So Kevin is right. Li Xingyun has always been a three board axe like move. If he can't beat it, he will open it directly. There is a bit of arrears in the real moves.

"But Mr. Kevin, the skill and proficiency of sword moves need a lot of time to train. Now what I lack most is time"

Li Xingyun also knows that she is short of time, but the time is too urgent. Even though he has been trying to make up for this kind of defect, he still hasn't really made a qualitative change before the crisis comes.

Originally, Li Xingyun also planned very well. Taking advantage of the fact that there is no time limit and no very urgent crisis in the Star River team, he intends to stay in the world for a long time and hone himself.

Who knows that the idea is very good, but before it can be implemented, it happened, and was forced into a desperate situation.

Li Xingyun's words, let Kevin smile, a chill again enveloped Li Xingyun's heart.

"I don't know what you said. Otherwise, how could I say that you should be prepared for death"

looking at Kevin's standard "devil like" smile, Li Xingyun suddenly felt an impulse to escape. The previous practice that made Li Xingyun want to commit suicide is not included in the so-called mental preparation?

"Now let's see what I was going to surprise little Alva"

Kevin said that the pupils of his eyes suddenly turned blood red, and then three gouyu also came out of the pupils. With the rapid rotation of gouyu, a pattern familiar to Li Xingyun like a dart appeared in Kevin's pupil.

"Monthly reading"

Li Xingyun, who was looking at Kevin, was surprised and suddenly found that they came to a desolate and crowded land with a flower of eyes. The huge blood moon in the night sky seemed to be hanging upside down.

"Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye"

Li Xingyun took a breath of cold air in surprise. The discovery of the earth had a great impact. Li Xingyun knew that, but he never dreamed of seeing these familiar eyes in the Vientiane tower.

"Why, you know this pupil technique?"

Kevin is also surprised to see Li Xingyun, this special blood vessel can open pupil, he was also found in the Vientiane tower, with great effort, Kevin did not have any sequelae, now the bipolar useful eyes.

I didn't expect that many of the opponents didn't know much about it, but Li Xingyun said it all at once.

"Should we say that we are people from the highest heaven? Compared with the Vientiane tower, where is the highest heaven seems to be more interesting?" Kevin thought. Li Xingyun's identity as the envoy of the highest heaven made many strange places in Li Xingyun's body filled by Kevin's own brain.

It is also because of this good, Kevin knows that Li Xingyun has many things to say, so he did not go into the details of why Li Xingyun is so clear about the writing of wheel eyes in kaleidoscope.

"Since you know this pupil technique, it just saves me to explain"

"in the monthly reading space, no matter how long it takes, the outside world is only a few minutes or even seconds"

"here, I will teach you the skills of sword moves, and life and death is the most time to stimulate people's potential, so be prepared to die thousands of times"

" Kevin, who has officially entered the teaching mode, becomes colder and colder. A strong and murderous spirit is covering Li Xingyun.

"To practice with monthly reading, shit, he is not an ordinary kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, but an eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye"

Li Xingyun can't help but distract himself when he thinks that this powerful and pupil technique really appears in front of him.

Then Li Xingyun found a flower in front of him. Kevin's body disappeared in front of him. A sharp pain came from his throat.

Li Xingyun's hands covered his neck, which was constantly spraying blood. He turned back hard. His head rolled down along the wound on his neck. On his deathbed, he saw Kevin's cold eyes full of murderous air.

"Hoo Call... "

Li Xingyun kneels down on the ground, her eyes red and panting for breath. The experience of her death is still fresh in my eyes. Even the pain in her neck seems to have not disappeared.

"You still have time to breathe. It seems that you didn't listen to what I said."

Kevin's tone of indifference appeared behind Li Xingyun. Before he could do anything, a ninja knife was inserted into the back of his head and pierced through Li Xingyun's mouth.

Li Xingyun is dead again.

After his resurrection, Li Xingyun completely went off. His nerves, which had been tense because of hopelessness, were cut off twice in a row. Li Xingyun, who almost lost his mind, directly opened the burning blood.

"The first reaction is to rely on brutality to win? "

Kevin sneered and snapped his fingers, and Li Xingyun's soaring breath disappeared.

"This is my country. If you want to open it up, you asked me if it was"

The Ninja knife flashed through the night sky, reflecting the blood moon and scarlet light, full of sad and beautiful poetry and painting.

Li Xingyun's body is divided into two parts from head to foot under the night sky, and a huge amount of blood spurts out like a cherry blossom tree in full bloom."Crouch, are you crazy? It's meaningless to kill me like this"

after the resurrection, Li Xingyun yells at Kevin, who has entered the mode of killing gods. Kevin is so fast that he can't react directly. In this case, he is just like a pig and sheep to be slaughtered and has no resistance.

"Then start your rusty head and do everything possible to get rid of the dilemma"

after Kevin said it coldly, he raised his ninja knife again.

Half an hour later, Li Xingyun, who had died many times, stood quietly under the blood moon like a dead man, and his irascible mood had been forced to suppress in the bottom of his heart.

"We must keep up with Kevin's movements and see him make a knife." Li Xingyun stares at Kevin with red eyes. Death in the space of monthly reading does not belong to real death. He can't give full play to his pre vision of death. Facing the pressure and speed of Kevin, Li Xingyun doesn't have to fight at all and even escapes into extravagance.

Seeing Kevin disappear in front of her eyes again, Li Xingyun didn't even think about it. Her body made a move in advance, and the conditioned reflex dodged to the side. At the same time, a large number of universe could have poured out of her body, filling the space of several meters near her body.

After Kevin burst into the vicinity of Li Xingyun's body, he immediately caused the fluctuation of the universe's original energy. Although it is hard to see with the naked eye, Li Xingyun still uses this inductive force to determine Kevin's general position, and is ready to deal with the Ninja knife.

"Ding "

Li Xingyun blocked Kevin's Ninja knife for the first time. Although the power contained in the blade still killed him, it was a great progress for Li Xingyun. , the fastest update of the webnovel!