Chapter 31

"It's a coincidence." Li Han's meaning is unidentified of open mouth say.

He looked at Lin Xiang's chest with his eyes.

Because just now Lin Xiu sprinkled the spareribs soup on Lin Xiang's neck. At this time, the collar on his chest was looming. Li Hanzhi's eyes were staring at Lin Xiang's chest.

Lin Xiang seemed to be aware of something. He followed Li Hanzhi's line of sight, quickly covered his chest collar with his hand, and said with disdain: "Mr. Li, is Miss ye not satisfied with you? Why are you so unruly in front of your brother and girlfriend in public

After hearing Lin Xiang's words, Li Hanzhi looked at Lin Xiang in his eyes and said, "I'm very harmonious with Wan Wan's nightlife. I don't need Miss Lin to worry about it."

Lin Xiang's heart was numb at this time. Even when he heard Li Hanzhi's words, he didn't feel half uncomfortable. He just nodded clearly.

Lin Xiang recognized the facts two years ago.

"Then Mr. Li, I'll go ahead." Lin Xiang motioned to Li Hanzhi to take his hand, but Li Hanzhi didn't seem to hear it. He just looked at Lin Xiang and didn't move.

Lin Xiang turned around impatiently and looked at Li Hanzhi, because it was summer, and the bowl of spareribs soup just now was extremely greasy even though it burned less oil and salt. At this time, Lin Xiang only felt that the place where he was drenched by the spareribs soup was very uncomfortable and greasy.

At this time, I just want to go home and take a good bath, and then change my clothes.

But this man seems to be against himself, and he won't let himself go.

Lin Xiang's tone is also impatient: "Li always have what advice?"

Li Hanzhi slowly took back his hand, put his hand into his trouser pocket and said slowly, "I heard that you've been in trouble?"

Lin Xiang frowned at Li Hanzhi. Did this man come here just to ridicule him?

However, this is also in line with Li Hanzhi's attitude towards himself.

"What? Li always wants to help me? " Lin Xiang is just a joke.

Originally did not plan to Li Hanzhi will speak again, but did not expect Li Hanzhi said: "can help you."

Now Lin Xiang came to see what price Li Hanzhi wanted her to pay.

She would not be so naive that the man who hated himself to the extreme would help himself so kindly, unless she had something for him.

Lin Xiang is also very curious about what else she can do.

"Tell me about your terms." Lin Xiang left in no hurry at this time, just waiting for Li Hanzhi's words.

After hearing Lin Xiang's words, Li Hanzhi said frankly, "I hope you can leave Li Xuhong."

It turned out to be this condition. Unfortunately, Lin Xiang didn't need Li Hanzhi's help.

Maybe I will agree without hesitation.

Lin Xiangqing cleared his throat and said: "the conditions proposed by President Li really make people feel confused, but I am clearly the girlfriend of the young master of the Li family, and he can help me. Why should I ask Li Er Shao for help? I have no reason to leave such a big backer. " The last sentence Lin Xiang said in a voice.

After that, Lin Xiang had a mocking smile on his face and watched Li Hanzhi prepare to leave.

Li Hanzhi's face is quickly gloomy. Is she so greedy for wealth? Is Li Xuhong so reluctant?

Thinking of this, Li Hanzhi felt a surge of anger.

He grabbed Lin Xiang's arm with a bloodthirsty smile on his face.

Lin Xiang looked frightened, but still calm and said: "Li Hanzhi, what do you want to do? Don't forget that I may be your sister-in-law in the future. Please pay attention. "

With that, Lin Xiang threw away Li Hanzhi's arm. Li Hanzhi never went up to stop Lin Xiang from leaving.

After returning to the apartment, Lin Xiang took a clean bath and felt much more comfortable. It was not too early to watch the event. After making some lunch, he was ready to go to Lishi.

According to the agreement with Li Hanzhi, we should go to Li's to sign the contract today.

So Lin Xianghua a light makeup, wearing a professional suit came to the Li group.

Standing downstairs, Lin Xiang only thinks that here is a new journey for her to make Li Hanzhi pay the price.

He came to the front desk and said he had an appointment with Li Hanzhi. The front desk checked the computer for a while and soon put Lin Xiang in.

"Miss, take the elevator over there. The president's office is on the 59th floor."

Lin Xiang nodded, said thanks and took the elevator to the 59th floor.

Out of the elevator, someone had been waiting for her outside.

This person Lin Xiang knew was the secretary who tied Li Hanzhi's tie at the airport that day.

Lin Xiang couldn't help but look more, while the secretary was embarrassed to smile.

Some things Lin Xiang is not confused, that day the Secretary in the airport for Li Hanzhi tie look, she can see, the secretary is to Li Hanzhi moved.Because her expression at that time was the same as that of Li Hanzhi four years ago.

But what does this have to do with you?

Lin Xiang carried cloth with the secretary came to the president's office, the Secretary knocked on the door, let Lin Xiang in.

When entering the president's office, Li Hanzhi didn't look up, just looked down at the contract on the desk.

After a while, Li Hanzhi seemed to have reacted and watched Lin Xiang put down his pen.

"Sit down, please." Li Hanzhi rubbed his eyebrows wearily.

If Lin Xiang had seen Li Hanzhi like this before, he would have been distressed for a while, but now Lin Xiang has no more waves in his heart.

"Mr. Li is very busy. I don't want to beat around the bush with you. I'm here to sign an equity transfer agreement." Lin Xiang said straight to the point.

Li Hanzhi put down his hand rubbing his eyebrows and raised his eyes to look at Lin Xiang. His eyes were very deep. He didn't know what Li Hanzhi was thinking.

"This equity agreement can't be signed today." After Li Hanzhi's words were finished, Lin Xiang's mind suddenly exploded.

What does this man mean?

"Mr. Li, what do you mean? Do you want to go back? " Lin xianglue asked anxiously.

Maybe Li Hanzhi is really afraid of poverty.

Li Hanzhi just took a sip of the coffee, which had been cold for a long time. He frowned and said, "it's not because I want to go back, but because of Miss Lin yourself."

Lin Xiang didn't understand what the man meant.

So he said, "what do you mean?"

Li Hanzhi said, "Miss Lin, are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid?"