough? " Yuetong is almost crying.

These days, Mr. Jun found out that Jun Jinzhi was smuggling fruit to help the king of Ming. If he didn't want to do a good job in Jun Jin, he would certainly cripple the young master.

Now the young master's back is still scarred and bleeding.

"Childe, why is the ginseng soup I cooked for you missing?" Yuetong frowned and asked.

Jun Jinzhi leans half of his body weight on Yuetong's body, just holding it up. This will make him feel a little weak and sweat on his forehead.

"I drink it." Jun Jin said so.

Yue Tong snorted, his voice full of heartache, and helped him go back: "young master, did you eat the food box together?"

Jun Jinzhi

Yuetong sighed: "childe, what are you suffering from? I've been cooking the ginseng soup for a long time. I'll give you a tonic. No matter how good your body is, you can't afford to be beaten by the master's whip!"

Jun Jinzhi said: "I'm ok."

Yuetong said angrily, "childe, did you give the ginseng soup to Baili girl? I know you love miss Baili, but you have to take care of your own health. "

Jun Jinzhi did not speak.

"If you run to be a test object, you don't need it. Miss Baili doesn't know how much you have sacrificed for her." Yuetong is very depressed and complains for the childe.

Jun Jin's headache stroked the forehead: "Yue Tong, not the mouth."

Yue Tong pouted: "OK, I'll shut up. If I don't say it, it's a sin to say too much..."

Jun Jinzhi

The Xiang Baili Liangge walked into the laboratory and found that Liu Yuansheng was giving No. 3 White Rabbit Medicine. Seeing Baili Liangge, Liu Yuansheng quickly completed the task at hand and said, "Bai Li girl, No. 3 little white rabbit has got rid of the fever, the inflammation has subsided, and the body is recovering."

This is undoubtedly good news.

As long as the body of No. 3 white rabbit develops in a good direction, the purity of penicillin will be higher, and the risk of doing experiments on human body is relatively small.

"Oh, how fragrant it is! Is it for me? " Liu Yuansheng's nose is very effective. He has not had a good meal and drink for several days. When he smells the fragrance, his eyes suddenly shine. Can't he sing a hundred Li cool song? Is this to reward himself? Thinking of this, Liu Yuansheng stretched out his magic claw towards the food box.Bang!

Hundred mile cool song suddenly opened Liu Yuansheng's hand and hummed: "be honest."

Liu Yuansheng touched his red hand and sighed wrongly.

"Doctor Liu, come with me." Baili Liangge took the penicillin that had been extracted, so he said to Liu Yuansheng.

Liu Yuansheng rushed to the past: "on whose body do the experiment?"

Bai Li Liang song did not answer, and went out directly. Liu Yuansheng quickly followed him.

When he saw who the experimenter was, Liu Yuansheng was so surprised that he could almost put an egg in his mouth: "this, the king of Ming is actually a little white rabbit?"

Fortunately, no one else heard this, so Liu Yuansheng hurriedly followed him in. He thought that the food in the box of Baili Liangge's hand was also prepared for the king of Ming.

Bai Li Liang Ge pushes the door to enter the room. Feng Chi Ming is resting by the bed with his eyes closed. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he opens his sleepy eyes.

Think of just two people's intimate behavior, a hundred miles cool song ear root red, immediately walked in, put things on the table.

"The Lord is lucky." Liu Yuansheng or decent to Feng Chi Ming line a ceremony.

Si Ling and Liu Feng went out with interest.

Bai Li Liang Ge begins to treat Feng Chi Ming's wound. Liu Yuansheng gives Bai Li Liang Ge a hand. They cooperate very well and quickly re treat Feng Chi Ming's wound.

After treating the wound, Feng Chi Ming did not even wrinkle his brow in addition to the tiny sweat on his forehead. He could not help admiring the man's super endurance.

"This is ginseng soup cooked by others. It's cheaper for you." Bai Li Liang song wiped the sweat on Feng Chi Ming's forehead, took a spoon of ginseng soup and sent it to Feng Chi Ming's mouth.

Feng Chi Ming's eyes are fixed on Bai Li Liang Ge's body, and he doesn't speak.

Bai Li Liang song sees Feng Chi Ming not to cooperate at all, so he has to take it back: "it's not to drink..."

Before he finished speaking, Feng Chi Ming had already grasped the hand of Bai Li Liang song and put the soup into his mouth.

Liu Yuansheng stood aside and always felt uncomfortable all over his body. Only then did he realize what was wrong with him. The relationship between Baili Liangge and Feng Chi Ming was better than that of a couple!

Liu Yuansheng saw Feng Chi Ming's love for Ruo bamboo in the palace, but Feng Chi Ming moved his love and gave it to Bai Li Liang Ge!

Although Baili Liangge has a unique appearance and excellent medical skills, it is natural for people to choose Baili Liangge together with ruozhu. Liu Yuansheng is also full of admiration and worship for her, but ruozhu is his master, and he is very close to him.

However, other people's words light, now can't go, pointing to the hundred mile cool song to scold a meal? What's more, who does the king of Ming like? Is that what he can set foot in?

Therefore, Liu Yuansheng left the room depressed.

Bai Li Liang Ge feeds Feng Chi Ming to finish the soup, takes care of him to sleep, sits by the bed, and so on Watch him.

The final result is undoubtedly exciting. Penicillin has been extracted. Feng Chi Ming's wound has recovered well since he used penicillin, and there is no fever.

Baili Liangge put his heart to it. Penicillin was used on Liu's body for the first time. After two days, Liu recovered. Although his face was still pale, he was out of danger.

Seeing this situation, all the doctors could not help feeling ashamed.

They gathered outside the door of Baili Liangge's room and talked about it, but they didn't know how to break the rigid relationship with Baili Liangge. After all, some time ago, they took the initiative to quit and gave up halfway.

"What are you all doing here?" Liu Yuan looked at the crowd angrily. When the experiment reached the critical moment, they all gave a retreat and made sarcasm. They heard that they had extracted penicillin and saved Liu's family, so they came to ask for medicine?

Liu Yuansheng said that they all bowed their heads in shame. Although they were full of doubts about Baili Liangge at that time, since they participated in it, giving up halfway really lost the doctor's due insistence.

"Liu Taiyi." At this time, Baili Liangge opened the door and came out.

At the beginning of the beginning, Baili Liangge really resented these people, especially when Liu's days were very few. She was extremely resentful of these people's withdrawal and giving up!

But the matter is over. After all, she is just a little girl. It's really strange to cure the plague with the so-called moldy fruit. In addition, after so many failures, they almost gave up. It is understandable that they would not believe it.

When the doctors saw Baili Liangge walk out of the room, they immediately looked up at her. Instead of questioning and sarcasm, their eyes were full of the crazy pursuit of medicine.

Bai Li Liang Ge was staring at by so many eyes, but also calm: "let's go to the laboratory."

To the lab?

The old man who once questioned Baili Liangge stood up and said in a slightly stuttering voice, "Bai Li girl, you are..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!