The reason why Lee's Nebula paste is not enough to support the Lee nebula's skin is that it's not enough.

Under the pressure of gravity, these ointment on the surface of Li Yun Yun's skin can be seen by the naked eye.

Li Xingyun couldn't help crying out because of the burning pain. However, the scream was interrupted by Kevin just as soon as it appeared. Kevin took out a medicine bottle and put it into Li Xingyun's mouth.

And the liquid in the medicine bottle was poured directly into Kevin's mouth with Li Xingyun's mouth screaming.

"Pseudo life water, plus amputated limb regeneration ointment, your regeneration ability should be enough"

under Kevin's murmur, Li Xingyun's whole body turned red like a cooked prawn, but this time no steam came out of his head. Under the huge pressure, Li Xingyun's body was like a high-pressure furnace Pressurize.

The object of this high-temperature furnace is Li Xingyun's internal organs and all cells in his body.

"Yes, I've been burned to ashes"

the intense and unbearable pain made Li Xingyun unable to scream for birth, and the whole person collapsed like a soul out of the body, paralyzed and unable to move in the secret of gravity.

And his consciousness has fallen into the endless illusion.

In the illusion, Li Xingyun sees that she has been thrown into the stars and is being licked every corner of her body by the flame. Every time she licks the burning pain, she would like to let the flame burn herself to ashes.

"It seems that I can't hold on to it. Will the medicine be a little heavier? If we don't wait to see"

Kevin, who is doing this extreme training for the first time, touches his chin and looks at Li Xingyun, who looks like a dead man, and mutters to himself.

Fortunately, at this time, Li Xingyun's consciousness has fallen into the illusion, and if he really heard Kevin's words, Li Xingyun estimated that he would cheat his corpse and fight with him.

In this extreme suffering, Li Xingyun's physical strength began to take a train like constant uplift.

Originally, after Li Xingyun awakened the ability to regenerate this physical body system, his body strength was relatively strong among the planets. The brute force of a simple physical body has the peak power of a warrior. However, Li Xingyun's physical body obviously exceeds this limit and has stepped into the planetary stage step by step.

Within three days, Kevin gave Li Xingyun five supplements. At this time, Li Xingyun's body suddenly burst out a light yellow light, while the red color began to fade.

"My darling, powers have evolved"

Kevin is surprised to see the light on Li Xingyun. At this time, he feels that Li Xingyun's physical strength has completely entered the planetary stage, and his regenerated powers have evolved at the same time, from ordinary regeneration of orange quality to advanced regeneration of yellow quality.

After the evolution of powers, Li Xingyun's physical strength has been further enhanced. Now, the strength of her body alone is no less than that of a warrior at the top of a planet.

"The boy seems to have extraordinary potential, so he has to play"

Kevin looks at Li Xingyun, who is gradually recovering from consciousness, with a meaningful smile on his mouth.

Li Xingyun, who has just returned from the hot dreamland, suddenly feels a chill in her heart

The practice of gravity in hell lasted for 100 days. During this period, Li Xingyun experienced a real transformation. Every bone and even every cell in his body was completely replaced by more powerful cells and bones.

By the time Li Xingyun stepped out of the secret state of gravity, his pure physical strength had reached the level of three stars on the planet, surpassing his real cultivation.

Now Li Xingyun can say with a package ticket, dare to fight with the iron tower to the front of the meat just a wave.

"Although it's not perfect to upgrade the body to this level, it's barely enough. The next step is to prompt the basic cultivation"

Kevin looked at Li Yun Yun and said that he was not satisfied. Originally, he calculated that these natural materials and earth treasures could make Li Xingyun's physical strength reach the level of four planets. However, after Li Xingyun's ability evolved, the whole body looked like a sea Like cotton, it has absorbed part of Tiancai Dibao into its inner potential.

"But it's good. At least, the foundation will not be too loose, which is helpful for future training"

Kevin takes Li Xingyun to the fifth secret place of the Vientiane tower - the deep-sea secret place.

Compared with the gravity secret, the deep-sea secret is more ferocious. Although gravity will increase with time, it will reach the top when it reaches 20 times.

This deep-sea secret place is known as the terrible secret place of bottomless trench. After entering the secret place, the special force in the Vientiane tower will seal the action ability of the contestants in the secret place completely. Only with the sea current falling, can people who do not pass the secret place (adhere to the deep sea for 10000 meters) can only be killed by spraying blood from the pores of hundreds of millions of tons of seawater.

Li Xingyun also relied on the powerful auxiliary function of Jikai to pass through this secret place.Now, the first thing that Li Xingyun, who follows Kevin in, is to be taken off his body. He can only resist the pressure of sea water by virtue of his skill and strong physical strength.

"In other words, why is the seal of the Vientiane tower useless to you"

with the falling of the current, Li Xingyun looks at the leisure with an oxygen mask around him, and feels like Kevin is on holiday. The universe can really replace oxygen, so that Li Xingyun can stay underwater for a long time, but the feeling of air tightness will not disappear.

Br >

if you look at me as slow as the fish in Xingyun, it's not good for you to look at me as slow as an old fish >After that, Kevin took out a big iron ball with a diameter of one meter and put it on Li Xingyun.

"No . ah "

under a series of bubbles, Li Xingyun falls straight into the deep sea.

After arriving at 15000 meters under the sea, Kevin suddenly appeared, took away the iron ball from Li Xingyun, and let Li Xingyun float there.

At this time, even with a body several times stronger than before, Li Xingyun still felt that the terrible sea pressure was about to squash him, and strands of blood had begun to seep out of his seven orifices.

"The pressure is almost over. Hey, don't pretend to be dead, get up and practice"

Kevin knocks Li Xingyun, and Li Xing yundun feels that his seal has been untied and his action ability is restored. , the fastest update of the webnovel!