Along the way, Li Xingyun was confused. After walking through many metal channels and taking many elevators, she finally came to the main urban area of the pioneer city.

It's also lucky that the blonde has set up a lot of useful functions for his brain, otherwise he may not be able to get out of the maze of bases.

"Is this the city of the sky? It's so spectacular that I can't believe it"

looking at the pioneer city full of the sense of future science and technology, Li Xingyun instantly felt that her eyes were not enough.

There are countless skyrocketing buildings in the middle of the stream of flying cars, there are many Li Xingyun would like to think of the means of transport, non-stop transport of this huge number of people.

The neon colored billboards on the building are simply numerous. Many arms and arms advertisements are hung in the most conspicuous places, and a enchanting or pure girl coquettishly introduces the weapons and equipment in their hands.

Higher up, the three-dimensional virtual projection almost occupies the whole sky. It is also a variety of advertisements, but the things in those advertisements look more upscale and more luxurious.

"Your honor, zhinao code No. 2530698 is very honored to serve you. Do you need to call a public car or a private car for you now?"

When Li Xingyun is in a daze, her intelligent brain suddenly sends out a sweet childish voice.

Li Xingyun looked back at the intelligent brain on her wrist. Unexpectedly, the artificial intelligence of this intelligent brain could reach this level, which was much more advanced than the one in "survival of the Jedi".

After thinking about it, Li Xingyun asked zhinao 2530698, "what's the difference between public and private cars?"

"Your honor, the public car is controlled by the central zhinao No.0, which needs to be queued according to the authority of the caller and the first come first served rule. Of course, your authority is enough to let all the recent public flying cars provide services to you first"

"while private cars are driven by human beings, which is more free and convenient"

after zhinao 2530698 explained, Li Xingyun Dun understood it After thinking for a while, Li Xingyun calls a private car through zhinao 2530698.

Not long ago, a black brother appeared in front of Li Xingyun in a sky blue flying car.

"Distinguished guest, Mike, employee 8436 of Lanxiang company, sincerely serves you"

"hope to bring you an unforgettable journey?"

Li Xingyun is quite surprised by the enthusiastic service attitude of the black brother, because before calling the private car, Li Xingyun has chosen to hide her authority and identity in her intellectual head.

In the eyes of black brother, Li Xingyun should be just an ordinary passenger, but also a young passenger.

"Mike, do you know where to look up the history of the galaxy federation or the pioneer city?" After Li Xingyun got on the bus, she put forward her own question straightforwardly.

He has asked zhinao 2530698 before, but now he wants to see how the "aborigines" in the world of starriver Corps will answer him

"the distinguished guests must be the first time to visit the pioneer city. This great sky city is the first sky city established by the Star River federal government. It has experienced 36 times in the past 1300 years The attack of insect tide still stands on this planet called Zerg heart "

" after you know the history of the pioneer City, you will find that this is the history of the rise of Star River Federation "

" if you don't mind, I can act as your guide to ensure that you have an unforgettable journey in the pioneer city. First of all, we can go to . "

Mike introduced the pioneer city enthusiastically, and talked about all kinds of interesting history and some interesting urban legends that seemed very attractive after careful consideration.

Mike's eloquence gave Li Xingyun a preliminary impression of the huge and incredible sky city.

In short, the city was built as a fortress in the sky above the Zerg parent planet.

Like a hard nail, it was nailed to the heart of the Zerg, making the Zerg feel stuck in the throat for more than a thousand years.

And this city of pioneers is also the beginning of the Terran counterattack against Zerg.

In the original Star River battle movie, the Terrans have always been rubbed on the ground by the Zerg with various postures. If it had not been for the so-called coincidences created by artistic processing, which made the Terrans inexplicably explode the Zerg Zerg with a few simple mecha that could not even fight in space, the Terrans would have been exterminated by the Zerg.

During Mike's talk, Li Xingyun learned that the so-called history had been fused after the black prison college students intervened.

With the help of these celestial emissaries, Terrans have broken down one plot after another of Zerg, and have discovered a large number of unknown star maps and the true face of Zerg through the black technology.

Since then, the two sides have been fighting for thousands of years.

Originally, at the beginning of the war, Zerg found their biological system was invaded by the Terrans, and finally faced up to this weak race just out of space.After the death of the so-called "insect God" of the so-called Terrans, the Zerg furiously sent out a real army to find the Terran's star territory.

At this time, the Terrans discovered that the bugs they met before were just the vanguard troops sent by Zerg to explore unknown star regions.

The real Zerg army is much more powerful than the insects they fought before. I don't know how many times. This is a really powerful civilization across the Starry Sea, a very aggressive terrorist group.

After the real war broke out, the Zerg army almost destroyed the Terran defense line with the posture of destroying the withered and decaying. Just when the Zerg thought that they were about to win a complete victory, an accident happened.

A group of Terrans who didn't know where they were coming, or they controlled the powerful mecha that had never been seen before, or transformed themselves into mountain like monsters, or used magical powers to fight back the Zerg army.

After trying their best to establish diplomatic relations with these mysterious people, the Terran finally learned the existence of the supreme heaven and the three supreme gods.

In the later history, the three supreme gods sent a number of envoys from the supreme heaven to the world, helping the Terrans defeat the Zerg who once dominated the star seas, and gradually rose to the powerful Star River federal government.

The city of pioneers is the product of a sky city project launched by the starriver federal government more than a thousand years ago.

According to the black technology left out by the supreme celestial emissary, the Star River federal government has built this so-called never falling sky city.

After exhausting countless resources, the sky city was put on the Zerg mother planet, which started the great counterattack war of more than 1000 years. , the fastest update of the webnovel!