
Lin Xiran glanced at what kind of eyes, and he knew that neither of them was a good person.

Coldly said: "What kind of routine?"

The liar leader told the whole story, one to five to ten.

"What? Jiang Chen owes you 200,000? Why?"

"Because I touched porcelain and ran into him!"

The liar leader was justified.

Lin Xiran: "..."

Smiling Tiger, Chu Chu: "..."

This person, the brain is not very smart, Yazi!

Is it possible that you are a fool?

"What about you? What's the matter with you?"

Lin Xiran simply stopped talking to the fool, and turned to Smiling Tiger and Chu Chu.

"Well, we have evidence to prove that it was what they ordered and what they ate this time!"

The smiling tiger said confidently.

"I know the evidence. They ate the food. But the food on your table actually costs 1.32 million? What kind of restaurant is this? Is it a black shop?"

Lin Xiran solemnly said, "What is the relationship between you and Jiang Chen?"

"Sister Police, this woman is Jiang Chen's girlfriend! My lover!"

The head of the liar screamed with anger: "She, Jiang Chen are in the same group! They join forces and lie to me! They want to lie to me more than one million! They are fan care!"

Lin Xiran and the police, listening to the person touching the porcelain, were taken to the restaurant by Jiang Chen and owed more than one million yuan. They couldn't help but laugh secretly~~

Can't hold it anymore!


"Hey! Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand!"

Chu Chu angrily shouted, "I'm not Jiang Chen or any girlfriend at all, let alone a lover, I'm just going to lie to him."

"I'm a fan! I'm looking for a lover, come to our restaurant to eat, and then cheated them of the high price."

Chu Chuyi was stern, angrily hitting the leader of the porcelain liar, with an expression of "I am not, I don't, don't talk nonsense".

The liar leader of Pengci: "...Relations, this is the flood of water rushing into the Dragon King Temple, the family does not recognize the family?"

Laughing and crying~~

Smile and laugh, just cry!

Because I really ate more than one million.

"Madan, you really are a meal tray? I was cheated!"

"You don't give money, don't want to go out!"

The two groups of scammers became more excited as they talked, and finally started fighting.


Lin Xiran looked on coldly.

After a wave of fighting, both scammers were injured.

More than a dozen people were taken to the hospital.


Waiting for them will be more than 3 years in prison...


Jiang Chen hummed a little tune and went to Li Xiyuan's house.

"Husband! Are you okay?"

Li Xiyuan was very nervous, pulling Jiang Chen to watch for a long time.

Jiang Chen smiled: "What can I do?"

"You didn't give a penny, so you got back all over?"

Li Xiyuan exclaimed.


"How did you do it? Why didn't you get rid of the Pengci Group without paying?"

Li Xiyuan is too curious.

"No, I just took them to have a meal, and I left. They should be having a good meal now, right?"

Jiang Chen smiled: "They won't come to trouble anymore."

In fact, Jiang Chen knew their identities from the beginning.

Lin Xiran was also informed by Jiang Chen in advance that neither of the two scam gangs could escape!



With the increasing number of Jiang Chen stories, although Jiang Chen is deliberately low-key, he will inevitably attract the attention of some people.

"Didu Daily" social page editorial department.

A short-haired, shrewd and capable female reporter, Shen Sichen, is compiling a document.

Shen Sichen is the ace female reporter of the "Emperor Capital Women's Newspaper"!

Although she is only 25 years old, in the past few years, she has often gone deep into the frontline of events and reported some sharp issues, and even went deep into the frontline reports of ZZ and conflicts abroad. She quickly accumulated huge popularity and prestige and was hailed as the "Chinese Rose" .

Her interview and reporting style is direct, pungent, and bold. She will not succumb to pressure easily and dare to report the truth, which has also caused a lot of controversy.

On the information, the photo is amazing~~Jiang Chen!

Some of Jiang Chen's recent actions in public are all sorted out by Shen Sichen and recorded!

Although these materials are from Tianchen Security Company beside Jiang Chen, all sensitive information has been filtered out after careful screening. It can be said that the information that can be found publicly is the tip of the iceberg.

But after ace reporter Shen Sichen's sorting out, some of Jiang Chen's hidden clues were gradually unearthed.

"A little security guard, but has so many assets?!"

Shen Sichen was flipping through the photos one by one.

On Jiang Chen's profile, there are photos of his various assets. Among them are Jiangjia Community and Financial Center Building.

Shen Sichen was a little confused.


The more I dig, the more I am scared.

The more I look, the more confusing.

If you don’t see it with your own eyes, it’s really unbelievable.

A small security guard has so many assets!

Shen Sichen became more and more interested in Jiang Chen and decided to interview Jiang Chen.

Call first to make an interview.

"No, no."

Shen Sichen put down the phone and said in deep thought, "If I interview you directly, he will definitely not admit that he is rich. How can this work?"

"I have to think of a way to make a surprise interview on the spot!"

"In this way, he has to admit that he is a rich man disguised as a pauper!"

Shen Sichen wanted to expose Jiang Chen's "poor man" disguise and let Jiang Chen reveal his true identity.

"Huh! There is so much money in this world, but you have to pretend to be poor? I look down on this kind of person the most."

"I want to rush him and suddenly appear in front of him, so that he can't deny it!"

"That's it!"

Shen Sichen became more proud.

It's almost time to get off work.

She drove quickly to the location of Jiang Chen's company.


Shen Sichen jumped out of the car, took the photographer and the machine, and rushed to Jiang Chen.

At this time, Jiang Chen was patrolling with the captain and Shazhu, and he was about to leave work.

"The security guard!"

Shen Sichen pretended to look like Jiang Chen he didn't know: "Can I interview, can I ask you some questions?"

"Just ask."

Jiang Chen said lightly.

"How much do you earn a month?"

"More than 4,000, what's the matter?"

Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Then do you think it is difficult for a security guard like you to live in the imperial capital?"

Shen Sichen began to routine Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen thought for a while: "Let's live, let's go sloppy. You can basically eat whatever you want."

"you're lying!"

Shen Sichen suddenly turned his face and pointed to Jiang Chen: "You only earn more than 3,000 yuan a month. You can eat everything as a security guard? How is it possible? As a reporter, I want to eat more than 20,000 yuan a month. You have to plan carefully. You say, who are you?"

She took out a photo of Jiang Chen eating at Xinrongji, and said loudly: "Why can you eat at the most popular restaurant in the capital?"

Jiang Chen was taken aback by this female reporter's question, took a look at the photo, shook his head and said, "You are mistaken. This is someone who invited me to dinner. How can I have the money to eat there?"

"Someone invited you to such a high-end restaurant?"

Shen Sichen was full of disbelief, hehe sneered: "Do you think this reason is credible? Why is no one invited me to eat there?"

Jiang Chen said indifferently: "Anyway, my friends, people are rich, and they speak nicely. Every time they invite me to various dinners, they don't need money~~Believe it or not."

His voice was not over.

I saw Zhuo Ming, Chairman of Guodu Securities, came out of the office building and saw Jiang Chen with a look of excitement. He ran over and said, "Brother Jiang! I invite you to the French restaurant [Champs Elysees] tonight? "

Shen Sichen was dumbfounded at that time.

The Champs Elysees French Restaurant is the top French restaurant in the Imperial Capital!

In that restaurant, the asking price is extremely high!

A meal, not 10,000 yuan, can't come down.

how? Is this security really invited him? Invite him to dinner every day?

"its not right?"

Shen Sichen did not believe: "There is no reason why this chairman would invite you a little security guard to eat? Why can you eat such expensive meals? What special status and skills do you have?"

Jiang Chen glanced at Zhuo Ming.

Zhuo Ming snorted coldly: "My brother is very popular! I like to invite him to dinner! Why? No?"

Shen Sichen: "......"

Confused on the spot!

Jiang Chen smiled and said casually: "No way! Kind people will always have good luck!"

He got into Zhuo Ming's car and galloped away.

Only Shen Sichen and the photographer are left behind, messy in the wind~~

Hemp egg!

Shen Sichen: (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻!

The soul is pale!

This kind person always has good luck

Blind Jier nonsense!

This Jiang Chen is obviously pretending to be a criminal!


She drove, chasing Jiang Chen fiercely.

As a result, after chasing, there was a yellow light in front. Jiang Chen and Zhuo Ming drove past. She also wanted to run the yellow light, but turned into a red light and was stopped by Jiang Chen.

"Hey, stop."

The police came over and issued a ticket: "Running a red light, 6 points deducted, 500 fine!"

"Isn't it?"

Shen Sichen exploded his lungs, why am I so unlucky?


The next day, she went to Jiang Chen again for an interview.

This time, the question to be interviewed is Jiang Chen's real estate.


Shen Sichen said angrily: "Even if someone invites you to dinner, this may happen, but how did you come from the Financial Center Building on Financial Street? This building is worth tens of billions! Don't try to fool me, I have already investigated. , You are the owner of this building!"

Who knows~~

Jiang Chen listened and said with a smile: "This is also a misunderstanding! Because my building is a gift from someone else!"


Shen Sichen fell.

She got up in desperation and angrily said: "You are an insult to my IQ! Do you think I would believe it? A mansion worth tens of billions, others will give you? Hahaha, do you think I am stupid? Why no one Give it to me?"

Jiang Chen said earnestly: "Because I am handsome, I am loved by people, flowers are blooming, and cars are punctured! Do you understand? I said, good people are rewarded! People like me are given away. Is it difficult to understand a building?"

Shen Sichen: "..."

I believe you... a ghost?

Do you think I would believe this old gratitude story of fifty cents?

"Did you help the old lady to cross the road, but the old lady gave you a building to thank you?"

Shen Sichen sneered and said, "Don't insult my IQ! It's an individual, I know it's impossible!"

Jiang Chen said indifferently: "I said that I have a good temper and a good personality, so the good will be rewarded for the evil and the evil will be rewarded. If we do more good things, naturally there will be good results waiting for me. You wait~~"

At this time.

A trembling old lady was about to cross the road.

Jiang Chen didn't think about it, so he helped the old lady up and crossed the road.

The old lady was grateful: "Young man, you are awesome. There are so many children and grandchildren in my family, and no one comes down to chat with me. Well, is it a hard work for you as a security guard? Me and nothing else Good for you. Then, you can pick one of these office shops."

She took out a lot of real estate certificates from her pocket!

Shen Sichen, he was dumbfounded for an instant!

Me, I wipe~~

what's going on?

Could it be that the plots only seen on TV and movies are going to be repeated here?

Jiang Chen declined: "Yeah, Grandma Yang, you don't have to thank me so much. I should go back to work. I don't want any of these houses."

Shen Sichen is messy in the wind~~

When have you seen such a grandiose grandma?

If I knew that this old grandma was so arrogant, could I help me personally?

This, is this unscientific?

Did I have any misunderstanding about helping the old lady?

Is this the correct way to open it?

The grandmother became a little angry and said to Jiang Chen: "You kid, you helped me across the street yesterday. I said that all the shops in the street will be given to you, don’t you! Today you helped me cross the street again, I want I asked you to pick a shop, don’t you want it? What do you want to do? Don’t pick one quickly? Otherwise, when I get angry, I will give you all the real estate in the family!"

Jiang Chen: "..."

Shen Sichen: "..."

Doubt about life!

Suddenly deeply doubt life!

Is it really a human being with such good luck?

Shen Sichen: I feel the injustice of fate! There were many misunderstandings about life in the past!

Jiang Chen had to reluctantly finally accepted a shop, and then the old grandma turned her anger into joy and left.

Jiang Chen wiped his sweat, and said helplessly: "See? I have worked very hard every day to refuse the old grandma to give me real estate, but who made me repay me, the popularity is too good? I can't stand it for too long. Tomorrow, I will walk around the old lady, otherwise she will give me so many houses and shops, I really can’t stand it!"

Shen Sichen: "..."

Suddenly want to hit someone, what should I do?

"Well, let's not mention your shop! You own a community, how do you explain it?"

Shen Sichen airway.

Jiang Chen started talking nonsense seriously: "That's right, whose family hasn't ordered a family property? Hasn't the ancestors passed it? No, my ancestor of the Jiang family left a mansion, but it passed to me and it was ruined. It’s a coincidence that I caught up with the demolition of the town government, and forcibly divided me into 10 buildings~~"

Before Jiang Chen's words fell, Shen Sichen was already on the street!

10 buildings?

It's all rounds!

Shen Sichen hugged herself aggrievedly and almost cried.


These amazing wealth, in the hands of Jiang Chen, are so calm and calm, walking in the courtyard, how come to me, so thrilling?

Could it be~·

Is it true that as Jiang Chen said, good is good for evil and evil is rewarded?

Is he just fate?