There are not many words recorded on the third page, so it is over.

But this reminds Li Xingyun of Luo Xia's warning.

"Do you think the discovery of the earth is a big event in the main universe? "

Li Xingyun asked Chen Xiaoming for a moment, and then he responded.

"Yes, of course, it's the birthplace of the human race. You don't know where you're staring at. I think there may be real gods coming to the earth now"

"it can be said that in the next 100 centuries, or even in a long time, the earth will become the focus of attention of the whole universe"

after Chen Xiaoming's affirmative answer, Li Xing The clouds now know the importance of the earth in the whole human race and the whole universe.

"So the discovery of the earth is likely to affect the black prison universities?"

"Mr. Luo Xia should also have received some relevant information, which gave us a hint in secret"

after thinking of Luo Xia's last "reminder", Chen Xiaoming finally understood the deep meaning of his words.

Li Xingyun smiled as like as two peas at Chen Xiaoming: "I think it's not possible, but it has already been affected. The last mission of the world is" Jedi survival ", which is very similar to a game on earth. Even the names are identical."

Li Xingyun probably introduced the authentic Jedi life, "Chen Xiaoming said completely.

Although the content of the two games is different, the difficulty is also very different, but the game model and creativity are obviously the same source.

The discovery of the earth has really affected the black prison universities.

"Headmaster, what impact did the discovery of the earth have on the black prison universities"

Ji Xiaoxi didn't want to ask the president so much.

The headmaster's old voice answered after a while.

"The emergence of the earth from the depths of time and space in the main universe has greatly affected the future historical process"

"the black prison university has also found a large number of micro universes in the intersection of time and space. In the next period of time, the mission issued by the black prison University will be inclined to these micro universes to a great extent"

after hearing the word "microcosm", Li Xingyun was stunned 。

They have already known that the main universe divides the space-time lower than the main cosmic dimension into many grades.

They are large universe, medium universe, small universe and micro universe.

Among them, the large universe, the medium-sized universe and the small universe have been fully exploited by all the races in the main universe and have become the main source of all resources in the main universe.

It can be said that the main universe has been plundering the rest of the small universe to develop itself.

It is just that the birth of the micro universe is too random and unstable. Even if a book is published or a film and television work is released in the main universe, it may lead to the birth of a micro universe in an endless space-time crisscross place.

The existence time of the micro universe is also extremely unstable. The shortest possible time is a few seconds and the longest time is even more than 10 million years. Moreover, it is difficult to predict when the micro universe will self destruct.

This kind of unstable space-time, it is very difficult to develop for a long time. If you are not careful, you may lose everything. So very few people in the main universe have been struggling to find the micro universe.

But now from the information disclosed by the headmaster, Li Xingyun knows that the mission world they enter is those micro universes that may be destroyed at any time.

It's not only Li Xingyun, but also Chen Xiaoming and Ji Xiaoxi.

"Can I find out what world the next task is in?"

Chen Xiaoming thought for a while and put forward a constructive question, but the headmaster's reply made his face darker.

"Insufficient authority, unable to answer questions"

Li Xingyun and Ji Xiaoxi have been asking so many questions, and the headmaster has answered them honestly. How can he get to him? This is the lack of authority.

At this time, Chen Xiaoming wanted to scold his mother.

Li Xingyun and Ji Xiaoxi also asked that question again. After the headmaster gave the same hint, Chen Xiaoming's face became better.

"Since we can't know what the next mission world is, we still have to make up for the" knowledge "on earth.

Chen Xiaoming is a little bit heartbroken. These things are not in the library. This time, it will cost a lot of learning points. These learning points are earned by him at the risk of his life.

At this time, Li Xingyun stops Chen Xiaoming, who plans to cram in education, and opens the exchange list of life.

After searching in the list, a large number of entertainment consumer goods such as movies, novels, biographies, video games and so on appear in the list, and these exchange prices are extremely low.

It's only a hundred points to learn when you pack them all.

"There are many rules hidden in the dark in the University of black prison. If we make good use of them, we can save a lot of learning points"

Li Xingyun clapped his hands after filling a lot of things into the library.

If you exchange a little bit of knowledge that is not "knowledge", at least 7000 academic points will be saved. If you exchange them as entertainment items in daily life and put them in the library, you can save a large number of learning points for the three people immediately.Now Li Xingyun and his three people are very lucky to have such a library. Otherwise, how many novels and movies will be enough in ten days?

After watching Li Xingyun's operation, Chen Xiaoming seems to have opened the door to a new world.

"This method is good. In the future, weapons and vehicles and other equipment do not need to be exchanged directly at the principal's place. We can exchange raw materials and throw them into primary manufacturing plants to process parts, and then assemble them into finished products."

"In this way, in addition to the power source needs to be purchased at full price, other parts hardly need to be learned."

"ha ha ha ha, the mechanical storming tactics of the previous life can be reproduced again"

Chen Xiaoming himself said, rubbing his hands excitedly and eager to realize his conjecture immediately.

"Yes, in addition to being unable to forge in the primary manufacturing factory of star level magic weapons, many instruments and ammunition can be mass produced, which can save a lot of learning points"

Li Xingyun's eyes brightened after hearing Chen Xiaoming's idea.

Many thermal weapons are not star level weapons, but their power can not be underestimated. For example, in the world of revelation, if Li Xingyun and the three of them have a heavy armored Tiger tank, they can directly ignore all the mutant zombies and butcher zombies except the punisher.

In that world, a Tiger tank is more useful than a star weapon.

The only problem is that the volume of many instruments and vehicles is much larger than that of magic weapons. If you want to roam around the world with tanks, you must have a good enough space props.

Now, the space Backpack Capacity of Li Xingyun's three people, let alone the life span, is a big problem. After experiencing "survival of the Jedi", the service life of the space backpack has already consumed more than half.

In the next mission world, they dare not let these defective products run around with all their assets. If a space backpack is scrapped, they will have no place to cry. , the fastest update of the webnovel!