The woman didn't even take a look at the hundred Li Liang, but all her attention was on the room in front of her. She replied impatiently, "who else is that Yi Princess and King Ming?"

Bai Li Liang Ge's eyes widened: "my lord?"

"Your home..." The woman casually took a sentence, suddenly the reaction came over, suddenly looked up at the hundred mile cool song, the latter smile at her like flowers.

"Ah The woman screamed, then jumped four or five steps: "you, you..."

Before "you" came out, the woman saw Feng Chi Ming beside Bai Li Liang song, and a bigger scream came out: "ah! King Ming

Baili Liangge couldn't help rubbing her ears. The woman's explosive power was really strong. After the woman's disturbance, everyone's eyes shifted from the room in front of them to the three people of Baili Liangge. To be exact, it was transferred to Feng Chi Ming's body. Countless pairs of eyes glared at his Royal Highness, as if to see a hole in the King Ming.

Isn't King Ming in there? Why are you here?

Since King Ming is standing here, who are the people inside? And it's all so familiar.

Bai Li Liang Ge and Feng Chi Yue stood still on both sides of Feng Chi Ming and took his arm.

It has to be said that these two are people who know his royal highness very well. His highness would not like to be looked at like this. He would be angry. If he was angry, he might kill people

However, for a long time, Feng Chi Ming did not move. Bai Li Liang Ge couldn't help but peek at Feng Chi Ming secretly, but saw the latter looking at her with a faint smile in the corner of his eyes.

Baili Liangge couldn't help blinking. Why, she seemed to feel that his highness was in a good mood?

His royal highness was in a good mood and slowly approached the ear of Baili Liangge: "my princess."

Bai Li Liang Ge's face turned red. It turned out that Feng Chi Ming was happy because she said "my Lord". Baili Liangge couldn't help stroking her forehead. How did she feel that her Lord was really naive?

They all watched in silence. It is said that it was the protagonist of the event, his highness King Ming! I couldn't help looking at each other.

At this time, the emperor and empress, as well as the king and imperial concubine of the Yi nationality, also arrived at the side room. The emperor, with a gloomy face, strode over and said, "what's the matter?"

People, look at me, I look at you. The emperor saw Feng Chi Ming and frowned: "ming'er, are you here? What's in there? "

Feng Chi Ming arched his hands and looked cold: "how can I know this king?"

Feng Chi Ming's tone was extremely impatient, but the Yellow Emperor didn't care or even investigate him. He was the only one who dared to be so rude to the emperor.

The emperor snorted coldly and put out his hand to the side room: "come on, knock this door open for me. I'd like to see what kind of life is. Dare to spread rumors and slander the Ming king and the cholera palace!"

The queen couldn't help but look at the princess. There was a faint satisfaction in the bottom of her eyes. Seeing this, the Queen's hands in her sleeve couldn't help holding them together.


Several guards came forward and kicked the door open. Because of the excessive force, a door fell down, and the scene in the room was clearly presented in front of the public.

In the room, the two figures were entangled. Although they were not as white as a flower, they were almost exposed. Many of the girls' wives gave a "ah" and turned red.

The hundred mile cool song was very interesting, but he couldn't help but curl his mouth. Just now hill didn't know how much he enjoyed listening outside, but now he knew he was shy.

The two men seemed to have strong lust. Even the sound of knocking down the door did not wake them up. The emperor was furious: "come on, bring two buckets of ice water!"


After a while, someone came over with two buckets of ice water. The emperor did not hesitate to order: "pour it!"


The icy water soaked in her body finally restored some sense to the two people in the room. Bamojimi saw the dark crowd outside. Although she was shy, she was very happy. She quickly got up to tidy up her clothes. The man in her body also quickly turned over. After thinking about it, she still stood in front of bamojimi to cover part of the spring for her.

BAMO Jimei was so happy in her heart that she called out: "Lord..." Then he raised his head, but when he touched the face, he was so shocked that he cried out: "how How can it be you

The emperor had already been impatient to wait outside. When he saw that the two people inside were still grinding, he said angrily, "don't get out of here!"

At this time, the bodyguard came forward and caught two people, and quickly brought them to the emperor.

When the public saw clearly the two people's faces, they were in an uproar.

"How could it be king Xuan and Princess Yi? How could they... "

Feng hanxuan knelt down in front of the emperor without saying a word. Bamojimei bowed her head and knelt down in front of the emperor. The emperor was so angry: "you You How could it be you

Bamohbao was also shocked: "Jimei, how could it be you?"Bamojimi was so ashamed and angry that she gnawed her teeth, but she didn't know what to say.

The emperor looked at the two people kneeling on the ground and roared angrily: "son of adversity, tell me clearly."

Before Feng hanxuan opened his mouth, BAMO Jimei snatched: "emperor, father, Jimei has been drugged, wuwuwu..."

The emperor and bamohbao looked at each other. Seeing that bamojimi was crying out of breath, the emperor looked at Feng hanxuan: "evil son! Say it

Feng hanxuan bowed his head: "back to my father, my son's ministers took a walk in the imperial garden with several ministers after the banquet today. Soon a eunuch came to see the son minister and said that Princess bamojimi had something to tell her, so he followed the eunuch. He didn't go far. He realized that he was wrong and wanted to ask questions, but suddenly he lost consciousness. When he woke up Just That's it... "

The emperor was so angry that he kicked Feng hanxuan: "evil son!"

Feng hanxuan was kicked to one side and spat blood in his mouth. The emperor's kick was not light, but Feng hanxuan knelt down in front of the emperor again, as if waiting for the fall.

The imperial concubine looked at bamojimei and cried incessantly. After thinking about it, she went to hold bamojimei in her arms and gently comforted her: "good boy, don't cry. Xuan'er will be responsible for this matter."

Giba didn't want to cry.

Feng hanxuan took a look at bamojimi. His eyes turned to be firm. He raised his head to look at the Emperor: "father, this is the fault of the children's ministers. It is the children's ministers who are trapped by others. The princess is just the victim. The father punishes the children's ministers, and the children have no complaints!"

Feng Han Xuan is a Ling ran upright, looks like a gentleman.

"Before that, however, I would like to say a few words. Although this is the intention of the son minister, he has been fond of the princess for a long time. He is willing to and must be responsible for it. He is willing to marry Princess bamojimei as the imperial concubine of Xuan palace!"

The emperor Tieqing had a face and didn't open his mouth. Feng hanxuan looked at bamohbao again: "Yi Khan, this matter is my king's stupid. I am willing to be responsible for it. If Khan and the princess don't feel relieved, I'm willing to die to apologize!"

Bamohebao looked at Feng hanxuan, and his eyes changed. He suddenly pulled out the sword from the bodyguard's waist and was about to scratch it towards his neck.

The imperial concubine was shocked: "xuan'er!"

At the critical moment, when he heard the sound of "Dang", the sword fell to the ground, but it was bamohebao who stopped Feng hanxuan. But Rao was so, and a blood mark was drawn on his neck.

The imperial concubine breathed a sigh of relief, and Feng hanxuan's back was also soaked in cold sweat. Although he was playing a play, if no one came to rescue him, his sword would be saved because he was afraid that he would be able to save him. After all, he would be a king of Yi nationality!

Fortunately, he bet right!

Feng hanxuan looked at bamohbao: "Khan, you..."

Bamohbao sighed and patted Feng hanxuan on the shoulder: "what should my daughter do if you die?"

Feng hanxuan's face was ecstatic: "Khan means to marry the princess to this king?"

BAMO hepao took a look at BAMO Jimei. In fact, he was interested in Feng hanxuan at the beginning. However, BAMO Jimei fell in love with Feng Chi Ming. He wanted to comply with his daughter's wishes, but he didn't want things to develop like this.

He had already inquired that among the emperor's sons, fenghanxuan might eventually become the next emperor. If so, bamojimi would be the queen, and his daughter would be the destiny of the mother!

Maybe it's all doomed.

Palmehbao looked at the emperor, and the meaning was self-evident.

However, before the emperor opened his mouth, bamojimi made a fuss: "no! I don't want to! I don't want to marry King Xuan! "

This words a, many people changed their faces, hundred mile cool song in one side looked at the dark face of the Feng hanxuan, disdain to turn the lips.

Feng hanxuan's wishful thinking, hundred Li Liang song is clear, not to mention Feng Chi Ming? On the surface, he helped bamojimei seduce Feng Chi Ming, but he constantly seduced bamojimei. Finally, he calculated that bamojimei would lose her reputation in front of the public. Is this his favorite?

If this is the heart, the love of the cold Xuan is destroyed.

BAMO Hebao glared at BAMO Jimei and said, "Jimei, don't make a fool of yourself!"

BAMO Jimi cried a lot. The mouth still calls out loudly not: "Wu Wu Wu Wu..."

Feng hanxuan took a look at the emperor and BAMO Jimei, and said in a deep voice, "father, my son and I want to talk to the princess alone."

The emperor looked at bamohbao. After all, it was the Royal fault. Bamojimi was the daughter of others, and he could not be in charge of it.

Bamohbao nodded.

The queen quickly dismissed the people. After all the people had left, the emperor led bamohbao to leave. The queen, the imperial concubine and a number of maids were also separated.

For a time, only fenghanxuan and bamojimei were left here.

Feng hanxuan took BAMO Jimei's hand and whispered, "I'll give you an account of this matter. If you don't want to continue to be surrounded by people here to watch the good play, follow me."BAMO Jimei glared at Feng hanxuan fiercely and stood up with him reluctantly.

Two people went into a small bedroom in the side room together. As soon as they went in, BAMO Jimei slapped Feng hanxuan fiercely: "cheater! Didn't you say you would bring Feng Chi Ming for me? How could it be you? "

Feng hanxuan touched the red mark on his face and looked at bamojimei with sadness in his eyes: "if I said, I was also calculated, do you believe it?"

BAMO Jimei wanted to say that I didn't believe it, but her eyes touched the pain of Feng hanxuan's eyes. In her mind, she immediately recalled the warm white clothes she had seen. She gave advice in the green sleeve building and cared for her from time to time. Those three words were stuck in her throat and couldn't spit them out.

"Well, what the hell is going on?" Palmer Jimei's face was cold.

Feng hanxuan thought for a moment: "I guess, it is very likely that the hundred mile cool song has seen through our plan and turned our army into a trap!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!