"The competition is cruel, especially the internal competition is more cruel. The competition for the position of monitor is comparable to the ancient struggle for the throne. Either you die or I live"

"the headmaster will also send out a special task world to screen qualified monitor"

"in this environment, the rest of the off-duty class can rarely be alone. Once involved in the struggle, your next task world will be What we are about to face is not only the threat in the task world, but also the calculation of the students around us "

" according to the statistics of unknown celebrities, about one tenth of the freshmen in the black prison University died in the first three task worlds, and one third of the students who died in the competition for the position of monitor "

" it can be said that the authority of the monitor is the entrance ticket to the senior grade After reading this note, they are silent.

After a while, Li Xingyun said to the headmaster, "how to obtain the authority of the monitor"

this time, the cold female voice did not appear, but an old male voice answered Li Xingyun.

"The monitor's authority needs the support of more than half of the students in the class, and only after passing the assessment can he get"

"if the total number of the class is increased to more than twice the authority confirmation, the monitor's authority will be assigned to the class again and wait for new students to compete"

Li Xingyun pondered for a while, and then asked, "what's the role of the monitor's authority"

"the monitor's permission is pressed According to the star level and grade, each grade monitor's permission is divided into nine stars, and each star can use different permissions "

" however, the monitor of each class has three permissions "

" common permission 1: the monitor can decide whether the class will continue to recruit students "

" common permission 2: the monitor can have all the permissions of public use space "

" "There is a total of three rights: the monitor can send an invitation to the rest of the class."

Li Xingyun was stunned when he heard the president's words. In this way, he already has one-third of the monitor's authority.

"Now it seems that the monitor's authority is not as exaggerated as the record said, but there should be many hidden permissions that can only be viewed after obtaining the position of monitor"

after Li Xingyun no longer tangled with the monitor's authority, Li Xingyun continued to look at the next page in the record.

"Every student is most concerned about how to spend the task world, and how to obtain more credits and learning points in the task world"

"here, we must first analyze the personality of the principal who issues the task"

"the personality of the principal is about to be determined, and then how to deal with the main task in the task world"

"if the task is issued For Lengyan women, it's better to complete the main task. The hidden task is not only difficult to excavate, but also much more difficult than the main task "

" if the task is issued by a snake haired woman, you must be careful of the traps that may be contained in the task when completing the main line task. It is even better not to touch the main line task, mainly excavate the hidden task and avoid it Don't step into the headmaster's trap "

" if the task is issued by an old man, you must, must, immediately and immediately apply for the personal mode of the next task world, and never form a team to enter the same task world "

" because the difficulty of the main task issued by the principal with this personality will increase exponentially with the number of team members "

" once the number of team members exceeds 10, they will meet the main task of the difficulty level of mass destruction "

after reading this page, the three li Xingyun can't help but wonder.

After coming to the classroom, the principal's personality has changed into an old man, that is to say, in the next task world, if they don't want to experience a super difficult main task, they can only choose personal mode and separate into different task worlds.

"Headmaster, can choose which task mode"

Li Xingyun has an idea, and does not directly change the task mode according to the record. He first asked the principal how many task models he had.

Since there is a personal model, it is likely that there are other models.

The principal's answer also confirmed his conjecture.

"There are nine task modes"

"for freshmen, only three of them can be selected: team building mode, personal mode and public mode"

"team building mode refers to that all students in the whole class form a team to complete. Under this mode, attacking and killing teammates will be punished accordingly, which is also the default mode in black prison universities"

"personal model In this mode, students in the same class can attack each other without punishment "

" the public mode refers to that multiple classes enter the large task world together to complete the difficult main task. Under this mode, all behaviors and intentions of attacking teammates are strictly prohibited Figure "

" for the other six task modes, I don't have the right to view them yet "

Li Xingyun laughs bitterly. Unexpectedly, there are so many twists and turns in the black prison colleges and universities. If it were not for the existence of this record, it would have taken them a long time to discover these hidden rules."It seems that we have to separate the next mission world"

"but before that, Xiao Xi was the most worried one. Now she is still a warrior's soul washing realm. Even if there are such planetary level Eudemons, it's not very safe. Next, let's try to improve Xiaoxi's realm first"

Chen Xiaoming thought about it and planned to do it according to the record.

After all, Luo Xia also paid special attention to them and asked them to study the records carefully.

To some extent, this class record is really a novice guide book in black prison colleges.

"Let's look at the next page. Maybe there's any inspiration."

Li Xingyun feels a little uncomfortable when she thinks that the world of the next mission must be separated.

Although he has not been able to obtain absolute power to protect Ji Xiaoxi, but let her go into the dangerous mission world, Li Xingyun will not rest assured.

"In black prison colleges and universities, useful information is more important than powerful magic tools and precious cultivation secrets"

"and there are many different ways to obtain information"

"first, ask or buy directly from the president. This way of obtaining information is highly reliable, but the president often doesn't tell the whole story, and the less critical information is likely to be fatal The second is to publish the information you want to know in the public column, and then someone will contact you. This way can only be operated with the permission of the team leader. The reliability of this information varies from person to person. It is recommended to buy from the information seller with high integrity, although it is likely to make you bleed "

" third, through prophecy, magic tools, scrolls or talent You can wait to get information. The information you get in this way is extremely important, but remember that predicting the past is likely to ruin you. Predicting the future will kill you. The future is unpredictable, especially in the black prison universities "

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