If you get angry at the eaves and not protect them from the wind and rain, the three li Xingyun under the eaves will be killed by the torrential rain in an instant.

"Adapt to circumstances and find ways to improve our strength, which is the essence of survival"

Li Xingyun sighed and leaned against the wall, closed her eyes.

Three days passed quickly, and the remaining days were peaceful, except for the fatal crisis on the first night.

Under the protection of Luo Xia, Li Xingyun finally experienced the pleasure of picking up equipment with the big brush.

In just three days, Li Xingyun's backpack was full of useful items.

And the equipment of the three is also a shot in the arm.

Armor, headdress, weapon, auxiliary weapon, all change into one star level magic weapon.

In particular, the lucky little Lori got a two-star level exquisite gold armor when she opened a hidden treasure box, which greatly enhanced her defense.

"If we exchange so many one-star magic weapons in the black prison University, we can't even afford to exchange them."

Chen Xiaoming is excited to play with his equipment.

Previously, Chen Xiaoming had been worried about meeting planetary level ghosts. To know that the level of terror of the ghost's gifted ability is not blowing, even an ordinary warrior level ghost can make people afraid, let alone planet level ghosts.

Now with a star armor, at least you don't have to be afraid of being possessed by a ghost. Even if you can't beat it, you'll die. You don't have to experience the pain that life is not like death.

"All right, let's go. The poison ring is coming, and we have to go to the safe area"

at this time, Luoxia is equipped with luxurious and dazzling equipment, which makes Li Xingyun's three people greedy. Armed with three-star magic weapons, Luoxia looks like a moving treasure, which makes people want to go up and chew on it.

"It's no wonder that Luoxia chose this as the landing site. There are so few resources on the whole map"

"but it's a little dangerous. If it wasn't for Luoxia's crushing power, the three of us would not be enough to crack the teeth of those monsters"

the three of us walked out of the church and headed for the safe area. Li Xingyun finally looked At a glance at the shabby church, my heart is filled with emotion.

This generous support point can be described as "feeding" the four of them. For a long time to come, the four of them don't have to worry about supplies and equipment.

"The more people killed in the Jedi, the higher the reward. Although it's not a reward given by the president, we can also bring it back to the black prison college. What do you think of it?"

in a small town tens of kilometers away from the church, Luo Xia walks toward Li Xingyun and Sanren.

Chen Xiaoming hesitated for a moment and said: "with Mr. Luo Xia's strength, of course, we can run rampant on the island. But I'm afraid that the three of us will drag Mr. Luo Xia behind. Once we meet the enemy, Mr. Luo Xia has to take care of us and face the enemy's attack. I'm afraid "

the implication of Chen Xiaoming is that the main idea is to be conservative, and the dog is trying to be the first in the end, which is also a helpless thing. Facing a large number of planetary opponents, even if the three of them are armed to the teeth, it is just a copper pea that can't be broken or bitten.

Luo Xia does not agree to nod, did not say what.

A few glimmers flashed in the next second, and Li Xingyun didn't react to it. It was like being struck by lightning and falling into a roadside house. But for the automatic protection of the one star armor, all three would have lost half their lives.

"If you don't go to other people, they may not let you go"

LUO Xia gave a cold smile, and then the whole person disappeared.

"Damn it, what the hell is this luxurious equipment? Did the four of them dig out the giant dragon's nest"

at the commanding height of the town, two Gunners in optical camouflage clothes immediately scolded Li Xingyun's magic weapons.

This group is also a lucky few. The next day after entering the island, they found a secret military base not marked on the map and armed themselves.

Originally, they thought that they were lucky to the extreme. Without experiencing any danger, they got a large number of non star rated weapons, firearms and three one-star magic weapons.

However, when they met Li Xingyun, they saw what a real local tyrant was. The one-star magic weapon made the two snipers feel numb.

"Shit, you can meet people when you stroll around such a large map. It's unfortunate that"

Chen Xiaoming hides behind a shelter and looks uncomfortable.

Li Xingyun has a bitter smile, which is also speechless.

For such a large island, according to their inference, I'm afraid it will take a month to wait for the poison ring to shrink to a certain extent before meeting other players. As a result, they were ambushed after the first contraction.

However, Ji Xiaoxi didn't have many ideas. He spread his mind quietly, and soon found the two snipers who were ready to pack up and transfer positions."In the southwest, on the top of the tallest building 1300 meters away, two people are leaving"

after Ji Xiaoxi finished reporting the location, they looked at Li Xingyun eagerly and didn't know what to do next.

"Can the strength of these two men be detected? "

Li Xingyun also shrank behind the shelter, thinking about what to do next.

"Judging from the speed of their movement, their accomplishments should not exceed the level of soldiers washing marrow, but it is not ruled out that they deliberately conceal their strength"

Ji Xiaoxi hesitated for a moment and said that although the motivation of reading is easy to use, it is not omnipotent. If we deal with deliberately hiding strength, she can hardly find out.

"The difficulty of the main line at the planetary level should not be taken lightly. The three of us hung behind them to see the situation and said"

Chen Xiaoming's suggestion was approved by Li Xingyun. When the three men were armed to their teeth, they still carefully followed the direction provided by Ji Xiaoxi.

Li Xingyun three people quietly hanging behind the two snipers, come over about a quarter of an hour, Luo Xia suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Why, flinch, you think the first two people are idiots, can't find your poor tracking technology? "

LUO Xia looked at Li Xingyun and Ji Xiaoxi with disdain, but he didn't despise Chen Xiaoming this time. After all, he was born in a technical class, and Chen Xiaoming's camouflage skills were good. Although the two guys in front found Li Xingyun and Ji Xiaoxi, they did not find Chen Xiaoming.

After all, there are no other two people who want to escape from the position of Li Xingyun. Besides, there are two people who want to escape.

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