"Different, the real masters in the military and private armed groups are hidden by them, and the only ones who can be invited are the second-class" masters "who have only advanced to the planetary realm in the last 30 years. I don't need to say more about the water content in them."

Li Xingyun smiles and shakes his head. For 30 years, the crazy behavior of the last batch of strong men active in the front line has led to the Zerg Festival The festival has been defeated and retreated. Now, it has basically shrunk in the deep underground of this planet.

These "peace" advanced planetary realm people, not to mention their own strength gap, the actual combat experience is also worse than Yi Han's three people. I don't know how much. Most of the time, the gap between the first-class and the second-class is those seemingly insignificant practical experience.

They were the real stars of the war-torn era.

"Even some" young dolls "are much better than those of us who are disabled. If the mission fails because of our three encumbrances, don't you lose all your money?"

Marcos looks at Li Xingyun without expression.

"This involves the second deal to be discussed with the three," Li Xingyun said with a meaningful smile.

"I have some things in my hands that are very likely to cure your injuries"

"after the three injuries recover, they will also ask three of them to serve as my tutors and bodyguards for three years.

if Li Xingyun said that, Yi Han's face would change and the weather would be uncertain.

Even Alva, who has always been indifferent, couldn't help but glance at Li nebula.

Without saying a word, Marcos stood up and held out his hand to Li Xingyun.

"It's a deal. As long as you can help me recover from my injury, I will promise all your conditions."

Li Xingyun shook hands with Marcos with a smile.

"Happy cooperation"

"in addition, I have prepared some small gifts for the three of them. No matter whether the transaction is successful or not, they will be regarded as apologies for disturbing the three."

Li Xingyun takes out a long sword with blue light and puts it in front of Yi Han, then takes out a heavy machine armor and puts it aside, and finally hands Alva a a purple crystal pendant.

"Alpha alloy sword, helmet of the earth, nine sky thunder crystal"

"you are so generous. Each small gift here has a value of no less than 1.5 billion star coins. Let alone those panacea that can live and die people and bones"

Alva drank all the things in his glass and looked at Li Xingyun with a sneer.

"With such a large amount of writing, I didn't hear that aristocratic family or organization could give it to a child at one time to spend money. You must have come from the highest heaven."

in Alva's words, people Yi Han and Marcos changed their faces, and the supreme heaven's envoys had contact with them naturally, and they had a lot of contact, but not many of them are good memories.

"Yes, I didn't intend to hide it, otherwise I would not take out these things at one time."

Li Xingyun opened the information interface in the brain with a smile, and showed all the privileges and ranks she got in the world of Star River corps to the three people.

"I'm not very clear. What's wrong with the three envoys of heaven? However, I came here with sincerity. The contract clearly stipulates that you can give up the task at any time if you find that the task is beyond the scope of personal strength, or there is something abnormal in the task."

"moreover, being a tutor and bodyguard is after the three people recover from their injuries, not before "

" the alpha alloy sword, the helmet of the earth, and the nine sky thunder crystal are also free gifts "

" these conditions should be hundred profits and no harm to the three at present "

" my goal is to complete the mission entrusted by the supreme heaven and improve my own strength at the same time "

" if the three do not want to, I will not be forced to do so It's just that I haven't seen me before. "

Li Xingyun opens his hands and smiles bitterly.

The name of the supreme celestial emissary is a sweet potato for the Star River federal government, but it is not so good for these soldiers who lick their blood.

Li Xingyun knows with her toes that in order to complete the task, those students will not worry about the life and death of these people. After accumulating for three times and four times, the image of the supreme celestial emissary has already been in front of the local strong people and can not be worse.

Therefore, Li Xingyun did not invite those famous and powerful people who were in the limelight, but deliberately chose three people who had been depressed.

Only in this way can Li Xingyun have enough interests to move them.

After Xu's heavy profits, Li Xingyun had to leave the matter to heaven, which was the best way he could think of.

Yi Han and Marcos can't help but look at Alva after listening to Li Xingyun's explanation.

Alva seems to be the youngest of the three, but actually he has been a veteran for many years. Yi Han and Marcos heard the rise of Alva's name all the way when they came out. Now, when facing such a turning point in life, both of them can't help but look forward to it.

Alva looked at Li Yun Yun for a while, until Li Yun Yun gradually showed a look of disappointment, he said to Li Xingyun: "yes, we agree with your conditions. Since all of them are hard-working, why not sell them for a good price? But the premise of all this is that we must really recover. If we don't have the fighting capacity in the peak period, we will send them when we go Death "Alva's words, let Li Xing yundun feel the twists and turns, willow bank flowers.

Then Li Xingyun and Alva decided on the details of their cooperation that afternoon, and Li Xingyun began to try to help them get rid of their disability.

The next day, Li Xingyun took the three recovered people to the largest training center in the base of the pioneer city.

This advanced training base does not have the S-level authority or the rank above the captain level, and can't even enter the gate. Usually, only some military experts can freely enter and exit.

Li Xingyun brought three people who were originally famous to the training base, which immediately caused the military's shock.

Alva three people are originally military origin, is a rising star level master in the last era.

But after all kinds of accidents, he disappeared into the world.

Now that they're back in the eyes of these people, they're suddenly taken aback.

The main reason why it is difficult for Alva to recover from the trisomy is that he can't recover from the injury.

If these energies cannot be expelled, advanced limb regeneration technology is just useless work.

Now Li Xingyun, with three people intact, shows us how effective the medical products he provides.

This time, all the researchers in the whole research department are crazy. If we overcome this problem, how much benefit will it bring to the Xinghe federal government every year? How many military experts have to retire due to disability every year? If all these people recover, the high-end combat power of the whole Xinghe Federation will have to double.

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