"First year student Mo shaocong"

"main task content, participate in the world's first martial arts conference, complete, reward: 10 points of credit, 50000 points of study"

"branch task 1: get the top 100 in the world's first martial arts conference, not completed, no punishment"

"branch task 2: get the top 10 in the world's first martial arts conference, not completed, no punishment"

"branch task 2: get the top 10 in the world's No >

"hidden task: Demons removal special service group"

"successfully joined the demon killing special service group, and obtained the title of team leader, with 1 credit and 5000 academic points awarded"

"hidden task: no difference boxing championship activation"

"ranked in the top 500, reward: 3 points, 5000 points"

"ranked in the top 100, reward: 5 points, 20000 points"

" "hidden task: solve the mystery of the fog"

"successfully solved the mystery of the fog and won the title of brave man of Chiyu nationality, with awards of 6 credits and 22000 academic points"

"indirectly leading to the death of black tiger, a special reward of 25 credits and 500000 academic points"

after all the people returned to the University of the black prison, Li Xingyun and Ji Xiaoxi directly entered the light column of Holy Spirit secret language therapy, It took half an hour to fall.

In the demon world, there is no way to deal with the injury, and finally recovered.

However, two points of credit plus tens of thousands of learning points also made Li Xingyun and Ji Xiaoxi heartache.

After Li Xingyun and Ji Xiaoxi recovered, the headmaster's voice came again.

"All the freshmen of class 1024 have accumulated more than 100 credits and obtained the qualification for entrance examination. At the same time, part of the campus of the black prison university has been opened to the public."

after hearing the president's words, Li Xingyun's three people couldn't help but be shocked. Even Mo shaocong, who was silent, looked at the three students in surprise.

Originally, Mo shaocong thought that Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun were senior people who played the role of pig and tiger eater, that is, those who still stayed in the first grade without further education after their accumulated credits exceeded 100.

But now after hearing the headmaster's prompt tone, he knew that Li Xingyun's three had not obtained 100 credits before, which made him a little puzzled.

Li Xingyun's fighting effectiveness and various means of display do not look like novices who have only experienced a few missions.

He would be more shocked if he knew the difficulty of the task that Li Xingyun had experienced before. For others, the task of that difficulty would have been dead and there was no residue left.

Li Xingyun three people slightly surprised to discuss for a while, can't help but look at Mo shaocong.

This guy really disgusted them. All kinds of conspiracy and calculation left them in a situation of death.

If he had not been fishing with the black tiger, with the help of Li Xingyun, he would not have been dragged into the space of trapped animals.

It can be said that the last crisis of the three was caused by Mo shaocong.

What makes Li Xingyun three angry is that Mo shaocong has done so many disgusting things, and he has gained more than them. Moreover, he still does not know how to finish the main task.

After Mo shaocong looked at Li Xingyun and the three of them looked at him, his eyes showed a little sarcastic look: "it's really unexpected that you can survive from the hands of the black tiger. This time, we really underestimate you. We'll see you next time."

after a cold smile, Mo shaocong opened a space door and walked in.

After seeing Mo shaocong disappear, Li Xingyun's three are stunned.

"This guy is really a time bomb. It will explode at any time."

Chen Xiaoming frowned and looked at the place where Mo shaocong disappeared. An opponent who wants to be Yin anytime and anywhere is not terrible, but a teammate who wants to pit you anytime and anywhere.

The most disgusting thing is that this man is more familiar with the rules of the black prison university than they are. Relying on the protection mechanism of the president's teammates and various rules loopholes, he set a trap, which is really hard to guard against.

"We have to find a way to save him. Only those who have been thieves for thousands of days, but not those who have been guarding against thieves for thousands of days, or we will die young. Later, we will not be bound up when we enter the mission world."

Li Xingyun is a bit gnashing his teeth for a crazy guy like Mo shaocong. His days in the black prison college were already in a lot of crisis. As a result, this guy is very good and a good follower Chang and I are in the middle of the two look, slightly indifferent to all kinds of pit mates.

"En en, Nen die him"

the kind-hearted Ji Xiaoxi can't stand Mo shaocong. This guy is hateful, even if he can bear it for a while, but if he wants to kill them, he can't bear it.

"We still have to seize the time to get familiar with the rules of the black prison University, otherwise it would be too passive"

Chen Xiaoming sighed. To be honest, Mo shaocong is strong, but it is not so strong as to make people despair. Li Xingyun may not be his opponent alone, but if two people go together, Mo shaocong will surely die.

What really worries them is mo shaocong's familiarity with the black prison universities. After so many classes, Mo shaocong can be said to be a veteran in the black prison universities.No matter what task he is facing, he can find loopholes, set up unexpected games, and play skillfully with the help of potential.

The black tiger is also in this guy's layout, just by the demon removal special service group's easy block in their own trapped animal space.

In fact, if Mo shaocong didn't find them, they wouldn't be in such a hurry to find the whereabouts of the demon spies, and they were only caught by the black tiger.

It's too much to say that Mo shaocong has no choice but to control the people's heart. He is really strong. Under one layout, the reactions of various characters are taken into account, and finally he runs away under the skin of everyone's eyes.

The most frightening thing for Li Xingyun's three people is that this guy is wanted by the demons removing special service group. I don't know how to finish the main task.

After a little discussion among the three, Li Xingyun took out the class note book and continued to open the remaining three pages. For the rules of the black prison University, the records in this notebook are more reliable.

Br > "although the private dormitory can not be upgraded to a private one, it is suggested that even if the private dormitory can not be upgraded to a private one, even if the private dormitory can not be upgraded to a private one, it is suggested that the private dormitory can not be upgraded This is the most cost-effective way to use space "

the content on the first page is very short. After reading, Li Xingyun and the three immediately applied for a dormitory belonging to them to the headmaster. The three immediately felt a strange space and connected with them. As long as their ideas moved, they could open the space entrance to that space at any time.

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