"Li Xingyun, a freshman, scored as follows: task content 1, survive successfully, completed, lasted 36 days, scored, medium"

"task content 2, task content 2, escape Island, completed, lasting 36 days, score, medium"

"task content 3, task content 3, Kill 500 ordinary ghosts, 100 resentful spirits, 10 fierce ghosts, and 1 ghost soldier , completed, the actual killing statistics are: task content 3, killing 1626 ordinary ghosts, 325 complaining spirits, 84 fierce ghosts, 4 ghost soldiers, score, excellent "

" hidden task, ghost slayer, completed, score, excellent, additional reward: None "

" reward statistics, obtained points: 61000 points; obtained Credits: 10 points "

" comprehensive test of Freshmen The grade of Li Xingyun's class was: excellent "

" grade one student Ji Xiaoxi's class performance evaluation is as follows: task content 1, successfully survived, completed, lasted 36 days, scored, medium "

" task content 2, escape from isolated island, completed, lasted 36 days, scored, medium "

" task content 3: Kill 500 ordinary ghosts, 100 resentment spirits, 10 fierce ghosts, 1 ghost soldier, completed, the actual killing statistics are: task content 3, kill 3214 ordinary ghosts, 613 resentment spirits, 124 fierce ghosts, 5 ghost soldiers, score, excellent + "

" hidden task, ghost slayer, completed, scored, excellent +, additional reward: None "

" reward statistics, obtained academic points: 76000 points; obtained Credits: 10 points "

" comprehensive evaluation " Grade one student Ji Xiaoxi's class score is: excellent + "

" grade one student Chen Xiaoming, the class grade evaluation is as follows: task content 1, successful survival, completed, 36 days, scoring, medium "

" task content 2, escape from the Island, completed, 36 days, score, medium "

" task content 3, Kill 500 ordinary ghosts and 100 resentful spirits , 10 fierce ghosts, 1 ghost soldier, completed. The actual killing statistics are: task content 3, killing 5806 ordinary ghosts, 864 complaining spirits, 393 fierce ghosts, 7 ghost soldiers, score, one star "

" hidden task, ghost slayer, completed, scored, one star, extra reward: None "

" reward statistics, academic points obtained: 97000 points; obtained Credits: 10 points "

" >In addition, according to the world game rules of "survival of the Jedi", grade one students li Xingyun, Ji Xiaoxi and Chen Xiaoming, and sophomore student and head teacher Luo Xia received a special award: a lucky chicken egg "

" I wish you all good luck and eat chicken tonight "

LUO Xia holds it A golden egg, satisfied with the nod, for this extra harvest feel good, finally did not waste a busy.

Xia looked at Li Xingyun and others in a good mood.

"Mr. Luo Xia, thanks to you, we can get through the task world without danger."

"thank you very much. If you can get our place in the future, please feel free to ask"

Li Xingyun three people respectfully thank Luo Xia. Although the authority of the head teacher is similar to that of the head teacher, it is not the same to have such a head teacher plus xuege What a bad thing.

"You don't have to say I will do it, don't forget your promise"

LUO Xia smiles faintly.

Br > "br >" the best time for the class director to record some valuable information is to use the authority to guide the class There are hidden rules that are not mentioned in prison colleges and universities. Only by making good use of these hidden rules can you live a better life in the black prison colleges and universities "

" finally, a friendly reminder is that the black prison universities and the main universe are not completely isolated. Major events in the main universe may affect this place. If you have time, buy more information from the main universe, because you will have to face it next "Well, it's predestined to see that"

"come on and live"

LUO Xia left a meaningful smile and pushed open the classroom door and walked out.

After seeing Luo Xia disappear, Li Xingyun looks at each other and looks at each other without saying a word. After half a sound, the three people laugh together.

The people who sat down together for the first time without loosing.

Chen Xiaoming opened the exchange interface to exchange a box of high-end luxury goods like cigars in daily necessities, and then exchanged a large number of drinks and snacks for Li Xingyun and Ji Xiaoxi, and then enjoyed them on their own.

Chen Xiaoming swallowed the clouds and puffed out the mist, and the faint fragrance diffused. He looked like a "cigar". What he contained in the luxury goods was not irritating tobacco, but a precious spiritual plant called fairy grass.Smoking this kind of "cigar" not only does not harm the body, but also can help people clean up the exhaust gas inside the body and slightly treat the damage that can't be seen by the naked eye.

Chen Xiaoming enjoyed a few more "cigars". This luxury, called "angel kiss", is not generally expensive in the outside world. Even the well paid federal soldiers can't afford to buy several boxes a month.

In the black prison college life class exchange list is surprisingly cheap, 10 points to learn to exchange "angel kiss" enough to let him enjoy half a year.

After tasting snacks and drinks, Li Xingyun and Ji Xiaoxi couldn't help blinking.

These small snacks really delicious explosion, a variety of different types of snacks, have a distinctive and special taste, all let the two snacks fondly.

"What should we do next"

after eating, drinking and enjoying a little bit, the three people finally sat down and talked about serious things.

"I think, let's see what's more in the class record first."

Li Xingyun's idea was to take the notebook out of the library.

Open a new page and read it.

Although it is a product of cramming education, Li Xingyun is also knowledgeable now, and the general language can not help him.

"In addition to the assessment, the highest mortality rate is in the first three task worlds"

"freshmen who have just entered the black prison university often can't adapt to the rules of the black prison university very quickly, so they are likely to make many irreversible mistakes"

"if there are leaders like monitor in the newly assigned class, Congratulations "

" even in the future task world, you are squeezed by these leaders, but somehow you can get through the adaptation period smoothly and learn how to survive in the black prison University from the old students. The monitor will protect the survival probability of other students in the class in order to ensure their rights and interests. "

" if there is no monitor, I advise you to transfer as soon as possible Change classes "

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