"Hundred mile cool song?" BAMO Jimei was stunned: "how to say that?"

Feng Han Xuan came close to BAMO Jimei and stopped in front of her frown and lowered her voice: "do you still remember our plan?"

Palmer Gimmerton gritted his teeth in anger: "how can't you remember! You said that you would light Mi Xiang in that room and let me wait there, and then you would ask someone to bring the king of Ming, but it turned out that you were not the king of Ming, but you! Do you mean it, you say

BAMO Jimei said more excited, can not help kicking Feng hanxuan two feet, fenghanxuan by her kick, just look at her motionless, BAMO Jimei was seen more and more angry, turned his head: "don't think so I will believe you!"

Feng hanxuan grinned bitterly, and suddenly pulled the shoulder of BAMO Jimei and looked at her squarely: "do you really hate me so much?"

BAMO Jimei frowned and looked at Feng hanxuan: "what do you want to say?"

Feng hanxuan stares at bamojimei's eyes and says word by word: "do you really prefer to marry Feng Chi Ming as a concubine, rather than marry the man who can't live to be 25 years old, and you don't want to accept me?"

Feng hanxuan's eyes are scarlet, and the pain hidden in her eyes is not like pretending. Palmer Jimei's heart is palpitating. Is fenghanxuan really in love with herself?

BAMO Jimei had no time to think about other things, but Feng hanxuan had already let her go and staggered back two steps: "OK, I understand, very good!"

Feng hanxuan once again took a deep look at BAMO Jimei: "I profane, let me take a good look at you before I die, just one eye."

After saying that, Feng hanxuan suddenly turned around and looked at the back of Feng hanxuan. A little panic suddenly rose in bamojimei's heart. She could not think how much the fear actually accounted for. She said quickly: "wait a minute! What are you going to do? "

Feng hanxuan's body was stiff, but he didn't look back: "does the princess have any instructions? I am already a man who will be. If the princess has any orders, I will die forever

BAMO Jimei bit her lip, and thousands of thoughts flashed in her mind. These days, Feng hanxuan has been asking for her kindness and kindness. She asks herself, isn't she really moved?

The answer is No. BAMO Jimei knows that since the day when she touched her next to her, he has stayed in her heart. She didn't dare to admit it or didn't want to admit it before. But in fact, moving the heart is moving the heart, which can't be changed.

In addition, I have only heard the rumor that Feng Chi Ming can't live to be 25 years old, but she didn't think it was true. At that time, she didn't care. But now she thinks that Feng hanxuan is right. If she marries Feng Chi Ming, does she have to live a little when she is young?

And there are Baili Liangge, Rao is bamojimei has always been conceited, but also very clear that he can not cross the Baili Liangge in a short time.

Instead of going to the Ming Palace to be bullied by Baili Liangge, it's better to marry to xuanwang's house. At least, she is the imperial concubine! In the future, if fenghanxuan becomes the emperor, he will be the queen of mother Yi's world. Just a hundred Li cool song, it's not how she wants to pinch it! Damn hundred mile cool song, dare to calculate her! She will never let her go!

Now the most important thing is that now she and Feng hanxuan have married each other, and they have witnessed it. Even her father is a witness. If she does not marry him, who can she marry?

Thousands of thoughts flashed, in time is just a moment, BAMO Jimei two steps to look at Feng hanxuan's back: "do you really want to marry me?"

Feng hanxuan slowly looked back, and his voice was bitter and astringent: "nature!"

"Would you like to marry me if you didn't have today's events?" she continued

"I..." Feng hanxuan was silent for a long time, then began to speak: "I think, I know that this may make you suspect that I arranged today's affairs, but I don't want to deceive you. Maybe you think that Ming Wang's mansion is the first time we met. In fact, it's not. As early as the day you entered the palace, when you passed through the Royal flower garden, the beautiful shadow was reflected in my heart. I tried to keep my heart, but I did not want to deceive you Failed, when I know you want to marry my cousin, not me, do you know how painful my heart is? But compared with myself, I don't want to see you unhappy, so I help you and help you at all costs. Today's ending is unexpected. I'm... "

Feng hanxuan words have not finished, BAMO Jimei has caught his collection: "don't say, I understand! I I will marry you

Hearing what he finally wanted to hear, Feng hanxuan's eyes did not have the ecstasy of bamojimi's imagination, but when he turned around and was stopped by bamojimi, the smug mood in his eyes spread without any scruples. The corners of his lips lifted slightly, and Feng hanxuan hugged bamojimei.

BAMO Jimei did not know, from the beginning, this is a bureau, is the fenghanxuan deliberately set to lure her step by step to jump down the Bureau.

Bamojimi is a princess of the Yi nationality. Although the Yi people are located in the border areas, they are rich in materials and have a very strong army. Although they are not comparable to the military power of Fengchi Ming, if they can get the support of the Yi Khan, it will be the best help for him to seize the throne.

He had thought of bamojimi for a long time, but he didn't have a chance. Now, in order to show the diplomatic relations between the two countries, bamokhebao has brought bamojimi to visit Daqin Kyoto, which is an excellent opportunity! How can he let go?Feng Chi Ming's power is big enough. Although he supports himself now, it does not mean that he has no guard against Feng Chi Ming. BAMO Jimei can only marry himself!

There is also a reason why Feng hanxuan himself is not willing to admit that he is jealous of Feng Chi Ming. Feng Chi Ming has already had a woman like Bai Li Liang Ge. How can he be attracted by a beauty like the princess? He will never allow it! He wants to prove to all people, he Xuan Wang will never be worse than Ming Wang!

Feng hanxuan cleans the tears for bamojiemei. At the moment, bamojima looks extremely shy and droops his head slightly. Feng hanxuan fondly touches her hand and says in a warm voice, "it's not convenient for you to meet people now. I'll call the maid to wash you, and then we'll go to the Imperial study and ask for the emperor to marry him."

BAMO Jimei nodded obediently. Feng hanxuan was smiling again and turned out of the door.

After half an hour, Feng hanxuan also changed her clothes. They looked at each other and laughed, and went to the imperial study hand in hand.

In the imperial study.

The emperor was in the upper seat, and bamakhpao was the first to sit down, facing the queen and the imperial concubine.

The empress looked at the princess who could not stop her complacency. She hated her teeth more than once. She slowed down a step and even let her concubine take the lead!

The imperial concubine is in a good mood, and she doesn't care about the eye knife that the queen floats from time to time. If not for the face of the Yi king and the emperor on the throne, she really wants to hum two songs to express her joy.

No one opened his mouth to speak. The needle could be heard in the imperial study.

Feng hanxuan and bamojimei pushed the door into the room in such silence. There were eunuchs waiting outside the house, saying that they could enter directly without passing.

The emperor saw the hand that Feng hanxuan and bamojimei held together, and his eyes jumped. When Feng hanxuan and bamojimei entered the small bedroom, he did not go far away. The slap in the face was loud and tight!

BAMO Jimei and Feng hanxuan looked at each other, went to the middle of the study together and knelt down. Qi qikowtowed: "the son minister asked the father to marry the son minister and the princess."

"Ask for a marriage from my father."

The emperor and bamakhpao looked at each other, but their faces were gloomy. The emperor looked at them faintly: "give marriage? Do you want me to marry you when you are in full view of the public? I still want to punish you severely. "

Feng hanxuan suddenly raised his head and knelt down in a hurry and climbed forward two steps: "father emperor, all this is not about the princess. It's the children's ministers who have been trapped by others. Please be aware of it!"

BAMO Jimei hesitated for a moment and then said, "emperor, this time Jimei has been drugged, so in fact, it can't be All blame his highness

Bamojimei's voice became smaller and smaller, but the emperor and the imperial concubine couldn't help laughing. The emperor deliberately put on a straight face: "Oh? Trap, who set the trap? "

"This..." Feng Han Xuan hesitated for a moment: "I don't know my son's minister!"

"I don't know?" The emperor patted the table: "hum! I don't know if I want to fool the past. How dare you

"Father emperor!" Feng hanxuan's body was shocked and he kowtowed in a hurry: "this matter is the fault of a child minister. If the father wants to punish him, he will punish him!"

Seeing Feng hanxuan knock his head "bang bang", the imperial concubine was distressed. She took two steps to hold Feng hanxuan: "silly son, your father is making fun of you. Why are you so hard?"

"Ah?" Feng hanxuan looked at the imperial concubine stupidly. Seeing this, the imperial concubine could not help but cover her mouth and smile. Then she looked at the emperor and said, "the emperor."

The emperor laughed, but he didn't ask Feng hanxuan to get up. Instead, he looked at bamohebao: "king of Yi nationality, are you satisfied with my son?"

Bamohbao stood up and saluted the Emperor: "his highness, King Xuan, is a real man who has responsibilities. Xiao Wang is extremely satisfied."

Nowadays, bamohebao is also happy to see the ugly things become happy. Although bamojimi's reputation is damaged, it has a good end result. In Yi people, it is easy to see that the Yi people do not strictly abide by the rites like Daqin.

"Ha ha ha, just be satisfied. Xuan'er, I haven't seen my father-in-law yet!"

Feng hanxuan's face appeared a touch of ecstasy, turned and kowtowed to bamohebao: "my son-in-law has seen your father-in-law!"

Bamohbao nodded with satisfaction.

Seeing Feng hanxuan still froze on the ground, the imperial concubine couldn't help but poke his arm: "what are you doing? Don't you care if you help the princess to get up and kneel like this?"

Feng hanxuan stupidly and stupidly laughed, looked at the emperor, and the emperor nodded with a smile.

Feng hanxuan hurriedly went to BAMO Jimei and held her shoulder: "Jimei, get up."

"Well." BAMO Jimei gently answered and stood up along the strength of fenghanxuan, but she lowered her head in shame and did not dare to look at people.

Bamohe couldn't help sighing: "my daughter is used to being wild since childhood. This is the first time Xiao Wang saw her show such an expression. It's still true that you people in Central Plains are right. Women can't be left behind."

"Father Bamojimei was coquettish and angry, and her ears were slightly red."Ha ha!" Bamohebao laughed and leaned over fenghanxuan: "Your Highness, the daughter of Xiaowang, please take care of her!"

Fenghanxuan didn't dare to accept the ceremony and avoided it on his side. He said, "father in law, don't call me your highness. Just call me xuan'er. You can rest assured that I will treat Princess Jimei well."

Bamohbao smiles with satisfaction.

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