"I don't know! As soon as he came in, the head of the child named yunyun burst open, which was like making a thriller. "

Chen Xiaoming twitched at the corner of his mouth and said nothing. At this time, the body of the little boy and the red and white spots disappeared. The classroom was" clean "again, and everything seemed to have never happened.

However, Ji Xiaoxi's pale face reminds Li Xingyun that everything before is not an illusion that only he can see.

Chen Xiaoming reluctantly laughed.

"Dead or not, you don't know that after I was assigned to class 923, those people looked at me as if they looked at a lamb slaughtered."

"after that, I had an idea. I thought of a chance to choose a class and immediately came to your side, but I didn't expect to see such a frightening scene when I came here."

after Chen Xiaoming finished, Li Xingyun looked at me Ji Xiaoxi, Ji Xiaoxi also immediately nodded to indicate that he was also in the shift.

After thinking about it, Li Xingyun suddenly turned pale and asked the headmaster.

"Headmaster, what do you mean by automatically inheriting the right to use public space in class 1024 of grade one and the difficulty of task hiding"

the next moment, the icy female voice rings in Li Xingyun's ears.

"Since the last member of class 1024 died in the campus, Li Xingyun, a freshman of class 1024, automatically inherits the permission of class 1024 to use public space"

"the permission of class 1024 public use space includes primary training ground, primary manufacturing field and Primary Library"

"the access method of public use space is located at the small blackboard, please check by yourself"

"because 1 Li Xingyun, a freshman of class 024, automatically inherits the permission of class 1024 to use the public space, so it is mandatory to inherit the hidden difficulty of class 1024 tasks. After entering the task world, class 1024 will appropriately increase the task difficulty "

" note: after entering the world, the difficulty of the main task will be related to the strength of the students and the hidden difficulty of the class task "

" now, the hidden difficulty of class 1024 task is Li Xingyun's face turned white when they heard the principal's explanation.

After inquiring about the difficulty of the main task before, the three people's faces became more pale.

"The difficulty of the main task in the entrance examination before was just two-star level of martial arts. That is to say, people in the martial arts Tongmai realm can basically survive. But the next task will reach the planetary level. Doesn't it mean that we are dead?"

After Chen Xiaoming murmured, the whole person sat on the chair dejectedly.

Li Xingyun said with a bitter smile: "the difficulty of the entrance examination before should have been increased because of Xiuyun's betrayal. It is estimated that the three-star level of martial arts has been reached. In that case, the people in the state of martial arts washing marrow only have the ability to protect themselves. I think only the strong ones who have the highest level of the state of washing marrow and awakened their natural abilities can have the strength to pass the customs. We are also in the situation of dying for life Then I happened to kill the punisher "

" and then, we need to face the main task which is more difficult than before, facing the opponent who is more powerful than the punisher... "

Li Xingyun said that she felt hopeless, and her face could not help but feel a trace of despair.

"Brother Xingyun, let's go. You have another chance to choose your class again. Leave."

Ji Xiaoxi reluctantly looks at Li Xingyun. She knows that only in this way can Li Xingyun survive. Even if she is exploited in other classes, it is better than facing the desperate situation of death.

"No, you're here for me, and I'll never leave you even if I die"

under the stimulation, Li Xingyun's eyes turned red slightly, and the phantom of his brain began to swim away. Strange images appeared in his mind, and his brain began to work crazily at this time.

No matter what Ji Xiaoxi and Chen Xiaoming are for in this classroom, since the fate of the three is bound together again, Li Xingyun will never escape alone.

After a phantom like the green spirit jumped to the blackboard, Li Xingyun's crazy brain suddenly flashed.

"By the way, the headmaster said that it was because he automatically inherited the permission of class 1024 to use public space, so it was difficult to force the task of class 1024 to inherit. In other words, did the principal imply that the authority of public use space of class 1024 was powerful. I think the key to break the situation should be above the public use space of class 1024"

Li Xingyun explained on her own After that, I hurried to the small blackboard at the end of the classroom.

Chen Xiaoming is not so easily hit by "reality" after suffering. After hearing Li Xingyun's words, his eyes brightened and he and Ji Xiaoxi came to Li Xingyun's side.

At this time, Li Xingyun came to the front of the small blackboard, and suddenly felt a surge of enlightenment. The use of the small blackboard suddenly appeared in the memory.

A little unclear, so Li Xingyun put out a little blackboard according to the method in memory.

Ripple like waves spread out immediately. After the blackboard disappeared, three different colors of red, yellow and blue appeared in front of the three people.The three different names of primary training ground, primary manufacturing field and junior library appear on the red, yellow and blue gates respectively.

"The primary training ground consumes 300 learning points per day, the primary manufacturing plant consumes 200 learning points per day, and the primary library consumes 100 learning points per day"

"however, the time ratio of public use space to black prison universities is 10:1, that is to say, when you stay in public use space for 10 days, only one day is spent in black prison universities. Under the condition of minimum consumption of 1000 school points, I We can stay in the primary Library of public use space for 100 days "

" before, I found that black prison colleges and universities have to take classes every 10 days, that is to say, after 10 days, they will enter the new task world, and now there is not much time left for us "

" I suggest that we go to one of the three doors first to see if there is anything that can be improved quickly Our strength method "

after Li Xingyun finished in one breath, she looked back at Ji Xiaoxi.

After seeing two people nodding, Li Xingyun immediately went to push the Red Gate of primary training ground without saying a word.

Li xingyundun felt dizzy when his finger touched the Red Gate of the primary training ground, and then found himself in an extremely large open area.

Like the whole white marble floor that extends out of sight, the sky is slightly blue, but there is no cloud floating in it.

The whole space looks like a huge and incomparable blue bowl upside down on an endless piece of white marble. Strangely enough, the space without any light source is extremely bright.

After Li Xingyun entered the training ground, an insight reappeared in his mind as before.

"Is this training ground so convenient? There are dozens of scenarios that can provide screening "

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