For Lingxi flash, Lei's spirit root can't improve the speed of the secret arts. However, with the addition of thunder force, the flash of Lingxi becomes sharper and sharper. The destructive power is not enhanced by a little bit. Even if Li Xingyun faces the exaggerated defensive players of Captain Qingyan, he doesn't need supersonic speed to break the defense.

After feeling the completely different power in her body, Li Xingyun returns to the arena with confidence.

The cultivation of the four planets, coupled with the physical strength of the four planets, let Li Xingyun's spirit flash burst out at an unprecedented speed.

Once again, all of us are dazzled by this mysterious horror.

After Li Xingyun's accomplishments were improved, the basic speed was increased. After being doubled by the secret skill of "one flash", the speed was even faster to an exaggerated degree.

Even without the help of any foreign objects, Li Xingyun can touch the sound barrier with the speed of eight times. With the help of the Dragon chant sword and the night Star Ji Kai, Li Xingyun easily breaks the sound barrier, and cuts his opponent's scalp numb with the sonic sword with the force of thunder.

A day later, Li Xingyun was qualified to challenge the secret land with ten wins, three draws and zero defeat.

Before leaving, Li Xingyun also spent all the winning points she had just earned and exchanged a small gift for herself, Shenxiu pill, an advanced version of Zaohua pill.

"Shenxiu pill, a five-star pill that can permanently improve a realm after paying 90% of its life span. Taking pills is limited to creatures under 30 years old and cultivating no more than five-star realm"

looking at the instructions of this pill, Li Xingyun quietly took it away. This pill was used desperately when it was absolutely necessary.

After entering the planetary stage, plus Li Xingyun's ability to regenerate, Li Xingyun's life span has been greatly improved. If there is no disease or disaster, he can live to 200 years old.

Even if he uses the blood burning method, he still has more than 150 years left. If he has to take this pill when he is in a desperate situation, he will only have 15 years to live.

However, it is better to live for 15 years than to die immediately. After getting the card to protect her life, Li Xingyun bravely stepped into the secret place of challenge.

At the moment of entering the secret place, Li Xingyun felt that her vision became extremely strange, just like a 360 degree monitoring probe without dead angle appeared in the air.

In his eyes, where a huge and incomparable Valley appears, there are all kinds of buildings in the valley, misty swamp woods, flowing waterfalls and steep cliffs. It is like a real paradise.

On the four sides of the valley, there are four statues standing in the sky, which are even higher than the mountains. Under the vague face, a pair of eyes seems to observe the people in the valley silently from the distance of nine days and ten places.

This strange vision lasted only a few seconds, and then Li Xingyun's vision returned to normal again. At this moment, he found himself in a yellow sand covered mountain, and at the same time, he had to get the conditions to pass through the secret place from taling.

"Through condition 1: kill three shadow God servants, or kill three outsiders in the Shenhu Valley"

"through condition 2: defeat a god servant"

two customs clearance conditions, Li Xingyun frowned. Although he did not know what the shadow God servants were, it was obviously not a good match to be able to be in parallel with these outsiders.

As for defeating the God servant, Li Xingyun has a headache. The God's bodyguard is already a planetary five-star realm. How strong will a more powerful servant be?

However, before Li Xingyun had time to think about it, he was already in trouble.

Suddenly, there are hundreds of Li Sha's nebulae approaching, and all of a sudden, Li's shadow comes out of the sky.

Aware of the impending crisis, Li Xingyun turned on the Dragon flash without thinking about it. It was only eight times faster than the speed of sound, and immediately let Li Xingyun out of danger.

After crossing the place where the Li nebula was originally located, numerous thorns fell into the ground and disappeared under a flash of yellow light. The next second, these thorns came out of the ground again, all aimed at the Li nebula and flew out again.

Li Xingyun draws out the Dragon chant sword, ignores the thorns and stares at the black shadow in the yellow sand.

Sure enough, after flying out of the ground stab, a thick mucus appeared again from the black shadow, aiming at Li Xingyun.

"Zerg? "

looking at these attacks that are not quite like human means, Li Xingyun's eyes flashed with cold light, and the Dragon chanting sword in his hand made the sound of Qingyue dragon chanting for the first time.

Then Li Xingyun's figure was shrouded by a dragon shaped shadow. Under the sharp sword meaning amplitude, the dragon shaped virtual shadow disappeared from the sky. When it reappeared, it had already come to the front of the dark shadow. The dense sword light spurted out from the dragon mouth, and in the blink of an eye, the yellow sand all over the sky was dissipated under the sword light.

And the dark shadow of honeycomb coal stabbed by sword light also really appeared in Li Xingyun's field of vision.The yellow sand dissipated, and a wind leaking golden tank bug, pierced by sword light, appeared in front of Li Xingyun. Before Li Yun Yun could study it, the tank bug turned into a black shadow and disappeared into the ground.

"Is this the shadow servant? "

looking at the dead tank worm, Li Xingyun was a little puzzled.

The tank insects in the true insect King realm are not only as big as mountains, but also extremely hard all over the body. They are simply a super fortress that can move. How can they be so easily killed by him? Moreover, after the death of Zerg, they will not turn into shadows and disappear.

"This shadow servant should be hidden underground, and he should have made the gold tank worm before"

Li Xingyun touched his chin and probably had already figured out what the shadow servant was. This thing should be able to be the characteristics of outsiders, and use special means to create the kind of shadow soldier Li Xingyun had seen before.

It's more troublesome. The one who can come to the tenth secret place is not the strong among the strong. Even the elite among the elite can't imitate his skills in percentage, which is enough for ordinary people. If he meets the means of restraint, even Li Xingyun can't guarantee that he can get out of the predicament intact.

"The characteristics of tank insects are that they have high defense and thick blood, and their frontal attack power is outrageous. However, they move slowly, so you can try to fight."

thinking that the shadow God servant may imitate tank insects, Li Xing yundun has an idea. , the fastest update of the webnovel!