After a while, Li Xingyun flies into the air. After closing her eyes and half ring, Li Xingyun drinks. The Dragon singing sword in her hand is danced into a virtual shadow by Li Xingyun. A sword light flies out immediately. Soon, the whole hill is stabbed into a hornet's nest by Li Xingyun's sword light.

Tens of thousands of sword light is constantly passing through the ground, just like an indefatigable pangolin, which makes the whole hill tremble slightly.

After a while, one of the sword lights cut by Li Xingyun was suddenly extinguished by a strong breath. In mid air, Li Xingyun opened her eyes and looked at the mound.

"I've found you"

the sound of the Dragon chanting in Qingyue was sent out again, and a sword light as long as 10 meters and as wide as half meters pierced into the hills.

Then the whole Hill began to shake wildly. Tens of thousands of tons of silt and loess were thrown into the air by an unknown huge force. The yellow sand all over the sky became more yellow. Even if the sun was floating in the sky, it was difficult to see what happened in the hills.

More than ten minutes later, like the 8.0 magnitude earthquake, the crazy vibration stopped. Li Xingyun flew out of the ground in confusion, and her breath was much weaker than that. Fortunately, she had the Holy Light scepter and magic stripe, and soon recovered to the peak.

"The shadow God servant is really hard to deal with. I'm afraid that he has about 80% of his real combat effectiveness."

after Li Xingyun killed the first shadow God servant, he didn't feel any joy.

Since the shadow servant can simulate the shape of tank insects, it shows that the real tank insects have entered this secret place. Moreover, according to the habits of Zerg, I'm afraid there is not only one insect coming in.

And three days later, if Li Xingyun didn't die here, he would have returned to the world of Xinghe team. Li Xingyun didn't want to meet any insect king when his accomplishments were lost by 80%.

So now Li Xingyun has an extra goal, which is to kill the insect king in the secret place.

"Gavin and their hearts are wide, but they want to trouble me to help them clean up the mess. It's really special"

the stuffy Li Xing cloud turns into a meteor and disappears in the sky. The huge sound caused by breaking the sound barrier resounds through the sky.

A day later, Li Xingyun used the speed of transonic search, and finally found the "army" left by Zerg.

When they came in, the ten insect kings, together with countless kinds of insects, arrived at the tenth secret place, leaving only three insect kings and the little female insect under their protection.

And the little female insect did not know what kind of attack, all kinds of colonized beetles were lost, revealing a fragile body like a silkworm baby, a crystal clear body under the colorful brilliance, and the big black and beautiful eyes, which made this notorious female insect reveal an indescribable sense of loveliness.

There are not many people who can see the body of the female insect, but everyone who sees the real body of the female insect has to feel that such a "little" guy who looks harmless to people and animals, and even very cute and naive, is actually a ferocious Zerg leader.

When Li Xingyun found them, those insect Kings also found Li Yun Yun. But to their dismay, Li Yun Yun came at a bad time. Now three insect kings are in a bitter battle, and five shadow servants of different shapes are madly besieging them.

The energy waves of all colors wreak havoc on everything around us like waves.

"Good opportunity"

seeing such a good opportunity, Li Xingyun could not help but brighten her eyes and joined the siege without any hesitation.

When the shadow servants saw Li Xingyun join in, they put him in the range of attack. Fortunately, Li Xingyun had been prepared and avoided the attack of shadow Shenfu in the chaotic battlefield with extremely fast speed. In a flash, he appeared under the tank insects as big as mountains.

The sharp sword light poured out like water. Li Xingyun, who had been fighting with the shadow servant of the tank bug, knew all kinds of weak points of the tank insect. The sword light, like mercury, suddenly found out the weakness of the tank insect, and the shrill scream burst out of the insect's mouth.

After the explosion of the bomb, the scene will be even more chaotic.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Li Xingyun stealthily attacked another insect king. Although the effect was not as good as that against tank insects, it still suffered a lot of damage.

"Holy light scepter and magic pattern have no effect on it"

after discovering this unexpected harvest, Li Xingyun is more handy in sneaking attack. With the cooperation of the five shadow God servants, the three insect kings quickly fall into a disadvantage, especially after they are still protecting the fragile female insect, the disadvantage becomes more obvious.

Half an hour later, the three scarred insect kings were still firmly guarding the female insect, while two of the five shadow servants had died. One of them was seriously injured by the gunfire from the front of the tank bug, and Li Xingyun picked up and cut to death with a cheap sword.

The other shadow God servant, who was the most threatening to the female insect, was killed by the other two insect kings fighting for their own injuries.

After the death of two shadow servants, Li Xingyun's combat effectiveness on their side also weakened a lot, and the three insect kings were also scarred and were not in the state of full victory, otherwise they would not have to fight.The next second, the mother insect's behavior made Li Xingyun's face black.

Seeing that both of them had consumed almost all of the time, the mother immediately spat out a breath of vital and heterogeneous energy to the three insect kings. With the help of that strange energy, the wounds of the three insect kings began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the recovery speed was not much slower than the magic stripe of the scepter of light.

"Shit, the regiment war also takes the wet nurse, is too much"

Li Xingyun murmured, flashed up, and stabbed the female insect with his sharp sword light. Although he had not played many games in the League of heroes, he still understood the principle of killing the wet nurse first.

It's just that it's almost recovered. Where are the three insect kings willing to let Li Xingyun pass by, lava cannons, electro-optic bombs, corrosive mucus, and various attacks have been launched against Li Yun Yun.

Li Xingyun's sword light suddenly shot to one side and avoided. When the shadow servants saw that the insect kings were angry, they were not guilty at all. Their duty was to kill these outsiders, but their own life and death were not in the scope of consideration.

As for Li Xingyun's shadow, they had to give up their own shadow, so that they could not help but beat the shadow of Xingyun to the battlefield It's an annoying fly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!