Chapter 606 The Mundane Life

Name:Biohuman Author:
The school week went by quickly after Calis joined the crew in their home. The group was nice to Calis, asking him the usual questions and getting comfortable with his face. Manny practically drooled for Calis. He definitely wanted whatever Calis was hiding underneath that prim and proper suit look.

Calis would drive some of the group to school while one of the other drivers would drive the rest. Calis followed Keng everywhere. He gathered more attention then Keng wanted. All of his teachers were informed of Calis and his duties with "Lee Seng." He would sit in the classroom if there was an extra space and listen in on the lectures. If there wasn't space, he would sit outside and use his phone.

It was fairly boring and students and young teachers, alike, would walk up to Calis and chat with him. Everyone seemed to be very interested in the sunkissed blonde. Keng had to physically tell himself to not groan whenever he saw Calis. It would make Ritsuka question what was wrong and make others think he didn't want Calis there. (Which was true; He didn't want Calis there at all.)

Calis quickly grew interest in the Specialization classes at the end of the day. He found the Fighter Classes to be quite interesting. The students would drool over him and Mr. Icarus could direct Calis where to go everyday. Calis quickly offered his services to help Mr. Icarus and Ms. Winters.

The students were shocked when Calis summoned shadows and did that day's demonstration. They all liked him and Keng grew more agitated by it.

The end of the school week was finally here. Keng let out a sigh of relief as he came to a stop. He was sweating and Ritsuka was coming to a stop next to him as Calis stood guard.

"Calis, you sure you don't want to join us?" Ritsuka asked.

"I'm fine. You two enjoy your extra training." Calis politely declined. He was good at the bodyguard thing. Keng wiped the sweat off his face with his baggy shirt as he looked at Ritsuka.

"You wanna do anything else?" Keng asked. "We only ran for like forty-five minutes. We could do some sparring or something."

"I think you should rest, dude. You keep wanting to push extra workouts in. We already do one before school starts. Why do you want to push yourself more?" Ritsuka asked.

'Because I'm being watched and swamped with mundane things to do…' Keng answered in his head. Ritsuka leaned down and snagged his water bottle and took a long gulp of it.

"Ah. Hits the spot." Ritsuka smiled. Calis's phone buzzed. He pulled it out and answered it.

"Hello?" Calis answered the phone. He said a bunch of "mm's" and "yes, sir" until he finally said goodbye. He stuck the phone into his coat pocket and looked at Keng. "Dr. Valentin wants to see you for a quick check up. We should head that way before dinner."

"You should go." Ritsuka motioned. "I'll wait for you."

"Ugh, I guess." Keng sighed.

The two headed back with Calis in tow. They changed and headed to Calis's car and was taken to the First Year building. Calis pulled up to the front of the Hospital Wing entrance and looked at Keng and Ritsuka.

"We're here, sir." Calis announced. Keng unbuckled and sighed.

"I'll be back soon. Don't park here." Keng told Calis.

"Yes, sir."

"See you in a bit." Ritsuka waved. Keng opened the door and waved goodbye before stepping out and shutting the door. He moved into the hospital and was greeted by one of the Nurses at the front desk.

"Hello. Are you here to see Dr. Valentin, Lee Seng?" The Nurse asked.

"Yup." Keng nodded.

"You can go to the usual spot." The Nurse motioned to Keng's right. Keng nodded and thanked the Nurse and headed to Dr. Valentin's office. It took him some time and some failed turns, but he eventually reached Dr. Valentin's office. Keng spent about forty-five minutes going through the check up.

Dr. Valentin commented on similar things the other "doctors" had. He had indeed gained weight — to be precise, muscle — and energy. Dr. Valentin told him to not push himself so hard and allowed Keng to leave. Keng waved, saying goodbye to the doctor as he closed the door and headed back to the front.

He stepped outside to the cold and spotted the car. He jogged over and opeend the door, stepping into the warm car.

"Hahaha! That's actually really cool, Calis." Ritsuka chuckled. "I should take you up on that offer. I didn't think you'd be a workout junkie like me and Lee Seng."

"Mmm, I am." Calis smiled. "I might take you up on that offer if Lee Seng lets me."

"Why do you need my permission to do things?" Keng asked. "Just do 'em if you want to. There's plenty of space to workout for the three of us."

"True." Ritsuka nodded. The car reversed out of the spot and slowly moved out of the parking lot and moved back to their house. "So, what did the doc say? Are you all good? Nothing wrong?" Ritsuka gave Keng a knowing look as Calis flashed a look at them.

"Gained muscle and energy like I told them before." Keng replied. "Doctor Valentin says my energy has pretty much settled into what it'll probably be for the rest of my life. Extending the energy is up to me now. Other than that, there really isn't else to mention."

"Did he clear you for jobs?" Ritsuka asked. "Cause we should probably do your hours."

"We? You want to do them with me?" Keng raised an eyebrow.

"The whole team will do it! It'll be good for all of us to get actual team experience with you in it. I gotta warn you though, I think we're pretty much getting in sync with each other at this point. We just gotta squeeze you in there now."

"Hmmm, so it'll be chaos again?" Keng asked. Ritsuka cracked a smile. "That doesn't help me in the slightest, Ritsuka. The two chatted all the way back home. Calis pulled into his spot in the driveway and came to a complete stop and park.

"So, is that a yes or a no?" Ritsuka asked as he popped out of the car.

"He didn't say no." Keng replied, closing the door with his things in his arms. "We could go tomorrow or Sunday if the group wants to."

"Let's ask!" Ritsuak smiled, running to the door. Calis followed behind Keng as Ritsuka furiously ran the door.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Calis whispered to Keng.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I'm practically at my best anyways. Gotta tackle this somehow." Keng replied.

"I mean… I guess I should've worded that better." Calis grabbed Keng and turned him around. "When are you going to start digging for clues?" Keng bit his lip and looked at Calis's hand on him. "Oh, sorry." Calis pulled away.

"I haven't gotten anything worse than the nightmares. If it gets worse, I'll start looking a little harder. I just —" Keng sighed, shifting in his spot as Ritsuka loudly greeted Olivia and stepped inside. "Just give me some time. I gotta act the part first then we can start looking. Plus, I thought we were on the same page about using Akio's dude for help."

"Y-yeah, I guess you're right. I just thought you were going to look on your own too. Y'know time's ticking for you, literally. You could turn into a monster at any moment."

"Thanks for the reminder." Keng sighed. He patted Calis on the shoulder and slightly turned away. "We'll start looking once Akio gets back to me. I'll devote time into that and… I might get some extra help."

"W-what? Extra help? Who's gonna help you?" Calis asked. Keng smiled as he headed inside. Keng would withhold that information until it was necessary for Calis to know. Something Calis quickly learned as he followed his 'boss' inside.

The house was loud with laughter as Calis entered. Keng was slipping his shoes off and heading over to the noise as Calis shut the door and locked it behind them. He slipped his shoes off and started up the stairs when Evan flagged him down.

"Hungry? We're about to eat, Calis." Evan pointed.

"Thanks. I'm gonna change first." Calis told him. Evan nodded as Calis climbed the stairs to his room. Evan moved into the kitchen. Ritsuka was trying to snatch some new baked good that Liz had made. Olivia and Manny were howling as Ritsuka chased after Liz like a rabid dog seeing a treat.

"Oh my god. I didn't think you'd be that interested in dessert!" Liz screamed.

"Give me it! I've heard this is the best thing ever and I'm mad I didn't get some last time!" Ritsuka shouted. He caught up to Liz and managed to snatch part of the brownie from her hand and throw it into his mouth.

"Why didn't you just grab some from the pan?" Keng questioned. Olivia laughed harder as she agreed.

"Why didn't you do that? You get so hyper focused!" Olivia chuckled.

"Mmmm! It's good!" Ritsuka's eyes lit up.

"Come on. Everyone's home now. Let's set up the table and eat!" Manny clapped.

"Yes, Captain, sir~" Liz sassily answered, sticking her tongue out at him.