Chen Xiaoming used his money to buy a lot of rare metals and special technologies unique to the world. It can be imagined that after returning to the black prison University, his dawn will usher in a new step of magic transformation.

For Li Xingyun, the biggest gain is still the secret recipe of forging body which is not spread by the fighting families in the world. All the money and relations Li Yun Yun got in the demon removing special service group were used to purchase such a secret recipe.

Under the match of this secret recipe, Li Xingyun's five thunder forging body will definitely progress faster.

It's a pity that the natural materials and earth treasures contained in the secret recipe are too precious. Li Xingyun has no ability to match the rare treasures in the secret recipe until he reaches the University of the black prison.

After all, those rare treasures in the world are basically monopolized by governments and consortia of various countries. The private practitioners do not have a lot of money and outstanding contributions. They really don't want to get those rare treasures.

After Li Xingyun ran out of money, there was no way to buy those things, so she could only hold this secret recipe in despair.

Ji Xiaoxi wanted to use her own money to buy some natural materials and earth treasures for Li Xingyun, but she was stopped by Li Xingyun.

instead of spending the money to buy something that can be obtained at any time in the black prison University, it is better to sell more specialties of the world. Finally, with Li Xingyun's suggestion, Ji Xiaoxi bought the spirit of the world's special products for herself.

With a large number of spirits of monsters, her long eliminated magic moon chain can be upgraded again. If it is upgraded to a magic weapon that can summon five-star level Eudemons, it will become another Assassin's mace of Ji Xiaoxi.

The previous three-star level Eudemons were really too weak. Don't mention helping. It's good to participate in the battle of Li Xingyun's class and not to make trouble.

After spending almost all the money, Li Xingyun also ushered in the final challenge.

After a series of screening, the school finally selected 25 talented fighters from the middle school. The top 20 of them will become the contestants in this world's No. 1 martial arts convention, and the remaining five are substitutes.

Li Xingyun and Ji Xiaoxi have to beat the five substitutes before they can compete for places.

Li Xingyun and the two of them are fine. They are all teenagers. Chen Xiaoming is miserable. They are all adult fighters who have more experience than him.

As a result, all three were eliminated without exception.

Li Xingyun defeated two of the five substitutes, and was finally eliminated by a fourth grade student. After four years of training in the army breaking academy, Li Xingyun was really not despised.

The basic cultivation has reached the peak of the four planets, and even many students have already broken through the barrier, reaching the level of five planets.

With all kinds of secret arts that have been trained for more than ten years, the combat effectiveness is simply out of the question. Li Xingyun can't challenge these people in all kinds of seriously injured and disabled conditions.

After being eliminated, Li Xingyun did not lose heart, which was expected.

In this world for more than a year, we still have some understanding of our abilities.

If they are in a state of total victory, they can still hope to compete. Although their abilities of all kinds of secret arts and single fighting are not as good as those of the world's fighters, they are still sure that Li Xingyun can overcome them if their accomplishments are not too bad.

If you are disabled, you don't have to think too much about it. These talented people who started training from childhood are not vegetarian. Under their various secret skills, Li Xingyun can persist for a few minutes, which is very good.

After the failure of the main task, Li Xingyun did not continue to stay, and returned directly to the black prison University.

However, there is no way for them to deduct five credits.

The most important thing is that he failed to participate in the world's first martial arts conference, and his experience of demon civilization made Li Xingyun feel extremely sorry.

In Chen Xiaoming's introduction of the main universe, demon civilization is the matriarchal civilization of human civilization.

It can be said that today's prosperous human civilization is completely born out of the demon civilization. The biggest similarity is the method of individual evolution, that is, the various cultivation methods within the Terran. The original version basically imitates the cultivation method of the demon clan.

Even the division method of Terran cultivation body shape is the Shanzhai demon clan.

It's just that there is no Terran in the demon clan. In addition to cultivating the basic cultivation, they also have to forge their bodies.

As for the strong demon clan, as long as the cultivation goes up, the physical strength can naturally keep up with it, which is one of the reasons why it is difficult for the Terran to single out the demon clan in the same realm.

However, Terrans are not without advantages. Naturally intelligent Terrans always create all kinds of appropriate martial arts, secret arts, and even forbidden skills to make up for their own shortcomings. It is with these killer maces that the human civilization can continuously progress and compete with the incomparable demon clan culture.

In fact, they have not only the advantages of each race, but also the fundamental reason for their rise.The most famous advantages of the four races are the advanced intelligence of the Terran, the powerful flesh of the demon, the immortal body of the ghost, and the biotechnology of the Zerg.

It's just that over the years, the four overlords have been learning from each other in the constant war and peace.

It is not uncommon for four races to be mixed in the main universe. Therefore, in the main universe, the relationship between the four dominant races is not so pure as those in the black prison universities.

Of course, these are afterwords. For Li Xingyun, the most important thing is the current harvest.

"Black prison freshmen Li Xingyun, Ji Xiaoxi, Chen Xiaoming"

"the main task content, participate in the world's No.1 martial arts conference, 5 credits will be deducted"

"branch task 1: get the top 100 in the world's first martial arts Conference, and there will be no punishment for not completing it."

"branch task 2: get the top 10 in the world's No.1 martial arts conference , incomplete, no punishment "

" hidden task: indifference boxing championship activation "

" ranking in the top 500, reward: 3 credits, 5000 academic points "

" hidden task: Demons Special Service Group "

" successfully joined the demonic special service group, and obtained the title of team leader, reward: 1 credit, 5000 academic points "

" obtained the title of squadron leader, reward : 2 credits, 10000 learning points "

" to obtain the title of captain, reward: 5 credits, 50000 academic points "

" indirectly leading to the death of black tiger, special reward: 25 credits, 500000 academic points "

" in addition, the first year student Chen Xiaoming, completed the hidden task, hunting demon clan, reward: 3 credits, 15000 academic points "

" , the fastest update of the webnovel!