Under the broken sky, the boundless earth is crying, countless ground fires are surging out, greedily licking the air on the ground, the boundless sea turns into a sheet of water and flies out of the sky, countless creatures are swallowed up by various natural disasters, and the real doomsday is between the heaven and the earth.

The murderer who caused all this is the ten demons standing between heaven and earth.

In the middle of the ten demons, a man stood proud with the baby boy in his arms.

"Surrender, you people should not disappear in this universe. As long as you surrender, you will be the emperor of the human race. It is no different from the past, is it? And your beloved wife and children do not need to be buried with you, killing two birds with one stone"

a demon God with three heads and six arms and a black sun on his back looked at the man and comforted him.

"Chihuyan, have you heard of the surrender of our people?" The man looked directly at the ten demons, with a lonely sneer on his mouth. His clothes and robes were calm and spontaneous. The bright purple universe could erupt like a volcano. In the blink of an eye, a Dharma that was bigger and more majestic than the ten demons appeared between heaven and earth.

"Come on, let me see what progress you have made over the years. Don't be rubbed on the ground by me like I did in those years." the man was indomitable and arrogant. Like his ancestors, he faced the whole universe with a knife and did not shrink back.

A look of pity and appreciation flashed in the eyes of the three headed and six armed demon. Then his eyes were full of murderous spirit. Since the man was not willing to surrender, he must die here, or the layout and planning of tens of millions of years would be in vain.

"It's a pity that there will be only nine blood veins left in the immortal level in the main universe from now on"

"fight, the ten days will split the sky." the three headed and six armed demons roared and threw the black sun into the air. After the black sun hung in the sky, the top ten demons made a lot of moves, and countless dazzling lights flooded the world.


the nine suns are hanging in the sky, the earth is cracked and the sky is collapsing. The boundless sea water and soil pour into the void, and the breath of destroying everything is filled in this space-time. In the background of the end of the day, ten demons as big as stars stand on all sides, blocking all the time and space, the past and the future.

Surrounded by these demons, the man holds the baby boy in his arms and stands proud with his broken sword. His lonely figure reveals his infinite attachment.

"Xingyun wants to have a good meal and live a good life in the future. Even though he has to cut through the thorns, he has to go out of his own way and grow up to be a man with a firm mind and a clear conscience"

"I really want to hear you call 'dad'"

the man looked down at the sleeping posture of the baby boy gently, and his resolute and handsome face showed great apology and tenderness.

"It turns out that Dad's selfish, and then Lu dad can't go with you"

with infinite attachment to the man, he burst out the last strength in his body, just like the extermination scene of the hundred million trillion stars in his eyes.

The next moment, time in this piece of time and space is about to end the flow of time and space, the ten demons are like insects and boars in amber, can't move immediately.

The colorful light door appeared out of thin air.

When the light door opened, a strong man with a pair of flip flops and a slacker on top came out.

"After the nebula please you" the man will not give up the baby boy to the strong man.

"Don't worry, there is an old man in this universe, few people can find this little guy's trouble." although the strong man dressed casually and lazily, he was domineering and showed his arrogance and defiance.

After the strong man took over the baby boy, time flowed again. When the ten demons saw the strong man, he immediately turned his eyes and roared: "star thief king, didn't you say that you would not participate in the war between us? Do you have to break your promise and break your promise?"

the strong man disdained the baby boy and put up a middle finger with an unknown meaning to the ten Demons: "speak to the star thief, when you go out Have you forgotten your brain? "

After the strong man ridiculed, his head did not return to hold the baby boy into the light door.

"Star robber king, you shameless villain, leave" the ten demons were furious, and hundreds of millions of magical powers broke out together and went towards the light door.

After seeing the strong man disappear, the man breathed a sigh of relief, and the arrogance of the world returned to the young father again

"next, it's your turn to talk about your heart." the sword soared in the sky, and the dazzling brilliance again submerged the space-time.


The whole Union, 13904021 events, happened.

The earth, the star of the origin of the human race, which was forbidden by the ancestor emperor of the human race in the depth of infinite time and space, has been discovered.

The mystery that has perplexed the origin of the Terran for hundreds of millions of years is about to unveil the mysterious veil. For a time, hundreds of millions of historians and strong men across the Starry Sea came to this legendary land.

With the boiling of the whole universe, the earth is also lively. This time, the "alien" has really appeared on the earth, and it has also announced in a high-profile manner that the earth will soon be under the jurisdiction of Noah Federation and become a member of the family of hundreds of millions of people.On the shore of the East China Sea, a small wooden house stands quietly here.

Compared with the noise of the outside world, the hut looks extremely cold.

In this cold hut, a young man sat idly in it.

Li Xingyun, a teenager suffering from severe mental illness since childhood, is facing the most important choice in his life.

"I, my brain is sick. Really, my brain is really sick, and it's not the kind of disease that can be cured by taking medicine and injection. It can't be cured at all. So now I've decided to end my life today to look for the so-called "truth" in my mind.

Li Xingyun recorded this passage in her notebook and picked up the dagger next to the notebook.

It was a black dagger, a non gold and non jade dagger, with no trace of human carving.

Now this dagger is the only proof that Li Xingyun's closest relative has stayed in the world.

In fact, his mind was full of illusions, and he didn't even know whether the closest person really existed or whether it was just an illusion made up by his own brain in his mind.

Now he is determined to find the so-called "truth" by ending his life.

When the dagger was stabbed by a dagger, it didn't go into his chest, and the pain spread all over Li Xingyun's body. On his deathbed, he suddenly pulled out a heartfelt smile on his painful expression. Before he died, he finally saw the figure he had been dreaming of.

"Let's gamble on an infinitely wonderful future and the" truth "you want, my Sao Nian"

an old man with white hair and strong body appeared in front of Li Xingyun's "corpse".

The gorgeous cardigan, colorful beach pants, and a pair of flip flops make the old man look as leisurely as on a beach holiday. However, the wild and unruly arrogance between the eyes is enough to make any ferocious murderer shiver in front of him.

With the appearance of the old man, the dazzling brilliance blooms from the young body, and when the glory disappears, the young figure disappears in the room.

"Next, it's time to meet old friends for a while"

after Li Xingyun disappeared, a proud smile broke out of the old man's mouth. A pair of tiger eyes looked out of the window at the sky, as if seeing through the endless starry sky.

At this time, a stroke of sunlight broke through the dark clouds and fell on the only photo in the house. The photo was bathed in the midsummer sun, and finally the contents of the photo were clearly seen.

In the photo, under the blue sky and white clouds, the old man stands on the beach in a straw hat, a gorgeous cardigan and colorful beach pants. His face full of years is full of silly laughter. He is spoiling xiaoxingyun's hair in his left hand, while xiaoxingyun looks at the old man with a silly smile on his face,

while his right hand is standing in the air, as if he is also in the air Fondly rubbing another child's head, but the hand is empty, so that the original ordinary photo shows unspeakable strangeness.

"The soul with strong emotion residue detected"

"spirit attribute: Terran, age: 16 years"

"location: Noah Federation, Phoenix domain, galaxy, origin star earth"

"target soul meets the collection standards"

"application for collection"

"successful application"

"collection in progress"

"collection successful"

space time intersection In the mysterious place of fork, a voice without emotional fluctuation is constantly ringing.

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