However, the unprecedented opportunity is accompanied by an incredible crisis. The number of students enrolled in the black prison colleges and universities is countless every year, but few students can really graduate. The remaining few lucky people waste their time in the black prison colleges and universities, and the vast majority of the students often die in the assessment.

It can be said that from the University of black prison alive out of the world is either a genius, or a madman.

After learning about the cruelty of the black prison University, Li Xingyun can't help but see the expression of Baiqi's madness, and vaguely seems to have guessed something.

"The black prison college, the journey of the strongest and the purgatory of the coward, is really a wonderful place." after roughly understanding the information of the black prison University, Chen Xiaoming also breathed a sigh of relief. Up to now, he is still a little unbelievable. This kind of magical place that has never been seen in the novel actually appears in front of him.

"Interesting, interesting, absurd rumors in the family are actually true. Should I be extremely lucky or extremely unfortunate?" Long Li indulged in the shock brought about by the black prison college, his expression sometimes resentful, sometimes joyful, strange and ferocious.

After the four people roughly understood what the black prison University was, a pleasant female voice rising tone sounded in the classroom.

"Ding Dong, please report to the square for freshmen"

"Ding Dong, please report to the square"

"Ding Dong, please report to the square"

In the clear and pleasant prompt tone, Li Xingyun and others found that their bodies were completely out of control. They were stiff like puppets and walked unsteadily toward the classroom door.

After leaving the classroom, Li Xingyun suddenly finds that the figures of Ji Xiaoxi and Chen Xiaoming around her have become blurred. It seems that there is a fog that covers the whole body. It is hazy and can't be seen clearly.

At the same time, countless figures shrouded in fog come out from one classroom to another, like a group of zombies, come together in a rigid stride, and then follow the crowd forward.

Three hours later, a large square with no view of the edge, and countless figures shrouded in mist stood among them.

In the center of the square, a platform which looks like a pyramid cut by the waist suddenly appears. On the platform, a huge milky white light ball is suspended among them.

It seems that the pleasant rising tone of female voice comes from this sphere of light. However, strangely, the prompt tone appears directly in the ears of people as if ignoring the space-time distance. It does not increase with the approaching of people, nor does it decrease because of the distance.

After everyone stands in the middle of the square.

The cue tone disappeared, and everyone found that control was restored above the head, but the lower part remained stiff.

After moving her stiff neck for a while, Li Xingyun turns her head and looks around her eyes. Now he can't tell whether the man is Ji Xiaoxi or Chen Xiaoming.

"Xiao Xi, elder brother Chen..."

After trying to call twice, the people around him didn't respond at all. It seemed that those people were watching around.

At this time, Li Xingyun also responded, and the people around him could not hear him at all.

"At the beginning of the entrance ceremony of the black prison University, please get ready for the new students"

this time, the voice in everyone's ears is not a pleasant female voice, but an old male voice.

As the voice fell, the Milky light ball began to twist and change, and soon appeared in front of all three faces in three directions.

Among them, there are two female faces, one of which is beautiful but cold, the other one is warm as water but full of snake hair, and the last one is very old and looks like a ghost.

The cold female voice, the pleasant female voice and the old man's voice sounded in the people's ears at the same time.

"Hello, everyone, I am the president of the black prison University. From today on, you will enter the black prison university to study. Here, as long as you have enough credits, you can get everything you want. Here, as long as you have enough credits, you can realize all your dreams. Here, as long as you have credits, you are the king of no crown."

"the door to heaven has been opened to you At the foot is the road to hell. Try your best to live. "

after the triple tone falls, the cold female voice familiar to Lengyan women rings again.

"Those who have obtained more than three points in the entrance examination will be given a chance to choose a new class. Those who have obtained more than 10% of the credits in the entrance examination will be admitted to the special class and will be given the authority of one star group leader, The number of free resurrection * 1 "

" students with more than 100 credits can take the first grade upgrade examination "

" the students with more than 1000 credits can take the second grade upgrade examination "

" the students who have obtained more than 10000 credits can take the third grade upgrade examination "

" the students who have accumulated more than 100000 credits can take the grade three upgrade examination "

" the students who have accumulated more than 100000 credits can take the grade one upgrade examination " They can take the graduation examination "

" after obtaining the degree certificate of the black prison University, they can freely enter the black prison University and the plane world to which the black prison university belongs“"Now the random division of classes begins"

with the voice of Lengyan woman falling.

Everyone suddenly felt a whirl of the earth, and then appeared in the familiar classroom.

At the same time, Li Xingyun's ear heard the cold voice of a cold and gorgeous woman.

"Li Xingyun, a freshman, was randomly assigned to class 1024 in grade one"

as soon as Li Xingyun regained consciousness, she found herself in a familiar and unfamiliar classroom. The only difference between this classroom and the previous classroom was that a small milky white light ball like the "principal" was suspended under the ceiling in the middle of the classroom.

After Li Xingyun appeared, a little boy as big as a fight was staring at him with seven holes bleeding.

Before he could open his mouth, the little boy gave Li Xingyun a hopeless and miserable smile, and his whole head exploded. For a moment, scarlet mixed with milky spots covered half of the classroom.

"Yunyun, a student of class 1024 in grade one, died. Li Xingyun, a student of class 1024 in grade one, automatically inherited the authority of the public space of class 1024 in grade one and the difficulty of task concealment"

Li Xingyun looked at the sudden Horror Picture, and the terrible smile on the eve of yunyun's death was deeply imprinted on Li Xingyun's mind.

"Hiss, what's the matter? How can it make this disgusting"

two white lights flash by, and Chen Xiaoming and Ji Xiaoxi appear in the classroom.

But as soon as he appeared, he saw the headless corpse of yunyun and the inexplicable spots covered with half of the classroom.

Seeing the appearance of Ji Xiaoxi, Li Xingyun spits out a mouthful of turbid gas. Just stimulated by the picture of Yunli's death, he almost began to suffer from the disease. Li Xingyun saw the picture of the sea of blood flooding the whole classroom.

Fortunately, the timely appearance of Chen Xiaoming and Ji Xiaoxi pulled Li Xingyun back from the illusion. , the fastest update of the webnovel!