Li Xingyun clenched his teeth, forced to resist the sea pressure that was about to squeeze out his internal organs. After posing, he immediately began to practice.

The skill he practiced was the most common one in the universe. It was called zuhuang's treasure book. It was called domineering, but it was a basic skill that anyone could learn.

However, after the master universe's tempering and countless generations of people's training and adaptation, this treasure book has become a real golden oil like skill, which can be practiced by any race or special blood, with almost no rejection.

In the early stage, in order to save learning points, Li Xingyun and Ji Xiaoxi practiced this skill together with Chen Xiaoming, but did not exchange for special cultivation methods.

This time, the blind cat ran into a dead mouse, because Kevin is also majoring in this cultivation method. For its advantages and disadvantages, Kevin has a clear mind.

Therefore, Kevin directly chose this deep-sea secret place with strong pressure, in order to solidify the cosmic force cultivated in Li Xingyun's body with the help of the outside world, so as to make up for the defect of the low level of zuhuang's canon.

After Li Xingyun entered the state, Kevin also began to take out various kinds of natural materials and earth treasures. After squeezing out hundreds of millions of tons of sea water with his power, he refined them at will. Soon, various kinds of liquid medicine, powder and pill appeared in his hands.

With Li Xingyun's training to the time when his successor was unable to do so, Kevin threw all kinds of panacea into Li Xingyun's mouth, replenishing his consumption and improving his cultivation effect.

"Listen to the boy himself, from an ordinary person to the present planetary two star realm, which is less than two years, now we have to continue to impact on a higher level. Ha ha, it's almost impossible that you don't grow up, but you're lucky enough to meet me. Under these pills, you can at least make up for your broken foundation"

"if this boy If he is smart enough, he will immediately close down for a year or two after he goes back. Otherwise, if the foundation is unstable, it will be difficult to make a difference in the future "

Kevin murmurs while controlling the body of Li Xingyun to fall slowly. The increased sea pressure makes Li Xingyun show a look of pain. At the same time, in order to relieve the pressure from the outside world, the flow speed of the cosmic force in his body is also very high And it's getting faster.

As time went by, he spent a hundred days in the deep sea. Under various pressures, Li Xingyun successfully advanced to the three-star state.

Compared with the extent of physical improvement, his cultivation is not much exaggeration. However, we should know that cultivation is the foundation of everything. Every step forward on the road of evolution is extremely dangerous. In addition to paying countless sweat and efforts, it is also common to risk his life.

Kevin is not unable to let Li Xingyun's accomplishments move up like a rocket. But when Li Xingyun really hands on people, I'm afraid there is no need for the other party to do it. Li Xingyun's own control is not enough, and the Runaway Universe in his body could have gone mad.

What's Kevin going to do with this kind of embroidered pillow?

Li Xingyun is very happy to feel the explosive power in the body at 25000 meters in the deep sea.

After the body and cultivation reach the three-star state, Li Xingyun can run freely in the fifth floor of the Vientiane tower even without dark star equipment. Although he can't beat the heroes on the sixth floor, he can sweep all the people on the sixth floor with the help of burning blood.

In addition to Alva, who can easily cross the stairs and kill opponents in seconds, Li Xingyun has 90% of the people in the same realm who are able to hang him. This does not count his power of burning blood to determine the explosion.

"Now the power is much stronger than before. It's no problem to sweep the sixth layer with the help of burning blood"

Kevin looked at Li Xing Yun, who was smiling and said: "is this enough? You're right. It's OK to sweep the sixth floor, but your purpose is to pass through the tenth floor of the Vientiane tower. As far as your current strength is concerned, you have to be stuck at the ninth floor, not to mention entering the tenth layer. "

" so the real cultivation is far from over. It should be said that it is just the beginning. "

Kevin waves his hand, and taling immediately takes them Back in his castle.

This time, Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun directly appeared in the secret room of Kevin's usual closed cultivation, a pseudo vacuum room full of air and no gravity at all.

Suddenly appeared here, the pressure of hundreds of millions of tons of sea water disappeared. This contrast almost made Li Xingyun spit blood.

"I didn't vomit blood like this. I saw that my body was stronger in the deep sea." Kevin looked at Li Xingyun's uncomfortable appearance, but nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, Li Xingyun discovered that her physical strength had reached the peak of the three stars.

"The improvement of cultivation, combined with the grinding of the deep sea pressure, makes the physical strength rise again?" Li Xingyun clenched her fist and felt more powerful than before. She was surprised.

"The foundation of strength has already been established. Now what you lack most is skill"

Kevin looked at Li Xingyun seriously and said: "I have seen your previous combat video. Although the sword skill is not bad, the foundation is still too poor. As soon as I see it, I know that there has not been a lot of systematic basic sword training.""At present, the swordsmanship skills you use in the battle have not exerted their real power"

"it can be said that from the beginning to the end, you rely on the burning blood to decide to open up, which defeated many experts all the way to the six levels of the Vientiane tower. When your strength is not overwhelming, your defeat will become a foregone conclusion"

"in my opinion, your fight is one A strong monkey is chopping with a sword, and they are bullying animals that are weaker than themselves. When they meet a stronger opponent, they immediately advise him. "

Kevin's words make Li Xingyun blush. If he doesn't practice hard, Alva can prove that even in the world of star River corps, Li Xingyun, who could easily enjoy the happiness, still wants to Try to exercise yourself.

Moreover, Li Xingyun also has self-knowledge and self-knowledge. He knows that his time of contact with this kind of super power world is too short, so he has been trying to ask all kinds of famous teachers for guidance.

However, on the one hand, the time was too short, and on the other hand, the so-called famous teachers he hired didn't care much about him, which made him feel that he was not good at learning anything.

Feitian yujianliu swordsmanship is his main attack means, but in this way, he exchanged this skill in the black prison college, which will brush his proficiency to a great degree. , the fastest update of the webnovel!