Chapter 32

Lin Xiang frowned at Li Hanzhi and said nothing. She knew that this matter would not be so smooth at all.

Lin Xiang whole body taut looking at the man in front of him, hands on the desk, looking at Li Hanzhi.

"In fact, I think you have thought of it, Miss Lin?" Li Hanzhi said slowly.

Lin Xiang was speechless and said suddenly, "it seems that ye jingwan is just like this in general Li's heart."

Now Lin Xiang has no way, can only continue to use the method, stimulate Li Hanzhi, she now just want to quickly sign the contract.

The last time she used the provocative method, Li Hanzhi agreed to give her 3% of the shares. This time she used it again. Maybe Li Hanzhi would sign the shares for her.

But this time, it seems that it's not very smart. Li Hanzhi's mouth has a disdainful smile: "Lin Xiang, you really haven't made any progress? Do the same for me a second time? "

The disdain of Li Hanzhi's mouth made Lin Xiang know that this time it was not working, but he was still steady and continued to say: "but Li always ate this set of food, isn't it?"

After all, ye jingwan is so important to Li Hanzhi.

"But Miss Lin, you forget one thing. I can choose not to sign it." Li Han's face was expressionless and supported his chin, looking at Lin Xiang's words.

No sign? Lin Xiang's eyes became a little complicated when he looked at Li Hanzhi.

Perhaps because of the tension, Lin Xiang only felt a damp feeling in his palm.

Lin Xiang loosened his five fingers, looked at Li Hanzhi and said, "Mr. Li, this is regret?"

Li Hanzhi snorted: "I will not regret what Li Hanzhi said. I promised that day, and I will sign with you. But it's not now. After all, I've given you my shares. You're involved in a lawsuit. It's not good for Li. " Li Hanzhi stopped to look at Lin Xiang.

Then he continued: "I can't ignore Li's family for the sake of a little Ye family. I can help them with my feelings, and I can help them without hurting myself. At this time, when you enter the Li family, the stock market is bound to be turbulent. So why should I bear unnecessary losses and consequences for the Ye family? After all, I need to be wise. "

Li Hanzhi's words can be regarded as an answer to Lin Xiang. In fact, Li Hanzhi's words are in the end. After all, it is his personal interests that hurt her 3% shares.

Although Li Hanzhi is now the president of Li's company, it's just a puppet president who is controlled by others.

If the interests of the company are damaged, he will be hard won by the board of directors and Li Dongchuan. He will not abandon everything for the sake of a Ye family.

Even if ye jingwan is his wife.

"So I listen to Mr. Li's meaning, let me settle the existing lawsuit and sign a contract, right?" Lin Xiang looked up at Li Hanzhi's face and said slowly.

Li Hanzhi just said faintly: "it seems like this at present."

Lin Xiang contacted Li Xuhong when he came out of Li's family. Originally, he didn't want to contact him, but he still hoped that Fu Chen's problem could be solved out of court.

After all, she wants to make a quick decision. The longer she delays, the more uneasy she will be.

"Want to solve it earlier? It's not easy to do! "

Lin Xiang hears Li Xuhong's careless words on the phone and frowns.

"Li Dashao, what do you mean? Don't forget that we have a cooperative relationship. " Lin Xiang reminds Li Xuhong.

To tell the truth, Lin Xiang did not like Li Xuhong very much. He was too gloomy and uncertain.

She couldn't see through what he was thinking at all, and could easily stir up other people's anger. She hated this kind of people who couldn't see through.

Make her feel like danger is always around.

But she had to rely on this man. After all, this man was the only one who could help her.

"Girlfriend, don't be angry. I don't mean I won't help you. See you at the glamour bar tonight. "

After Li Xuhong finished, he hung up without waiting for Lin Xiang to speak.

Lin Xiang stared at the mobile phone for a long time, but still put it away, looked back at Li's building, then straightened his back and left Li.

At half past midnight, the dark clouds were low and heavy in the air, and Lin Xiang came to the charming bar.

Originally she was very hesitant to come here, after all, the last time Li Xuhong called her to the bar, almost let Liu Chenghai give strong.

This time, Lin Xiang hesitated.

But just hesitated for a while, Lin Xiang decided to go in.

After all, I have reached this point. Now only Li Xuhong can help me.

Of course, she also believes that maybe Li Xuhong will not do anything to her this time.

When I came to the bar, just like last time, someone was waiting for her.As soon as she came in, a waiter came over and took her to a card seat without saying a word.

Compared with the box, Lin Xiang prefers to stay in the card seat and the hall.

After all, it's not good to have a large number of people in this hall. Besides, if the situation is not right, she will run away immediately. After all, there are a lot of fish and Dragons here. It's not easy to find someone.

When I came to the card seat, I saw that Li Xuhong was sitting by himself, while a man with strong momentum was sitting opposite.

Although the light was dim, Lin Xiang recognized that it was Fu Chen.

Although I didn't expect Li Xuhong to make an appointment with Fu Chen, he quickly walked over.

He forced himself to calm down.

She remembered that day.

Moreover, that day was also because of Fu Chen. After she left, she was almost beaten by a little gangster. Thinking of the chest injury here, she felt a little faint pain.

Fu Chen looked up and saw Lin Xiang, then he was stunned.

Looking at Lin Xiang's eyes are dangerous squint up, and then looked at the side of Li Xuhong said: "Li Dashao, you come to me today is for Lin Xiang that thing?"

Fu Chen said straight to the point, looking at Lin Xiang's eyes are some of the light staring at the prey.

Li Xuhong just smiles and says nothing. He reaches for Lin Xiang's hand, gently pulls her to his side and sits down. He ignores Fu Chen's question. He just interacts with Lin Xiang gently: "have you eaten yet?"

Although Lin Xiang didn't know what Li Xuhong meant, he nodded.

At this time, Li Xuhong and his usual life were just two people.

Fu Chen only felt a burst of anger. What does Li Xuhong mean.