Baili Liangge understood where Jun Jinzhi's hesitation originated, and explained: "sincerely, life matters to heaven. You are a patient, I am a doctor, there is nothing wrong with it."

Jun Jin didn't expect that the hundred mile cool song was even more open-minded than himself. She didn't care about a woman, but she was pinched.

With this in mind, Jun Jin's will no longer stick to small sections.

After seeing Jun Jin's back shocking wound, the brow of hundred mile cool song couldn't help wrinkling up.

The destructive power of a hundred whip is not a little bit. If it was replaced by someone else, it would have been soft to climb down, but Jun Jin was still biting her teeth.

His back was ferocious and terrifying. He could hardly see a piece of intact skin. A woman should have fainted when she saw it. However, Baili Liangge was a knife in her hand. Have you ever seen any bloody scene?

Although Jun Jin's injury is not fatal, but for a long time, after such a drag and infection, he will surely die!

Bai Li Liang Ge, without saying a word, directly dealt with the wound for Jun Jin.

The wound covered the whole back, Baili Liangge didn't know what to do for a while. After thinking about it, Baili Liangge chose to start from the top.

Until the evening, the hundred mile cool song will Jun Jinzhi wound treatment, fortunately developed penicillin, otherwise, Jun Jin such a heavy injury, will not be able to survive.

On the other hand, Jun Jinzhi was just pale and sweating all over his face. In the process of dealing with the wound, he did not make a sound at all. Like Feng Chi Ming, he was a strong man.

"Cool song, it's hard for you." Jun Jinzhi wants to get out of bed after dressing.

Baili Liangge stopped him in a hurry: "sincerely, you don't move. You'll lie in bed these two days. Take a rest. Penicillin has been extracted. You've transported enough fruits. The rest Just leave it to us. "

After all, Jun Jin obeyed the words of the hundred mile cool song and did not go to the ground.

Baili Liangge picked up his things and said, "sincerely, it's because of me that you were punished by your father. I don't know how to thank you. If you have anything to do in the future, I will be bound to do it. "

"Let's make a promise." Jun Jin's words, let Bai Li Liang singer's action, she looked up in surprise to Jun Jinzhi.

Jun Jin's warm face with a calm smile, his eyes are soft, a face full of serious.

Being looked at by Jun Jin like this, the hundred mile cool song felt uncomfortable all over, and hurriedly shifted his sight.

Then he heard Jun Jin's bright smile: "it's just a joke, cool song would be shy."

Bai Li Liang song's heart was momentarily relieved. She glared at Jun Jinzhi: "just don't forget, I'm also a delicate little girl."

Say, hundred mile cool song intentionally naughty toward Jun Jin's wink, amuse Jun Jin's smile more cheerful.

Yuetong came in this time and saw that his young master was so happy that he felt very happy: "Miss Baili, can you not leave tonight? In case my son starts to burn in the evening, what can I do?"

Jun Jin's low voice reprimanded: "Yue Tong, can't talk too much!"

But Jun Jin's heart has a trace of expectation.

Baili Liangge looked at Jun Jinzhi in embarrassment and explained: "sincerely, penicillin is extracted, but the quantity is not enough. When cholera breaks out, the penicillin that we extract at present is not enough to resist. Now the doctors are busy in the laboratory, and I have to help."

Jun Jin's relief smile, understanding said: "cool song you go busy, Yue Tong words do not put in the heart."

Yuetong pouted and snorted in his heart. The young master clearly wanted to let Bai Li girl stay, but he didn't express it.

Baili Liangge nodded with a smile and told Yuetong how to cool the temperature in physics. Then he hurried back to the laboratory, but as soon as he stepped into Zhuangzi, he was caught by Feng Chi Ming.

"Where have you been?" Feng Chi Ming has cold eyes and cold voice.

Is he waiting for himself here?

Otherwise, how could it be so coincidental?

"Are you waiting for me?" Bai Li Liang Ge looks up at Feng Chi Ming and asks.

Feng Chi Ming took a look at Bai Li Liang song and hummed: "I asked you where you went!"

Baili Liangge grinned and said, "where do I go to report with you? King Ming

Feng Chi Ming took a step forward, and the big palm immediately grasped the arm of the hundred mile cool song. His strength was great, and his eyes were full of Yinzhuo: "it's true to recruit."

Feng Chi Ming's cold face is terrible, but his appearance, hundred Li Liang song has been immune for a long time, but when asked where she went, she didn't know why, but she felt a little empty in her heart.

"I just went out for a while. Why are you making such a fuss? You should not have fallen in love with me, so you pay so much attention to me?" The hundred mile cool song in turn crackled a lot.

Feng Chi Ming frowned and his eyes became colder and colder: "I warn you, you are my woman, don't try to move other thoughts!""What makes you say that?" Bai Li Liang Ge retorted angrily.

Fengchi Ming evil spirit hook lip Cape: "by me is the Ming king!"

Bai Li Liang song choked a word can not be said, yes, because he is the king of Ming, in this world, dare to say that I am the king of Ming, I am afraid that only one person is Fengchi Ming!

"I don't care about you." Baili Liangge wants to get rid of Feng Chi Ming's hand and go to the laboratory, but he can't get rid of it.

Feng Chi Ming drew Baili Liangge close to his arms, bowed his head close to Baili Liangge, narrowed his eyes and looked at her coldly and angrily: "my king's woman, who dares to make up my mind, I let him know what life is more than death!"

Feng Chi Ming's words are cruel and cruel. People like him who are so arrogant and despotic that even the emperor doesn't pay attention to him can say that he will certainly do it!

Bai Li Liang Ge blinked. Although it was dark, the distance between them was so close that she could even see Feng Chi Ming's delicate skin and perfect facial features.

She has not finished appreciating it, Feng Chi Ming disdains to let go of her, shook the sleeve and left.

"I don't know why!" Bai Li Liang Ge grinned hard in the direction of Feng Chi Ming's leaving.

But when she thought of the woman who had just given Chi Ming the title of king, Bai Li Liang Ge felt some inexplicable palpitations in her heart. She shook her head and decided to ignore the domineering man.

Baili Liangge has long written the method of extracting penicillin on the paper and distributed it to the doctors. We have been extracting penicillin nonstop these days.

"Miss Baili." As soon as Liu Yuansheng saw the hundred mile cool song, he hastened to come over.

Bai Li Liang Ge looked at Liu Yuansheng's appearance of wanting to talk but stopped, and asked him, "what's the matter?"

Liu Yuansheng said with a smile: "Miss Baili, are you ok?"

Hundred mile cool song nodded: "I have helped to deal with the wound, more rest time will be good."

Liu Yuansheng said, "Miss Baili, can I ask you a question?"

In fact, not only Liu Yuansheng wants to ask this question, but other people also want to ask, but after the last thing, everyone chose to believe in Baili Liangge, and they dare not ask.

Bai Li Liang song nodded: "you say."

"There are only two cholera patients and we have cured them. How do you know that cholera is going to break out? Is it really useful for us to extract so much penicillin? "

If they had not witnessed the death of the woman, they would not have believed it was cholera.

The dead woman and Liu's family are the only two cholera patients they have seen so far. At present, the public security in the capital is stable and there is no sign of cholera. Therefore, we can not help but have doubts in our hearts.

"Pestilence There are two kinds of cholera, but they haven't been found yet. And even if there is no cholera outbreak, penicillin is a very good drug for treating infections

"Miss Baili, you are so far sighted." Liu Yuansheng was suddenly full of energy: "follow you, I feel that I have learned a lot. Miss Baili, if it wasn't for me, I would have worshipped you as a teacher."

In fact, Liu Yuansheng has always been unable to figure out why the king of Ming chose himself to help Baili Liangge when there were so many doctors in the hospital who were older and more capable than himself.

Bai Li Liang Ge almost laughs. Liu Yuansheng's master is not himself, but he is very loyal to himself.

As expected, within a few days, the plague broke out in Kyoto and the whole city was in chaos.

The number of people infected with cholera and the number of deaths were still increasing rapidly. A few days later, cholera deteriorated and the speed of infection became faster and faster. The streets of Kyoto were empty.

White silk is hung at the door of every house, and mourning is carried out every day.

Moreover, in addition to Kyoto, the area around Kyoto has rapidly begun to appear cholera, rapid infection, and there is a growing trend.

Soon there were cholera cases all over the country. For a time, people in Daqin were trembling and panicked. The cholera that rapidly developed into the whole country was called the Tianjie.

The people thought that heaven was punishing them and hoped that the court could save them. However, the great Qin Dynasty did not do anything. The common people suffered bitterly and complained bitterly.

In recent days, the two countries on the border have also heard news of training soldiers. They are ready to move, and the rule of the Qin Dynasty is in danger.

"Asshole!" The emperor smashed the cup to the ground, and was furious: "I have kept you for a thousand days. What are you doing for food?"

All the doctors in the hospital were on their knees and crawled on the ground, fearing that the emperor would be angry and would directly pull them out and cut them off.

Wang Taiyi, the leader, was full of remorse.

I was caught by that girl. It was cholera.

"The emperor will not be angry. The top priority is that we should quickly take measures to protect Kyoto." Bai Li Zhenghong stood up and comforted him.After pondering for a while, the Emperor gave an order: "the guards will obey the order, block Kyoto, and drive all the people infected with cholera out of Kyoto!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!