"My name is Li Xingyun"

"I, my brain is sick, really, my brain is really sick"

"ever since I was young and excited, I would have all kinds of hallucinations in my mind"

"and every night I dream, I can see the tragedy of ten monsters killing the world"

"three days ago, my world was overturned and I was raised My grandfather left a pile of "last words" and disappeared "

" yes, it's not missing, but disappearing. It just disappeared in front of my eyes, just like a washed ink painting, from the beginning to the end. "

" and the last words left by my grandfather told me that whether it was the destruction I saw in my dream or what I saw when I was awake All kinds of hallucinations are true, but these "truths" are not on earth "

" my unreliable grandfather made me make a choice, a choice related to life and death "

" finally, I committed suicide. According to the "last words" left by my grandfather, I killed myself with the dagger named death declaration "

" then I appeared in this place - the black prison University "

the dark green blackboard, neatly arranged desks and lockers in the corner are ordinary classrooms that can't be used in ordinary classrooms.

In the classroom, Li Xingyun and other seven people were imprisoned in their seats and couldn't move.

"Cheep Ah "

the old wooden door was pushed open, and a man in a brown leather hat and a gray mask pushed in.

"Hello everyone, I'm your future head teacher, Luo Xia"

the man walked slowly onto the platform and introduced himself with a hoarse voice. The purpose was to follow his words, and the black marks appeared on the gray mask.

Under the changing ink, Rorschach pulled out a strange smile.

"You may be surprised why you are here"

"now let's look back on the past"

"you all died once?"

Luo Xia, with a smile on her face and a plain tone, always wants to avoid the reality.

Death is not a good experience. There has always been a great fear between life and death.

People who have died once will have a lot of changes in their mentality, personality, even outlook on life and world outlook. Perhaps the most significant change is the fear and taboo of death.

Now Luo Xia points out directly, people's faces are not very good.

If it had not been confined to the seat, even the tongue could not move, I am afraid someone would have started to abuse.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the black prison University." Luo Xia raised his voice and raised his hands with a slightly trembling voice. This is the masterpiece of the gods, the paradise of the devil, and the destination of the dead. Here you will get a new life, where you can get all the things you dream of "

" endless wealth "

"countless beauties"

"even immortality"

"here you can realize all your dreams and realize all your wild hopes"

"now you only need to do one thing, that is to live, to live in the next entrance examination, as long as you live, everything is possible"

LUO Xia's hoarse voice seems to bring in the devil like temptation In the ears of all.

With the end of Luo Xia's speech, the harsh bell rang outside the classroom.

A sense of horror pervaded the classroom.

Under the frightened gaze of Li Xingyun's seven people, a large amount of scarlet blood suddenly permeates the dark green blackboard.

After most of the blood flowed into the space under the blackboard, several lines of blood red characters appeared in front of everyone. At the same time, a cold female voice without any emotional fluctuation sounded in the minds of ten people.

"Black prison college entrance examination begins"

"task world: Act 1 of apocalypse, zhushengfutu"

"task content 1, successfully survive for 30 days"

"task content 2, escort Xuanyuan Qiming to leave Y City and arrive in Merck defense line of H city"

"task content 3: Kill 500 ordinary zombies, 100 mutant zombies, and 10 butchers"

"“ Complete task content 1, reward 5000 points, 1 credit. 1 credit will be deducted for failure "

" complete task content 2, reward 2000 school points, 1 credit, no penalty for failure "

" complete task content 3, reward 3000 school points, 1 credit, no penalty for failure "

" after the examination, the negative credits... "

" wipe out "

" the transmission starts in ten seconds "

with the cold female voice falling, the blood dripping number At the same time, the old clocks and clocks on the blackboard that people thought had been damaged began to tick and tick.

"Live on, use all your strength to live, only those who climb out of hell are qualified to breathe the fragrance of the world." Luo Xia looked back at the bloody blackboard and laughed wildly.When the second hand returns to zero, a dark whirlpool suddenly appears in the center of the dark green blackboard, and people's eyes focus on it with the appearance of the vortex, followed by a whirling vertigo.

After the vertigo disappeared, they found themselves in a busy street, with high-rise buildings and bustling crowds.

Strangely, Li Xingyun's seven people in the middle of the crowd were completely ignored, and an invisible barrier completely isolated them from the outside world.

"Is this the world in revelation?" One of the seven looks like a high school student. She is very excited and looks at the world around her.

"If you look at the original appearance of the surrounding streets, you can't be wrong. Now the problem is How to make sure we're not in the virtual game world. "A tall, thin man looked at the world around him coldly.

"Apocalypse" is a classic game that I believe everyone has played. I believe no one will be bored. After saving all of us, we will "experience life" in the game. Besides, are you sure your injuries before your rebirth can be saved? "A man with gold glasses sneered.

"This brother's analysis is good. Before my rebirth, my last memory was hit by an antimagnetic motor car. In that case, I'm afraid my body would be hard to find. To say that the hospital can bring me back to life intact is just like a dream"

"that is to say, now we are really revived by the place called black prison college, and then we are put into the game "Now we should consider how to go back alive from this test"

a rich middle-aged man with simple and honest appearance said with a simple and honest smile. "I think we should get to know each other. After all, we will be teammates"

"I'd like to introduce myself first. My name is Yin Shi, an ordinary businessman in the forbidden area. Before his rebirth, he was bound to the rail track because he offended his brother on the road. Ha ha, after waking up, we went to the classroom, and we all know the things behind After introducing himself to the rich merchant, he looked at others with a smile.

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