Seeing Baili Liangge following up, Feng Chiyue glanced at the red ear root of Baili Liangge, and changed the topic as if nothing happened. He said, "sister-in-law, you seldom come to the palace. I'll show you around."

Bai Li Liang song didn't go to see Feng Chi Ming and nodded directly: "good."

While walking, they enjoyed the beautiful scenery and chatted. Of course, it was basically a conversation between Baili Liangge and fengchiyue

However, not far away, Baili Liangge saw bamojimi and Fengjing coming in their direction. Fengjing was still smiling and naive when he first saw him, which made bamojimi smile. Although he stomped his feet from time to time, his eyebrows were full of laughter.

"Princess, don't laugh. I'm telling the truth! If you want me to say, I dare not visit the palace with the princess next time. Originally, the scenery in the palace is very beautiful everywhere. But today, compared with the princess, I feel a little disappointed. "

Bamoji's beautiful eyebrow bent, angry at the sealing scene: "good, then you go."

Feng Jing's eyes turned around, and suddenly became normal: "that's no good. The scenery is always there, and beauties are not always there. They can't go without walking."

Bamojimi's face turned a little red. Rao is a woman of Yi nationality who is much more unrestrained than that of women in Central Plains. This sentence also sounds frivolous. Yinaxi quickly went to bamojimei and said, "Your Highness King Jing, how can you be so rude to the princess?"

Feng Jing looked at yinaxi strangely: "rude?"

BAMO Jimei quickly glared at yinaxi and said to Fengjing: "the maid has no form. Please don't worry about it. Your highness is just a slip of the tongue. It's my servant girl who made a big fuss."

Under this, Feng Jing was even more at a loss: "this king's every sentence, when did he slip a word?"


Bamojimei stamped her feet. She didn't know how to open her mouth. Suddenly, Fengjing said, "princess, don't you think the beauty I just mentioned is teasing you?"

BAMO Jimei didn't know how to answer the question more and more. Her face was slightly red, and Feng Jing looked at her with a smile: "well, to say it, the princess is indeed a beauty, or a big beauty."

Bamojimi's face was even redder, and she had heard many praises. But to speak so frankly and sincerely, Fengjing was the first one. In addition, Fengjing was also Yushu Linfeng and a good-looking talent. She was so proud that she couldn't stop being proud. She was about to speak, but she suddenly sighed: "Oh, but princess, Mo Not this way, the princess thought that this king was the first-class disciple? "

When she saw Fengjing, bamojimei was stunned for a moment. Fengjing pointed to a Canna not far away: "I mean her. This is a Canna from the western regions. Its flowers bloom into multicolored spots, which is very different from the general Canna. Therefore, this king said that it is not often seen. Alas, Princess..."

At the end of the closure, the princess seemed angry and angry. The meaning of the sound was too much to stop. However, bamojimi did not pay attention to him at this time. What she saw was three people standing in front of Canna, holding their fingertips together in an instant, and the smile on her face was also floating.

Fengjing also saw the hundred mile cool song and his party, and immediately came to greet him with great joy: "cousin, sister-in-law, sister Chi Yue, do you come to visit the garden?"

BAMO Jimei bit her lip gently and went up to see the ceremony: "prince, Princess and sister, Princess Chiyue." Although he called out three people, BAMO Jimei's sight was always on Feng Chi Ming's body.

Bai Li Liang Ge took a look at Feng Chi Ming and found that the latter had no intention of dealing with people, while Feng Chi Yue seldom spoke in front of outsiders.

Bai Li Liang Ge sighed in his heart and nodded his head, which was a greeting.

Feng Jing didn't seem to notice the embarrassed atmosphere. He came up to him with a smile: "sister-in-law, why don't we go together?"

"No way!"

"No way!"

The original master of Baili Liangge didn't speak yet, and two "no" came out from her side at the same time. Bai Li Liang Ge's face was rather strange. She took a look on the left and one on the right, and thought that she was really a brother and sister. She had such a good heart!

Ordinary people will feel embarrassed when they are rejected directly like this. Fengjing just flattens his mouth and complains: "cousin, sister Chi Yue, I will not bully my sister-in-law. How can I not talk to her?"

Feng Chiyue's face was not as thick as that of Feng Chi Ming. He felt helpless and said, "King Jing, we are going in the opposite direction. Now my brother and sister-in-law and I are going to the same place that you have just passed. Does cousin want to take the princess again?"

"Well," Feng Jing thought for a while and then laughed again: "sister Chi Yue is still thoughtful. The king and princess will go first."

Feng Chi moon nods.

Fengjing then looked at the hundred mile cool song: "sister-in-law, I'm leaving."

Bai Li Liang song also nodded. Feng Jing looked at Feng Chi Ming again: "cousin, I'm leaving."

No one paid attention to him.

Feng Jing touched his nose and stepped forward.At the moment of wrong body, Baili Liangge heard bamojimei smile in her ear.

Bamojimei and Fengjing went all the way. For some reason, Fengjing did not continue to introduce the scenery along the way. However, bamojimei was worried and didn't notice this. They walked out of the distance in silence. Bamojimei looked back and found that there was only one back of the three people in Baili Liangge, which disappeared soon.

Bamojimi's lips were slightly raised, and a cold light flashed in her eyes. When she turned to look at Fengjing, she quickly returned to her normal state. She looked at Fengjing apologetically and said, "Your Highness king, thank you for accompanying Jimei for such a long time. Next, Jimei wants to walk alone, so..."

King Jing is good at understanding people and smiles: "well, it happens that I have some business to deal with, so I will not accompany the princess. Biyan, you stay to guide the way for the princess and take good care of the princess. If there is anything wrong with the princess, I only ask you."

The servant girl who has been following King Jing Fu's body: "yes."

Bamojimi nodded with a smile.

Waiting for the king to go far away, BAMO Jimei suddenly said, "I have been walking for a long time, and I'm thirsty. I want you to get some water for this palace."

"Yes, princess," she said Look again to Bi Yan: "this elder sister, the princess wants to drink water. Would you please take me there?"

Bi Yan half lowered his head, but did not move: "but princess, this palace is too big. Where will the maidservant go to look for the princess?"

BAMO Jimei impatiently looked at Bi Yan and pointed to a pavilion nearby: "there, this palace is waiting for you."

Bi Yan took a look and said, "yes."

and other Western and Bi Yan went far away. Bamujimi looked around and found no one else. He walked directly to the corner not far away, where a palace eunuch dressed man was waiting respectfully and saw bamujimi coming over, half bending down the small voice of the body: "please ask your royal highness to come along with your servant."

Bamojimi nodded, looked back again, and walked with the eunuch to a secluded side room.

Baili Liangge three people in the palace about a circle, did not expect a stroll actually strolled for an hour, Baili Liangge way: "Chi Yue, let's send you back to Xiangyu palace."

Feng Chi moon nodded and sighed: "time flies so fast."

Don't know why, Bai Li Liang song heard a tight heart, can't help but comfort way: "Chi Yue, later I and Wang Ye will often come to see you."

The voice dropped, but even the hundred mile cool song itself was stunned. The inner garden deep palace is not like the palace, which can not be seen if you want to see it. Feng Chiyue obviously knows this, but she doesn't say much, just smiles: "good!"

Feng Chi Ming raised his eyes and looked at Feng Chi moon, but Feng Chi Ming quickly avoided it: "let's go."

Looking at the back of Feng Chi moon, Feng Chi Ming's eyes are deep.

After a short time, they went to Xiangyu palace. Fengchi moon was about to open her mouth, but she saw a servant girl coming over in a hurry: "princess, it's bad. Something happened to the palace."

Feng Chi month frowned: "what happened?"

The servant girl raised her head slightly and was about to open her mouth. Yu Guangming, the corner of her eyes, suddenly swept to Fengchi Ming and was shocked: "King Ming Wang You... "

Feng Chi month motioned to the servant girl not to be nervous and said, "little green, it's OK. You can say it slowly."

Little green still stammered: "that That side room There are Someone Steal ***Say it's It's the king of Ming The emperor and the ladies are going there. "

Speaking of "* *", the little servant girl's face turned red, and finally her head was deeply buried.

"Brother?" Feng Chiyue looks strange to see Feng Chi Ming, but also looks strange to see a hundred miles cool song, Feng Chi Ming all the way with them, how?

Bai Li Liang song smiles and looks at Feng Chi Ming: "go and have a look."

Feng Chi moon hesitated slightly and nodded. Feng Chi Ming did not make a sound, but followed the body side of Bai Li Liang song.

Xiao green trotted along the way and led the three people to a remote place. The more they walked, the more familiar Baili Liangge felt, and her eyebrows could not help wrinkling. When she saw the plum grove on one side and the flowers nearby, Baili Liangge suddenly realized that this was not the place where Baili Yimo wanted to frame her?!

Feng Shui turns, today, Feng Han Xuan actually used a hundred Li to foam that kind of cruel moves.

It is said that this place was specially built by the emperor for the use of the exhausted imperial concubines. Now it has become a resort? I don't know what the emperor's expression will be

Many people have been surrounded outside the side room, pointing to the inside, but no one has rashly pushed the door open. After all, the matter involves the king of Ming, and no one has the courage to touch the evil of sealing Chi Ming.

Hundred miles cool song approached, canthus can not help but jump, this inside the people are really bold.

Baili Liangge couldn't help but smash his mouth. He pulled a woman watching the scene and asked in a low voice, "Hello, this girl, do you know who is inside?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!