What is the appearance of a mantis cloud.

"These are flying Mantis"

Li Xingyun set the flying car into automatic driving mode and turned over to the roof.

As she approaches the insect cloud quickly, Li Xingyun slowly takes off the cloud sword from her back and takes out the starting posture of knife drawing.

1000 meters, 800 meters, 500 meters .

the three soldiers watched the force of the insect cloud cover the top of the cloud flying, and their faces showed a look of despair as the insect cloud approached. I'm afraid that a platoon's army would be destroyed by so many flying Mantis.

At this time, Li Xingyun concentrated on all the spirits and spirits in his hands. From the cloud sword, he did not choose to use the sword like a map gun. Instead, he used the most basic sword technique of flying imperial swords, which is the most basic sword skill of Feitian yujianliu. This is a famous drawing skill which is famous for its pursuit of speed and ruthlessness. It is as fast as thunder and lightning, and like lightning when it comes out.

The difference is that this time, Li Xingyun did not intend to use only one flash.

After the insect cloud flies 100 meters, the three soldiers can even see the ferocious mouthparts and sharp sickles of flying Mantis. When they are in despair, Li Xingyun hands.

At this moment, the sword light of Li Xingyun is introverted, just like the scorching sun under the dark clouds, and the whole person is blooming with dazzling brilliance.

The magnetic levitation vehicle is like carrying the rising sun, breaking through the dark clouds and darkness, and rushing into the blue sky.

The flying car is far away, and the insect clouds that block the sky are quiet. The next second, a flying mantis is has no vitality and falls into the sky. This Zerg flying army, which can make ordinary soldiers pale, is destroyed.

A few hours later, Li Xingyun was guided by three soldiers to the side of a huge, sparkling lake.

After getting off the flying car, the three soldiers were very grateful, and then took out a device that looked like a cell phone.

Jim, the black man captain, pressed a button and put the device on the ground.

Then Li Xingyun saw that the cell phone like combination changed on the ground. Soon, it became a base station signal tower. Of course, the base station signal tower was reduced by many times.

Jim seems to see Li Xingyun's doubts, smiles at Li Xingyun and says: "insects are extremely sensitive to electronic signals. Generally, we communicate with the headquarters through the hidden base tower"

"however, if the distance is close enough, we can use this portable base tower to directly send simple pulse signals to the headquarters, which can also prevent it The insects intercepted our signals "

as Jim explained, the portable tower seemed to be ready, and then a pulse signal was sent straight into the sky.

Li Xingyun's face became more and more dignified after the pulse of thumb shot into the air.

He has seen many magical things in the black prison college, but he has a hunch that what he sees and hears will shock him again.

The lake is cloudless, and the blue sky reflects the beauty of sea and sky.

But after the pulse was in the sky, everything changed.

A circle of ripples appeared out of thin air, and the whole sky seemed to be broken by the calm lake surface, and wantonly twisted into various shapes.

And in the middle of that circle of ripples, the metal luster gradually revealed, one meter, ten meters, one hundred meters.

Under Li Xingyun's gaze, the densely patterned metal base gradually occupied his field of vision, gradually obscuring the sky.

The last one, which is so huge that Li Yun Yun's unimaginable pyramid shaped city of sky, appears above the heads of four people.

It covers an area of tens of kilometers on a metal base. Numerous gun tubes are shining in all directions, and countless buildings in the shape and appearance of pyramids plunge into the sky.

This is a castle in the sky that Li Xingyun can't believe.

"Is this the city of the sky? "

Li Xingyun was dazzled by the marvelous masterpiece of the human race.

"Yes, sir, this is the oldest and greatest sky city among the thirty-six empty cities, the city of pioneers"

"this is one of the most proud masterpieces of the human race"

just when Li Xingyun was shocked by the appearance of the empty city, a gap suddenly broke in a corner on the base of the empty city.

Then an armored car flying towards the three people.

After the armored vehicle with a height of 56 meters stopped in front of the four people, the dark green door slid open, and a team of soldiers in mecha swarmed out of the vehicle, and surrounded them vaguely.

Finally, a scarlet and feminine mecha with dragon patterns on it came out.

Looking at these high-tech mechas which belong to the standard products of interstellar civilization, Li Xingyun is stunned.These mechas are not cheap even in black prison universities. The price of one mecha is enough to buy three or four one star magic weapons.

If it was not for Li Xingyun, who had reached the planetary realm and could not use it, Li Xingyun also wanted to buy one to arm herself.

The female mecha with dragon pattern went to Jim and saluted him before and after. After waiting for Jim's return, she said to them, "you are human heroes, but I hope you don't mind the process of receiving survivors."

the sweet female voice is transmitted through the mecha speaker, and then the female mecha looks at Li Xingyun.

"This must be the benefactor who saved our soldiers. Although I'm sorry, you must go back with us."

in the face of a group of people who are not too friendly, Li Xingyun frowned, but did not object, and nodded to agree with the woman's "invitation.".

But Jim three people obviously not a time to see this kind of scene, very cooperate was put on the metal handcuffs and walked into the armored vehicle.

Although Li Xingyun was not required to wear handcuffs, four armed mecha fighters surrounded him in the middle, and if he had any change, it would be the same coverage attack.

Li Xingyun is not surprised by this escort style of welcome.

Before that, Jim has told him that in order to prevent the Zerg spies from entering the sky city through their hosts, any foreign personnel, even the heroic soldiers who have just made great achievements in the war, have to undergo a series of tests before allowing them to freely move in the sky city.

For Li Xingyun, a completely unregistered outsider, the requirements are even stricter. Without a series of strict investigations and inspections, Li Xingyun can't even enter the living area of the city of the sky.

But he had nothing to worry about.

In order to prevent these accidents, they have already prepared the necessary items.

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