What they don't know is that only the panacea and the universal medical bag can't have that kind of miraculous effect. If Li Xingyun didn't double the cultivation of the three people in a short time with gene activator, they couldn't achieve such a good effect simply by relying on those two kinds of medical products.

She did not know the inside story. Originally, when Li Xingyun invited Alva, she had a vague guess. When Li Xingyun and Alva really appeared in front of her, it was still a little unbelievable.

We should know that Alva's injuries have plagued them for many years. In these years, we don't know how many talented people and strong people have collapsed because of an accident. If we solve this problem, let alone her, the forces behind her have unimaginable benefits.

"Send me the most elite researchers to study the three samples I brought back, and we must do clinical trials in the shortest time"

at the thought of the huge benefits to be faced, mellina's face turned red with excitement and roared regardless of the image.

In the roar of Melina, the whole pioneer city began to be busy, and her people obviously knew the importance of the matter, and they were crazy to draw all the useful scientific experts from every corner of the pioneer city.

You should know that there are 36 cities in the sky on this Zerg mother planet alone, not to mention the various forces in the Terran hinterland.

If the formula has not been worked out now, then it is likely that all kinds of forces will take the credit for their research. In fact, if it had not been for the purpose of avoiding internal strife, the Star River federal government has clearly stipulated that any force that first contacts the supreme celestial envoy has priority, then someone would have intercepted Melina's "Hu".

Now attracted by such a large interest, it is certain that some people have already targeted Li Xingyun. Li Xingyun will not sell the remaining medical products for more interests.

So now, the whole city of pioneers is racing against time to work out the formula one second earlier, and they will have the real initiative one second earlier.

After feeling the change of atmosphere, Li Xingyun inadvertently reveals a smile.

Everything is planned. When they finish the clinical experiment, the story of Alva and Alva must have spread all over the senior levels of the Star River federal government. When they find that only three kinds of medical products can not achieve the desired effect, naturally, someone will come to Li Xingyun.

The next step is the process of Li Xingyun asking for a price.

"If there is no accident, the heart of the Zerg mother should be settled"

Li Xingyun is secretly calculating.

After comparing the information obtained by Fei Lao and Alva, the real master who killed the mother Zerg, Li Xingyun knew that there were at least three Zerg females in the hands of the federal government of Xinghe.

This kind of strategic level treasure, without sufficient interests, how can the federal government of starriver take out the transaction.

You should know that more than 900 years ago, a mother worm of Zerg was accidentally sent out. As a result, the price of 500 billion star coins was sold in an auction.

Li Xingyun knows with her toes that the golden haired beauties who receive him will not have direct authority to trade with him. In this case, why not make the matter bigger and put forward his own conditions after the real senior figures find him.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Li Xingyun to save money in this world for 50 years to buy a mother worm of Zerg.

The worst result is that the negotiations with the Xinghe federal government are unsuccessful. Even so, Li Xingyun still has his own backup plan.

After coming to the training center, Li Xingyun naturally occupied the best training room with her own authority, and also required a lot of training resources, some of which were provided to Alva three people for rehabilitation training, and some for their own use.

After all, the Star River federal government has a big business, and Li Xingyun doesn't have to consider helping them save resources.

Next, Li Xingyun plans to stay here and wait for the result.

This house is half a year.

After Li Xingyun and Alva are completely familiar with each other, they naturally have the courage to ask for advice on their housekeeping skills.

Alva didn't know whether it was because he paid him enough, or because he was more comfortable with Li Xingyun and did not hide his clumsiness, so he took out his own housekeeping skills one after another.

Yi Han is responsible for teaching firearms knowledge, blasting skills, and combat skills on the battlefield.

Marcos is responsible for teaching Li Xingyun's close combat skills, defense skills and body building skills.

Alva took out his own swordsmanship and a secret skill that Li Xingyun had long coveted -- leiche.

After half a year's hard work, Li Xingyun had just begun to teach the three people all kinds of knowledge and skills when the Star River federal government really sent personnel with high authority to negotiate with him.

In this way, Li Xingyun's real combat effectiveness has also been greatly improved, and his accomplishments can even enter the threshold of planetary two-star level.

Li Xingyun, with a new spirit, looked at the golden haired general with a firm face and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that general Horton came in person. I'm really flattered."Horton looks a little complicated. Looking at the young man in front of him, he really can't think of the existence of the supreme heaven. He can cultivate Li Xingyun, an expert who can take charge of both intelligence and strength at a young age.

We should know that the various reforms of the Xinghe federal government over the past few years have only produced a minority elite, and these so-called elites are not comparable to Li Xingyun in terms of age advantage.

However, when he thought of the absurdity of those messengers in the past, Horton suddenly found that there was a lot of rubbish in the supreme heaven, and the real elites were only a few.

"Lord Tiandi, Horton was born in the military and was not good at beating around the bush. I think you can guess the purpose of my coming. I think we might as well be more open and open"

"we want to be able to regenerate the disabled master with alien energy invasion, and you should also have the desire"

"in this way, you can put forward the conditions as long as it is within my authority Inside, I'll promise you everything. How about "

Horton pulled a stiff smile from his resolute face. Looking at Li Xingyun, we can see that this general, who is active in the front-line battlefield, does not have much negotiation skills. As far as he is concerned, he gives orders directly. Even when he talks with Li Xingyun, he shows a trace of command attitude among them.

"Since general Horton came with sincerity, I will not conceal you. I really don't have the skills you need..." Li Xingyun looked at Horton's frown and then said with a smile.

"However, I have drugs that can regenerate the amputated limbs of planetary level masters"

"as for whether we can overcome the technical difficulties and benefit the whole federal soldiers, it depends on the level of your own researchers"

Horton frowned, and then said: "it's OK. You can provide samples, we'll study by ourselves, and after the transaction, whether the research can be completed The work has nothing to do with you, so it's OK to "

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