However, the dilapidated dance hall did not last long. During the time when Li Xingyun sat down on the ground panting for breath, the dance hall returned to its original state.

"Roar If you dare to destroy your host's favorite dance hall, I will tear you "

the broken corpse of the werewolf pianist has been assembled and put back. After twisting his thick neck, he looks up with a terrible roar.

The host of the vampire also flew into the air, and the bat wings became wider.

Now the power of these two monsters has reached the level of warrior's marrow washing. Even if they are worse than Li Xingyun, they are not much worse.

In addition, his immortal body has become a serious problem for Li Xingyun and others.

"Yes, the magic node"

at this time, Chen Xiaoming's eyes flashed and looked at the inverted pyramid shaped chandelier on the top of people's heads.

The next second, a few invisible embroidery needles burst out in a circle of ripples, in the huge universe can indoctrinate, the embroidery needle expanded into a shuttle.

Then the shuttle broke through the air ahead and blinked before the chandelier.

Like the sound of broken mirrors.

The whole ballroom disappeared after a twist and the room darkened.

At this time, with the help of the light of the embroidery needle, Li Xingyun found that they were not in any dance hall at all, but in a shabby prayer room.

On the roof of the prayer room, a strange snake with countless amber eyes was hanging upside down.

At this time, two copper bell sized eyeballs on the strange snake's head were looking at Li Xingyun with cold eyes.

"Is this the thing that made the illusion before? "

Chen Xiaoming looked at the strange snake with an ugly face.

Vaguely, he felt an unprecedented pressure from the snake.

Li Xingyun's face changed greatly when he looked at the appearance of the strange snake.

At this time, the three of them are in a state of exhaustion. The last trace of Li Xingyun's body and the last trace of cosmic force are used to open a map gun.

Chen Xiaoming tried his best to break through the illusion.

The only resistance left is Ji Xiaoxi.

But does a warrior man have a chance to win in front of the planet level monster?

Ji Xiaoxi clenches his teeth and stares at the multi eyed viper. His lovely little face shows a resolute look, and the coin turns into the size of a washbasin in the slow rotation.

Little Lori's going to fight.

But is it useful?

In the face of absolute power gap, the so-called determination and effort is just a joke.

A minute later, Li Xingyun fell in front of the multi eyed Agkistrodon without breath. Before he died, Li Xingyun couldn't even change his body and recoil, so he was swept by the tail of the Agkistrodon halys, and the one who died could not die.

Planetary level mainline task difficulty, for three people is the beginning of the death countdown.

Just as the Viper was about to enjoy his own dinner, Rorschach appeared.

It was like a ghostly figure in the prayer room.

"Did I think too much? "

the Agkistrodon halys does not seem to have found Rorschach at all. It still opens its mouth and intends to swallow the body of little Lori into its stomach.

However, when the multi eyed Viper was about to devour the body of little Lori, she suddenly became stiff and became a lifelike ice sculpture in a few seconds.

The scarlet light in Luo Xia's eyes disappears. She walks to Ji Xiaoxi and presses to Ji Xiaoxi with one hand.

At the same time, Luo Xiazhi's brain, Ji Xiaoxi appeared on the progress of the word "Resurrection".

After half a sound of Kung Fu, Li Xingyun and the three people woke up in the prayer room. After sharing the medical bag and drinks, the three recovered to the peak again.

"In the world of Jedi survival, as long as the soul is not completely dead, we can rely on our teammates to revive. It seems that Mr. Rorschach saved us."

"but now what about others? "

Li Xingyun looks at the ice sculpture corpse of Agkistrodon halys halys.

Originally, he thought that he had the ability to change his body, but he was killed by the multi eyed Viper before the bottom card was opened.

At this time, he really experienced the absolute power gap between the warrior realm and the planetary realm.

In front of the planet level monsters or people, the warrior at the peak is just a little bit of a bug.

"Let's go back. Without Mr. Luo Xia, this church is too dangerous"

Chen Xiaoming felt that death is not a good experience, and this is the second time that he has died. If death can not receive service evaluation, he will definitely give a bad comment, and it must be in bold capitals.

"Well, the planet level mission world is really too dangerous to have a fluke mind in the future"

Li Xingyun's look is also gloomy. Before entering the mission, they still think that this mission will come to play soy sauce.Only after they died once did they know that the head teacher was not a nanny, but only the last line of defense for their lives.

If you want to rely on the strength of the head teacher to spend the task world peacefully, Li Xingyun and the three of them are not far away from death.

"Wait a minute"

just as Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun were about to leave, Ji Xiaoxi suddenly remembered something and went back to the body of the multi eyed Viper ice sculpture.

The coin turned into a washbasin and smashed it down.

The corpse of Agkistrodon halys was immediately reduced to fragments.

Two serpents the size of copper bells glittered in the debris, reflecting an enchanting glow in the darkened prayer room like a treasure.

"Serpentine magic stone * 2"

"after the death of the two main serpents, the probability is extremely low"

"the three-star level spirit has the power to create illusions. Each serpentine magic stone can be sealed with a magic beast, and its strength cannot exceed that of Agkistrodon halys itself"

"after absorbing a certain amount of blood, it can summon the Eudemons in the serpentine illusory stone When fighting, if you sacrifice a lot of vitality, you will greatly increase the power of Eudemons "

" two serpentine magic stones are respectively sealed with werewolf shaped and vampire shaped Eudemons "

" serpentine illusory stones can be embedded on magic weapons to enhance or increase the ability of magic tools to create illusions, and can also save the ability to summon Eudemons "

after seeing the attributes of the two serpentine illusory stones, the ability to create illusions can be enhanced or increased, Li Xingyun sighs that this is not a white death.

These two serpentine magic stones are more than their previous income combined.

Half an hour later, the three men finally came back to the safe house.

At this time, Luo Xia is already in the safe room with her eyes closed.

"Mr. Luo Xia..."

Li Xingyun wants to say something, but Chen Xiaoming grabs him.

After seeing Chen Xiaoming shaking his head, Li Xingyun held back the question he was about to say.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves. Now Luoxia is the eaves of three people.

Questioning the whole eaves because of a few drops of rain is like looking for death. , the fastest update of the webnovel!