The girl who looked like a senior high school student said excitedly: "Hello everyone, my name is xiuliyun. I am a fifth grade student from Noah Federation, Phoenix Xingyu, zulanxing and Mingjiu middle school. I met a traffic accident before my rebirth"

"my accomplishments are just in the communication period of martial arts three realms. I am good at playing various virtual games, especially in the book of revelation"

"I am a loyal fan of apocalypse I didn't expect to be able to come to the real world of revelation one day, just like a dream.

xiuliyun said in one breath and found that she seemed to be over excited, and her pretty face turned red.

"Yin Shi is right. I'm afraid we have to keep watch and help. My name is long li. I was born in Huilong emperor's Dynasty. I lost my hand in hunting monsters and died at the mouth of monsters. I died at the peak of the three realms of martial arts. If I'm good at something, I'll be fighting the same." the tall and thin man squeezed out a friendly smile. After introducing himself, he looked at other people 。

Gold glasses male face expressionless way: "Gao Xiongwei, Huilong emperor, the peak of the state in the period of washing marrow, good at killing people." after Gao Xiongwei finished, he looked at Longli with undisguised hostility.

Long Li looks at Gao Xiongwei with a face of muddle. How can he feel hatred when he is still good?

Looking at the "white dragon" stage, I'm good at the white dragon's face. I'm also good at killing people.

If Gao Xiongwei said that he was good at killing people in order to challenge the words of Long Li, there would be no sense of joking if the same words were said from Bai Qi's mouth. The murderous spirit that Bai Qi showed inadvertently made people fear from the bottom of his heart.

Finally, a tall, fleshy man with a stiff smile said: "my name is Chen Xiaoming, a member of the frontier expedition army of Noah Federation. I died in accidents while exploring unknown star regions, and was good at exploring and surviving in the wild"

Chen Xiaoming's words made other people turn their lips away, although he didn't mean to say his cultivation realm.

However, as long as people who are not blind can see at a glance that Chen Xiaoming's accomplishments are poor, I'm afraid all of them are at the bottom of the list. Even Li Xingyun, who has no idea how old he is, is a little better than him.

This kind of cultivation, not to mention the border area expeditionary army, even ordinary security personnel can not serve, such an obvious lie can still be said, it can only be said that Chen Xiaoming's thick skinned is really rare.

After the other five introduced themselves, they all looked at the smallest Li Xingyun. At this time, Li Yun Yun was still addicted to the strange things in her body.

"Why has my body become so small, and how does my heart have a cold current?" Li Xingyun, after entering the world of apocalypse, suddenly found that his vision was much lower. After careful inspection, he found that he had become "young.".

Before his rebirth, Li Xingyun was also a teenager, but he was also 16 years old. Now he has found that his body is at most a 12-3-year-old secondary school boy.

And the most strange thing is, chasing his heart, he felt a cold current constantly scouring his body, every time he could vaguely feel his body become stronger.

"Cough, this little brother, it's your turn." Chen Xiaoming, standing beside Li Xingyun, photographed Li Xingyun. He looked at him speechless. Anyway, he also made up a self introduction to fool him. How could Li Xingyun be too lazy to make it up? He was addicted to his own thinking and couldn't extricate himself.

"Well What's up? "Oh, by the way, introduce myself." Li Xingyun came to her senses and said with embarrassment: "my name is Li Xingyun. I live in Qingdao, Shandong Province. I'm very good at reading because of food poisoning.

Li Xingyun has just introduced herself.

Once again, the icy female voice came into the minds of the people.

"Transfer success"

"identity loading... Loading success"

"the shield will be opened in 10 minutes"

"wish you all, Wu yunchanglong"

suddenly, people suddenly found that a small piece of non-existent memory appeared in their minds. It turned out that the black prison high school arranged an identity for them in order to fully integrate them into the world of revelation.

"Is the first grade student in Longshan middle school? Unexpectedly, the University was very considerate and arranged a reasonable identity for us "

Li Xingyun quietly took out her pocket, and a student card in the shape of a card appeared in his hand.

"Pig killer? Why don't you give me a better identity

Chen Xiaoming sadly waved a pig knife that suddenly appeared in his hand.

The other several people have also checked their identity, the identity of Long Li is H city police, because visiting relatives came to y city.

Xiuliyun's identity is a middle school student in Y City, but she is not with Li Xingyun in Longshan middle school.

Baiqi and Gao Xiongwei are white-collar workers of a company in Y City, but their departments are different.

Yin Shi is a librarian in Y City."10 minutes? I think we have to make a plan as soon as possible. I don't know if you have any good ideas." after pulling the hatred for no reason, long Li didn't care about Gao Xiongwei and faced other humanitarians.

"I think many people have played this game! However, I would like to ask Miss xiuliyun to introduce it first. "She looked at xiuliyun with a big smile and said," so we can analyze the specific situation next "

xiuliyun blushed and shyly said:" Apocalypse is a virtual game that appeared in the union of Noah 3000 years ago "

" the background is the evolution of human technology Before the end of the road, Xuanyuan Qiming, the protagonist we all know, is also in constant struggle to survive and fight, step by step to untie the gene restriction in his body, and has burst out with incredible potential and combat effectiveness. Finally, he has entered the eyes of the whole Terran high-level, laying the groundwork for the later commanding the Terran to carry out a counterattack "

" this is the book of revelation and "all lives" The general game background and plot of "futu" , the fastest update of the webnovel!