When Li Xingyun was entangled in this matter, a chilling breath suddenly came from the hopeless cliff church.

The fog, which was originally covered with clouds and mists, was suddenly spread out after being impacted by this huge momentum, and the whole picture of hopeless cliff church appeared in front of the three people.

But now they prefer not to see the hopeless cliff church, because the whole church is changing at this time.

Countless bricks and stones were shaken off from all over the church and then combined together. In less than a minute, the church grew out of thick arms, a pair of stone pillars called legs.

The most frightening thing for the three people is that after the church front door and two huge windows emit scarlet light, a furious strange face appears in front of the three people. The hopeless cliff church, which is more than 30 meters high, seems to have its own consciousness, and generally sends out a touching roar to Li Xingyun.

"Damn it, it's a mental attack. No wonder those ghosts retreated with the fog"

Chen Xiaoming covered his head in pain, and felt dizzy. With the roar of hopeless cliff church, he kept pounding his brain.

Li Xingyun also snorted and almost sat on the UFO.

Ji Xiaoxi was even more unbearable. She was shocked by the roar. The mosquito repellent incense like spiral pattern suddenly appeared in her eyes. Under this situation, xiaoluoli, who was almost dizzy, walked out of the UFO as if she was drunk.

Fortunately, husky, the eudemon, was not affected much, and brought little Lori back.

"This is the big boss. I'm afraid the momentum is more than five-star level."

Li Xingyun kneaded his temple and looked at the hopeless cliff church still roaring. Fortunately, the chain of magic moon was resistant to the attack of mental power. Otherwise, Ji Xiaoxi, who had not yet gathered her soul, would have died in this roar.

"What can we do now? We certainly can't make it"

although it is still a long way to fly in the air from the hopeless cliff church, Chen Xiaoming has no sense of security at all. I wonder what unique tricks this kind of boss has. Moreover, Chen Xiaoming feels at the thought of their three-day stay in the belly of this big thing and demolish all kinds of houses It's very cool.

"I can't help it, please ask for foreign help"

Li Xingyun has no sense of shame and yells: "Mr. Luo Xia, help..." After recovering from dizziness, Xiao Luoli suddenly covers her face when she sees Li Xingyun's scene of no sense of shame. At this time, she has a little regret that she recognized such a brother.

Li Xingyun's voice is a little smoke. After seeing Luo Xia, they are a little flustered.

Hopeless cliff church seems to mistake Li Xingyun's call for help as a provocation. After stopping roaring, the whole body began to glow with scarlet light.

"Nothing Hope Big Gun "

after saying the name of the move one word at a time, he looked at Li Xingyun three people with a very humane face.

Li Xingyun's three people are in despair. Now they seem to feel the God of death behind them. They are measuring and grinding their sickles, ready to harvest their three young lives.

"You killed me"

Chen Xiaoming stares at Li Xingyun with a speechless face. Li Xingyun's strategy is good. He uses the existence of the head teacher to complete the task and seek the maximum interests.

But the premise is that Rorschach cares about their life and death.

Now it looks as if they were wrong.

Luoxia didn't pay any attention to their mischief at all. I don't know where hi Pi is now.

The scarlet light column burst into the sky, two or three times stronger than the whole flying saucer, covered the whole flying saucer before they could react.

When the beam disappeared, the UFO was gone.

The hopeless cliff church nodded with satisfaction after seeing its achievements, and once again turned into "real estate" and sat down on the edge of the cliff.

Dozens of miles away in the sea, Li Xingyun three people a head of cold sweat sitting on the UFO, just they really thought they were going to die.

However, a second before the light column hit them, Luoxia mysteriously drilled out of the void, and with a wave of his big hand, he brought the three people together with the flying saucer under his feet to here.

"Mr. Luo Xia, I will never forget the kindness of saving lives"

Li Xingyun wiped the cold sweat on their heads and stood up to thank Luo Xia respectfully.

Luo Xia Yin measured Li Yun Yun.

"You're so bold, you dare to count on me in just a few days"

Li Xingyun's cold sweat just wiped off suddenly came down again.

Little Lori a look at Li Xingyun this mastermind was found out, immediately ran to Luo Xia, pull him to scatter Jiao.

"Uncle Luo Xia, I can only blame brother Xingyun. Otherwise, task 2 will never be completed. Please forgive us this time."

Chen Xiaoming also explained in a hurry: "Mr. Luo Xia, I hope you can forgive me. This plan was decided by Xingyun and I after discussion. If you want to punish me, please punish me. They are still children."Luo Xia looked at Ji Xiaoxi's pathetic little face and said with a headache: "forget it, it's not an example again"

"Yeah, uncle Luo Xia is the best"

Li Xingyun finally breathed a sigh of relief after muddling through.

At this time, he had time to take a look at the brain, and found that the number of survivors has changed to 10.

During the period of Li Xingyun's three people leaving the island, it seems that the big fight has begun in the final circle. More than half of 24 people have died, and the remaining six are about to face the final showdown.

However, they did not dream that Li Xingyun, the three of them, escaped from the island and were destined to be the final winners.

Ten minutes later, the toxic circle of the Jedi island was refreshed again.

This time, the safety zone has shrunk to the point where it has disappeared.

Finally, the remaining three meters tall tower like Cyclops standing in the ruins of despair.

He was the final winner of the game, and all the survivors in the final circle were slaughtered by him. His crushing strength made the last five people join hands and failed to survive the final circle contraction.

But he will be Ling Jue when suddenly found that there are five survivors.

That is to say, there are four people who have never been in the final circle.

At this time, the one eyed giant's not very bright head suddenly remembered the picture of Li Xingyun's three people flying out of the safety area on flying saucers.

"It's unfair. Why can they produce in the poison ring for so long? It's unfair. I protest. I'm the final winner."

in the bitter protest of the Cyclops, countless demons and ghosts rushed out of the poisonous fog and submerged his figure.

Black prison in Colleges and universities.

"Mission world: survival of the Jedi"

"first year students li Xingyun, Chen Xiaoming, and Ji Xiaoxi"

"to complete task content 1, 15000 academic points and 3 credits will be awarded."

"To complete the second task, 30000 students and 6 credits will be awarded."

"Complete task content 3, reward 6000 points, 1 credit."

"After completing the hidden task, ghost killers will be rewarded with 10000 points for Li Xingyun, 25000 points for Ji Xiaoxi and 46000 points for Chen Xiaoming according to the number of ghosts killed"

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