As soon as Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun arrived at the door of the bar of the mercenary's house, they saw Mo shaocong come out without any expression. After seeing Li Xingyun, Mo shaocong did not say anything. He turned his head and walked into the side road.

"It's worthy of being a senior person. He got the intelligence of the world so quickly and sorted out the idea of the task" Chen Xiaoming sighed with emotion when he saw Mo shaocong's back disappear.

To tell you the truth, if Mo shaocong's personality is not too vicious and crazy, this guy is really a very reliable teammate. His rich experience can help Li Xingyun, the three of them, take fewer detours and experience many dangers.

"Tao dif ference does not conspire against each other, let's go"

after Li Xingyun said a little, she took the lead in walking into the mercenary's home bar. As soon as she entered the bar, the noisy sound and the strange smell mixed together almost made Li Xingyun faint.

In this troubled autumn, mercenaries in various places have ushered in the peak of their career. No matter for self-protection or for resisting the invasion of demons, the mercenary regiment, the most direct force organization, is favored by various kingdoms. It can be said that they want money for money and food for food.

In this context, the major mercenary regiments also continued to expand, and gradually became a large enough to let the thirteen Kingdoms all side the organization.

If these mercenaries were in peace, they could only be the root cause of civil strife. However, in the turbulent times before the invasion of demons, they were beneficial to the country and the people.

Before the real cross-border invasion of the demons, they constantly sent many kinds of low-level demons and harassed the stability of the Terran kingdoms. It can be said that it was a headache for the great kingdoms, and they often ignored the end.

After the rise of the mercenary regiment, many things that the kingdom could not care about were all released into tasks and handed over to these mercenaries, which made the mercenary organizations gain real fame and wealth.

Even in many towns, in addition to the inherent army, they also spent a lot of money to invite large-scale mercenary organizations to stay in the local area, becoming another large-scale armed organization capable of resisting the army.

For example, Li Xingyun's small town is now recruiting large-scale mercenaries, and the remuneration is very rich.

Li Xingyun's three people have a little look, and are not interested. They skip the first task and look down.

"The reward for hunting the powerful Warcraft in the valley outside Longwei village is 13000 rose coins"

"when the caravan goes to the provincial capital Bauhinia City, the reward is 5000 rose coins. The cost of food and accommodation can be discussed with the leader of the Caravan"

"for three months as the guard of Longshou village, 1000 rose coins per month, including food and accommodation"

Along the way, Li Xingyun and the three found that there were all kinds of messy tasks. When the Kingdom's security forces were evacuated, the civilian world was really chaotic.

Although the ordinary bandits have not been out in the mountains, even though the real bandits have not lived in the mountains and rivers.

"Although there are all kinds of rare blood races in this world of magic and sword songs, the cohesion between human groups is obviously much worse than that of the people in the demon world"

"even the social form is maintained in the feudal society, and the science and technology tree is obviously distorted"

after seeing all those tasks, Chen Xiaoming was deeply moved. In terms of combat effectiveness, is this The kingdoms of the world are not necessarily worse than those of the demons.

However, in terms of administrative capacity and unity, there is no comparison between the two.

In the face of the disaster of the whole race, people in this world did not want to unite for the first time, but put their eyes on their own one acre three percent.

If we say that the Terran of demon walking in the world is a clenched fist, the Terran of the song of magic and sword is an open palm, which seems to be bigger, but is actually vulnerable to a blow.

It can be said that there are more powerful Terrans in this world, but the war potential is very low. The wisdom of Terrans in this world is more reflected in selfishness.

After searching for a long time on the task board, Li Xingyun finally found a relatively suitable task.

"To recruit escorts, the personal strength is required to be at the level of three-star planets, with the number of five"

"task content, escort Miss Lilith from the city of Bauhinia back to Ike country at the price of 3000 rose coins"

"are you sure you want to accept this task?"

The girl in charge of recording task in the bar looks at Li Xingyun three people in surprise.

This task has been released here for nearly three months, but no one has ever accepted it. Not to mention the poor reward, few people are willing to pay attention to the harsh requirements.

A mercenary with a planet of three stars can do nothing better than a naturally dangerous guard.

Moreover, I still have to go to Ike, a small and remote country. I'm afraid it will take more than two months to get back and forth.

If you have time, even if you kill a few Warcraft, it will be much better than this.

"Sure, that's the task."Li Xingyun smiles and hands over three people's mercenary identity cards.

The girl did not know what to murmur, for the three mercenary ID card brush on this task.

This mercenary ID card is also the product of the world's technology tree. It has become the best way to identify the identity after integrating a trace of soul power of the holder. Moreover, when it can store a small amount of information, it has become the favorite of all mercenaries, greatly facilitating their process of accepting tasks.

After the world's science and technology tree has been established, there has been no development of intelligent brain and other things. The identity card is one of the best folk technologies.

Of course, the world is not called technology, but alchemy.

After Li Xingyun took the task, they met with their employers as soon as possible.

After arriving at a hotel, Li Xingyun and the three saw their first employer in the world, Lilith, who looked like a 17-year-old girl.

Lilith is not alone. She is also accompanied by a middle-aged woman about 30 years old. She calls herself the housekeeper of waililith, whose name is Lina.

It is precisely because of Lina's insistence that she has not recruited any guards and is determined not to go on the road, the two of them have stayed in this small town for such a long time.

In fact, Lina's insistence is right. The invasion of demons is imminent, and all kinds of demons are running out of the mountains and forests, especially on the border of the kingdom.

Even this small town not belonging to the border, there are many demons attacking the village, especially they are going all the way to Ike country thousands of miles away.

There must be some danger along the way. If there is no escort, they will go on the road alone, that is to deliver the food. , the fastest update of the webnovel!