"General Horton is straightforward, and I don't want to hide it. The medicine in the syringe is the key to cure. This medicine is called gene activator. It has no direct therapeutic effect, but it can make people double their accomplishments in a short time. It can be used together with other medical products, and then the three Alva people can be cured under both internal and external attacks." Li Xingyun takes out two gene stimulation The chemical is in front of Horton.

"And the conditions I put forward are very simple. First, I need an elite team of about 50 people for my command for a period of three years."

"secondly, I need the intelligence system of the military to provide me with the information I am interested in"

"thirdly, I need a mother Zerg heart when the transaction is completed, and the energy contained in it does not matter But it can't be waste? "

Houghton agreed to the first two conditions of Li Xingyun, but when Li Xingyun proposed the third condition, Horton frowned.

"The heart of Zerg females? Are you sure you're right? It's the heart of the female worm, not the heart of the brain worm? "

Looking at Horton's angry face, Li Xingyun smiles: "general Horton, I'm not wrong. You may think that the conditions I put forward are rude and even ridiculous"

"but please don't forget that the sample in my hand is unique, and I promise that no one will hold similar items in my hand for hundreds or even thousands of years In this world "

" compared with the limited value of the heart of the Zerg mother worm, the sample in my hand is really priceless. Moreover, the medicine that can double the combat effectiveness in a short time can not only be used to treat disability, but also a life-saving medicine that can save life at a critical time "

" ha ha ha, priceless treasure? Can you work out the real formula for the samples in your hand? Or do you dare to ask for a strategic national treasure worth 500 billion star coins? Do you think that if you are the emissary of the supreme heaven, you can do whatever you want. "

Horton starts to clap his desk with a angry smile, and looks at Li Xingyun angrily. The evil spirit accumulated in countless battlefield makes the temperature of the whole room drop sharply.

At this time, I realized that I was facing a master with strength no less than five stars on the planet. Even with bare hands, the master of this level could face the monsters transformed from the Church of hopeless cliff.

"General Horton, are you threatening me now?"

Li Xingyun stood up and looked at him coldly. Although his momentum was not as strong as Horton's, he was also consolidated. Even under high pressure, he did not show a state of collapse, and steadily carried Horton's momentum.

In addition, the evil spirit from Li Yun Yun is also mixed with the external momentum like substance, which makes the surrounding areas of Li Nebula dark red.

After nearly a minute of confrontation, all kinds of wooden seats in the room have been turned into vermicelli under the fierce confrontation. Only a few metal products are left in the room, barely maintaining their original posture.

"It's true that heroes are young. It seems that I haven't been out of the barracks for a long time, but I'm out of date."

Horton, who had a cold eyebrow, suddenly burst into a smile, and the momentum of the sea was immediately withdrawn.

Then Li Xingyun reached an agreement with Horton after holding out a cold sweat with a smile not much better than crying.

"I'll go. The old man is so frightening that I thought I was going to die here? "

Li Xingyun's heart was still beating wildly after she returned to her residence. After pouring a large cup of boiled water, she was relieved a lot.

For the first time, Alva saw Li Xingyun's young face showing a look of fear, and then said with a smile: "how can the negotiation not go smoothly? General Horton is not easy to get along with"

Li Xingyun glared at her fiercely. If Alva had not left her old relationship, Li Xingyun would not have met the authoritative and victorious Colonel Horton.

However, Alva did not say before that the cultivation of this old guy has reached the horrible situation of five planets.

"The agreement has been reached. When the Zerg mother gets the heart, I will hand over the gene activator to the military. After the elite troops are transferred, we can carry out our plan."

after handing over the two gene activators, Li Xingyun will have only one gene activator left, which can only be used at a critical time.

But it's all worth it.

As for whether the deal can be successfully concluded, Li Xingyun has 80% confidence at the moment of seeing Horton.

If the formula of medical products has not been resolved before, Horton will not appear at all. Since the composition of the three samples can be resolved, it shows that the various items brought by Li Xingyun belt are in a similar technology system.

In this case, the miracle of Li Xingyun's hands is very likely to be repeated in their hands.

Li Xingyun's request seems to be a fantasy, but actually there is a lot of room for operation.

As Li Xingyun said, what he wants is only the heart of the Zerg mother, not the heart of the fresh worm.The difference between the two is not so big.

the biggest feature of the heart of the Zerg mother worm is that it contains hundreds of Zerg mother's life essence. Without the special feeding technology of the Zerg, these life essence can be used a little bit less.

said to the Terran, each of the essence of life can give birth to a strong planet class. The heart of the Zerg's mother is naturally classified as a strategic national treasure. After all, the heart of every Zerg's mother insect represents a powerful warrior capable of making hundreds of other stars.

A complete female worm of Zerg can be sold for 500 billion star coins at the auction.

But what Li Xingyun wants is not the heart of the full-fledged Zerg, but the n-hand goods that have been used many times.

How much is the heart of a Zerg that can only be used more than ten times, or even seven or eight times, in addition to the research value? 100 billion, or 70 billion?

In this way, the business of the military will not lose much. Compared with the heart of a female Zerg that is about to be scrapped, Li Xingyun's samples are obviously more attractive.

So general Horton put on a show in front of Li Xingyun, and then immediately agreed to come down.

But Li Xingyun also knows that this kind of thing can't be two.

So far, the value of his body that can be provided to the Star River federal government has been almost squeezed. If they find out that Li Xingyun has no cards in his hands, the Star River federal government will not necessarily treat him as politely as he is now.

However, Li Xingyun did not intend to settle down in this world. After completing his task, he could not reach him when he returned to the black prison University.

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