"Don't you understand? Miss Baili said, "let's go to the lab!" Liu Yuansheng snorted and spat and said, "I don't know how you have the face to stand here. When you gave up, you were not arrogant?"

Liu Yuansheng is a typical unreasonable and unforgiving type. He is used to being bullied by others in the Tai hospital. Here, however, he finds a sense of superiority as a great doctor.

Liu Yuansheng's words made everyone silent.

The chief officer stood up, bowed deeply to Baili Liangge and said, "Miss Baili, I'm sorry to say that. I've been practicing medicine for decades. I met cholera for the first time. I don't agree with your method of treating moldy fruit. It turns out that I'm wrong. I'm convinced."

The old man was the doctor who questioned him at the beginning. Naturally, Baili Liangge was more impressive.

"Yes, Miss Baili, we are all convinced. A while ago, we have done too much. You have a lot of adults. Don't worry about it."

"Miss Baili, please forgive us."

Everyone should cooperate.

"After all, I'm still young, and I've failed so many times in the experiment. You don't want to believe it. I don't blame you."

All of them were relieved, and Baili Liangge found a step for them.

Baili Liangge also said: "I believe that since you gather here, one must be because of the desire for medical skills, and the other is to save the people in dire straits. Cholera will soon spread in a large area. If we really feel guilty, we should do more for the people. "

Bai Li Liang Ge's words are based on emotion and reason, and do not involve personal gratitude and resentment. They are concerned about the common people, think about the long-term, and have a long-term vision, which makes these doctors feel inferior to each other.

I dare to feel that they are entangled in things that people have never paid attention to.

"The hundred mile girl is broad-minded and has excellent medical skills. She takes the overall situation as the key point and does not stick to the details. She can be called a heroine! It's embarrassing for us. " The elder bowed to Baili Liangge, and his view of Baili Liangge was quite different.

Baili Liangge laughed: "you flatter me. I'm just eager to save my mother. Let's go to the lab first. "

All of them went to the laboratory. Bai Li Liang Ge settled down Liu's family and then arrived at the laboratory.

"Next, I will teach you how to extract penicillin. I hope you can work together to extract more penicillin for future use." Bai Li Liang Ge stood in the crowd and said so.

It was just the words of the hundred mile cool song that shocked everyone, and all of us began to talk about it one after another.

Bai Li Liang Ge wants to teach them how to extract penicillin?

In ancient times, many doctors didn't spread their medical skills to the outside world, especially some superb medical skills. Many doctors spread their medical skills from inside to outside. The purpose was to maintain their lofty status in the society. On the other hand, they could earn money from it.

And Baili Liangge wants to pass on such important medical skills to them? They are even ready to worship the little girl Baili Liangge as a teacher.

Now the hundred mile cool song is free to offer this medical skill, why not let people look at it?

Liu Yuansheng reacted the most. He ran directly to Baili Liangge: "Miss Baili, what do you say? Are you going to pass on this skill to them? "

Hundred mile cool song nodded, not so many scruples.

"You can't do this, Miss Baili. It's something you worked hard to develop. How can you easily tell others?" Liu Yuansheng was very anxious and his face turned red.

Bai Li Liang Ge turned to look at Liu Yuansheng: "why not?"

Liu Yuansheng was stunned and speechless.

Why not? Her medical skills, she has the right to choose how to deal with it.

People look at me and I look at you with a look of surprise in their eyes.

Baili Liangge is such a person, in front of the event silk is unambiguous, can choke a word not to say.

"Miss Baili, do you really want to share it with us?" The elder stepped forward and asked solemnly. Originally, he thought that Baili Liangge was just a little girl who knew some medical skills.

Bai Li Liang Ge nodded and said to the crowd, "I have only one condition."

Sure enough!

The eyes of the elderly are a little heavy, and there are conditions indeed.

But it's not surprising if there are conditions, isn't it?

"Miss Baili, please go ahead."

"In the next few days, cholera is bound to break out on a large scale. I hope you can go to different parts of the country according to my arrangement and bring antidote for the people."

There was a flash of surprise in the eyes of the elder. He has been practicing medicine for decades, and for the first time Strange people! The first time I saw people, I lost my eyes.

It is not to let them learn from their teachers, nor to ask for money, but to let them treat the common people.

Such a mind, let them these men are shameless, just they are even in the heart of a gentleman with the heart of villains."Miss Baili, I admire you very much." The elder bowed deeply.

The crowd also followed the elder to bow deeply to the hundred mile cool song.

Baili Liangge rushed forward and helped the elder: "I need your help. I hope you can make concerted efforts this time."

"Miss Baili, don't worry."

"Yes, Miss Baili, we will never give up halfway this time."

Seeing that everyone was full of energy, Baili Liangge was relieved. She looked back at Liu Yuansheng and laughed.

Liu Yuansheng's eyes on Baili Liangge are not only respect, but also worship. He can always find the shadow of his master Ruo Zhu in the body of Baili Liangge.

All of a sudden, his mind was tangled again. Ruozhu was his master, and he certainly hoped that ruozhu would be favored by the king of Ming Dynasty. But Bai Li Liang song is a rare woman in the world. It is reasonable that the king of Ming likes her.

Outside the door, a cheerful figure leaned against the window and against the wall. Hearing the voice of a woman inside, the corners of her lips were hooked up and a smile of appreciation was revealed.

On the other side.

Yuetong ran to Jun Jin's room in a hurry and pushed the door in: "childe, childe..."

Jun Jinzhi was sitting at the table, reading carefully. Seeing Yuetong come in in in a hurry, he frowned a little: "Yuetong, how can you be so unstable? What's the matter?"

Yuetong gasped for two breaths and then said, "childe, I have just heard that Baili girl wants to teach others how to extract penicillin."

Jun Jin was just surprised for a moment, then relieved, like a hundred miles cool song style.

"Young master, why are you not surprised at all?" Yuetong patted his chest and asked curiously, "is Bai Li girl stupid? She has studied for so many days and found a way to tell others?"

Jun Jin's smile: "she is not stupid, but selfless in the heart."

He was going to stand up and go out for a walk.

Yuetong pouted and walked to Jun Jinzhi's side and helped him to stand up. However, when he got to the yard, a lot of sweat had already appeared on Jun Jin's forehead.

Yuetong frowned and looked at Jun Jinzhi: "young master, is your wound cracked again? "

Jun Jinzhi shook her head:" I'm just tired, don't panic. "

Yuetong wanted to go to Baili Liangge to ask for penicillin for Jun Jin's use, but Jun Jinzhi was worried that Baili Liangge would find himself injured, so he urged Yuetong to stop.

"Young master, you can sit here for a while. There is still some work outside. I'll go to work first." Yue Tong bit his teeth and ran away.

Bai Li Liang Ge was working hard, and he heard Yuetong talking with Liu Yuansheng.

"Where's Miss Baili?" Yuetong asked.

Liu Yuansheng asked: "she is doing experiments in it. Do you have anything to do with her?"

Baili Liangge put down the things in hand, two steps came out: "Yuetong, how did you come over?"

"Miss Baili, I'd like to have some penicillin." Yue Tong said.

Hundred mile cool song frowned, see Yuetong body intact, face a little anxious: "Jin's injured?"

Jin Zhi?

Yuetong's eyes brightened, and Bai Li girl even called him Jinzhi. Is Bai Li's girl a little different to him?

Moreover, she didn't say who was injured, but Baili girl guessed it all at once.

Yuetong hesitated and nodded: "my childe has been injured for several days."

Bai Li Liang Ge asked suspiciously, "how many days has it been?"

She met Jun Jinzhi two days ago. She didn't see that he looked bad. He also asked Yuetong to boil soup for himself. Could he have been injured at that time?

"Yes," Yue Tong continued, "all the fruits in Chuang Tzu have been transported here, but they are still far from satisfactory. Therefore, the young master secretly transported a lot of fruits out of the prince's house. The master found out that the master used the family law to do good deeds in the childe, so the family law was halved and a hundred whip was played."

"One, a hundred lashes?" Liu Yuansheng was shocked to grow his mouth.

"Tight in hand, Liu Yuan song to hand over to me

Baili Liangge personally went to see Jun Jinzhi, Yuetong was naturally very happy.

When the hundred mile cool song arrived, Jun Jinzhi was sitting in the yard, making tea and drinking. Life was very leisurely. If you hadn't seen Jun Jin's arm slightly stiff, I'm afraid no one could see that he was seriously injured.

"Jin Zhi." Bai Li Liang song called, walked over and sat down directly.

Jun Jin looks at Yuetong with a displeased look in her eyes.

Yuetong said with a smile: "childe, I met a hundred mile girl in the street. She said to come to see you. I'll go down first."

Baili Liangge understood the meaning behind Yuetong's words. I'm afraid Jun Jinzhi won't let Yuetong find himself, so his illness dragged on. Yuetongshi couldn't help asking for penicillin, and he was caught by himself.Baili Liangge can't help feeling a little guilty. When he asked Jun Jin to help, he was hesitant, but he even ignored it.

"Jinzhi, let me see your injury."

Jun Jin's stupefied for a moment, but the injury is in the back. How do they look?

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