Li Xingyun carries a star magic instrument called enchanting jade talisman, which exists to confuse the memory of ordinary human beings.

Before this, Li Xingyun has tampered with Jim's memory. Now Jim only remembers Li Xingyun driving a speeding car to rescue them from the abyss.

As for the powerful force of Li Xingyun's explosion, there is no impression at all.

After waiting for the sky city, Li Xingyun will use the enchanting jade charm to sneak into it perfectly.

Li Xingyun still remembers what Luo Xia said. After coming to a mission world, the most important thing is to collect all the useful information and the mission world view.

Now Li Xingyun has decided to integrate into the world in a low-key way, and then try to find a way to complete the main task after everything is straightened out.

After receiving the four men, the armored vehicle immediately returned to its original route, and soon returned to the base of the city of pioneers.

Li Xingyun and Jim were received by different people. After Jim was taken away by their superior officer, Li Xingyun was also taken to a fully enclosed inquiry room by a blonde in professional clothes.

Li Xingyun hesitated to hypnotize the blonde and the four mecha fighters who had been following him.

The blonde said.

"Hello, sir, please forgive me for your previous recklessness. Although the Zerg plot has been a long time ago, the Star River federal government has always insisted on making the most cautious response to any" unexpected visitors. "

" in addition, the mental confusion methods used by Jim three people are no longer necessary. We know where you are from and probably know The purpose of your coming here is not only you who have come to our world, but also many envoys like you come here with hope to help us defeat the hateful insects "

" so we will not embarrass you, on the contrary, we will help you as much as possible. In the next time, you will be the most honored guest in the pioneer city "

" now we only If you want to determine your identity, you will be given freedom and high authority after that "

the blonde beauty said this paragraph with respectful tone and extremely fast speed with a smile on her face. She didn't despise Li Xingyun's immature face at all, which made Li Xingyun's words stand still.

"Do you know where I come from? "

Li Xingyun looks at her a little inconceivable, which he never expected.

Originally also intended to low-key integration into the world, did not expect to be recognized by the other party as soon as they met.

"Yes, sir. Messengers like you have come to our world more than once or twice. To be exact, people come to this world every few years, and all of them stand in the Terran camp. Several great historical battles were won with the help of messengers. Even this pioneer city is based on the drawings and technology left by an emissary "Therefore, for our world, you represent the hope and the future"

a series of words from the blonde beauty make Li Xingyun speechless again.

It turns out that the world has been disturbed by his predecessors.

Even the existence of black prison colleges and universities has been exposed to the "Aboriginal" in front of him, which can disrupt all his plans.

"Hey, how do you test it next? "

Li Xingyun looks at the blonde with a dry smile.

The blonde girl smiles at Li Xingyun and says, "wait a moment"

shortly after that, a soldier in silver and white machine armor comes in, holding a piece of metal in the shape of a badge.

After seeing the three faces of the president with different personalities on the badge, Li Xingyun was silent again. The world is really special. The existence of black prison colleges and universities has been throughout their whole history, and has become a paradise like existence.

And Li Xingyun, these hard-working students who come to this world to do tasks, become the emissaries of heaven.

Noble identity, the messenger of heaven, a series of words instantly hit their heads.

Before and after the silver and white mecha soldiers came to Li Xing cloud, the badge that Li Yun Yun had not seen suddenly lit up.

The two faces of Lengyan woman and snake haired woman disappear, leaving only the old man's expressionless look at Li Xingyun.

"It turns out to be the emissary under the emperor of heaven in the supreme heaven. Welcome to the world of Star River corps, where you will get the supreme enjoyment and service"

seeing the badge on and the old man's face protruding, the blonde women and five armored fighters saluted Li Xingyun respectfully, just like a devout Christian facing the pope in person.

This time Li Xingyun is a little bit aware of why the principal's personality has not arranged a reasonable identity for him. It turns out that there is no need to arrange it at all. The aborigines in the Star River corps have already made up their brains and become envoys of heaven.

After confirming her identity, the blonde handed Li Xingyun a watch like intelligent brain respectfully.

"Your honor, your brain has opened S-level authority for you. Except for a few places involving core secrets, all other public facilities in Pioneer city will provide free services for you.""Zhinao has also recharged you with 5 million star coins for your daily expenses"

"now you can go anywhere in the pioneer city"

Li Xingyun is a little dizzy and takes zhinao to the door of the inquiry room, and suddenly stands still and looks back at the blonde.

"I have one last question: How did I reveal my identity? I only met with Jim all the time, and judging from their reaction, they should not recognize my origin."

the blonde showed a professional smile to Li Xingyun.

"The supreme kingdom of heaven has sent countless envoys to our world. According to the technology left over by previous envoys, we have been able to roughly detect whether there are foreign guests coming to this world"

"in cooperation with the application for the entry management of strangers, it is not difficult to judge that those people may be real celestial apostles"

"in fact, we are right

so far, we have only conducted a test on the unknown name of your ancestors in Xingyun city according to the test conducted by other people who have come to Xingyun city for one hour.

Now Li Xingyun has only one idea, that is to really understand the world known as the Star River team.

So far, the world of Star Corps has completely exceeded Li Xingyun's imagination, and there is no resemblance to the world in the movie. , the fastest update of the webnovel!