It is just that the two of them have paid a little bit low, which has always been no mercenary willing to accept their task.

"Let's go, Auntie Lina. There are three guards here, and we are not helpless village girls. The road is absolutely safe"

Lilith began to pester Lina after Li Xingyun three accepted the task, but Lina insisted on having five guards to start. Finally, Lilith could only turn to Li Xingyun for help.

Chen Xiaoming smiles, revealing a trace of planetary five-star level breath.

"Miss Lina, I think the three of us are enough to serve as a guard. We also want to start as soon as possible. To be honest, we are not taking your task for reward, but just on the way"

"our goal is also the capital of IKE country"

Chen Xiaoming's breath surprised Lina. Originally, she thought Chen Xiaoming was this The old mercenary is taking the younger generation to accumulate experience.

So I don't believe in the strength of the three, but she never thought Chen Xiaoming was a master at the level of five planets.

You know, even in a large mercenary regiment, a master of this level is enough. Of course, the mercenary group composed of Li Xingyun and his three members is obviously not a large mercenary group.

"In this case, let's go." Lina hesitated for a moment, or the same Lilith's request.

Originally, she didn't plan to seriously recruit guards for her mission. The most important thing is to let people from Ike see her and go back with them on the way.

However, after such a long time, she had not seen people from Ike come to visit her. She also realized that it was possible that all the people from Ike had already returned to Ike.

Now it's better to meet the mercenaries who are willing to help them. As for Li Xingyun, whether they have any bad thoughts, Lina is not worried about Chen Xiaoming's real strength.

With Chen Xiaoming's strength, he really intends to fight them. He doesn't have to have an early chance. Even if they cringe in this town, they can't escape.

When Lilith saw Lina's promise, she jumped up with joy. She had been in this small town for a long time and wanted to go home.

Li Xingyun and his party of five set out in Lina's carriage that day.

The traffic in this world is really not so good, especially in remote places, which are basically dirt roads. As long as it rains, people can be disgusted to death.

This is good. When we get to the border of Vietnam and Canada, there is no dirt road.

First, Li Xingyun didn't want to reveal their identities. Secondly, they were unable to use their vehicles under the gravity of the world. I'm afraid their own gravity could crush those vehicles before they were started.

The bumpy journey didn't stop people's pace, but Lina and Lilith were obviously used to this way of travel. Instead of complaining, they enjoyed all kinds of scenery along the way.

The world is really in trouble. It's not safe at all.

It was only a week from the beginning of the small town to the border of the white rose kingdom that they were attacked by eight waves.

Three waves were created by mountain bandits and bandits, and the remaining five waves were all a kind of magic creature called goblin.

Of course, goblin in the world and those in the cartoon novels on earth are not the same species of creatures.

Goblin in this world is the descendant of goblin, the blood of goblin polluted by demons.

The biggest racial feature of goblin is that it has a head that looks like a kid.

As for the body, there are all kinds of forms. The genetic characteristics of the demon gene mutation make most goblin look like a freak. At the same time, the combat effectiveness of goblin is not as good as that of primitive goblins.

Juvenile goblins are nothing. As long as they live to adulthood, these goblins will evolve into large-scale goblins with planetary power. Some small and weak villages are not easy to guard against such goblin attacks.

All Li Xingyun, along the way, they also saw many tragedies caused by goblin.

The most impressive part of Li Xingyun's three people is a temporary mercenary team composed of new recruits.

This team happened to take the task with them at the mercenary's house bar, but they were given the task of destroying a goblin nest that threatened the nearby village.

When Li Xingyun and his carriage were near the village, they saw that all the men in the team were skinned and nailed to the trees on the roadside.

Finally, when the angry Ji Xiaoxi and Lilith kill all the goblin, they find that the female in the mercenary team has been destroyed.

At this time, they really realized the threat of these demons to the world.

In this world of demons and swords, this kind of thing seems to happen every day. After seeing those young people who are less than 15 or 16 years old dying in various ways, Li Xingyun's three people are full of evil feelings towards the rulers of this world.The high-level combat effectiveness in this world is really not weak. Many strong people with the titles of dragon slayer and Lord killer reckon that there is no planet nine star, but also a planet seven or eight star combat effectiveness.

However, those historical legends say that a man has resisted the hero of a demon army, Li Xingyun. They estimate that these people have gone beyond the scope of ordinary planet level, and are likely to be strong stars.

However, the process of civilization in this world seems to be slowed down by these powerful people. The system of feudal empire doomed those high-level rulers to fear the folk armed forces.

Too many young adults have not been trained to take part in battles that do not belong to them.

Therefore, the death of new recruits is the most common thing in the mercenary world. Those passionate little guys set foot on the road of adventure one by one with inferior equipment. The lucky ones accumulated some experience and then went back to the town to continue training in silence.

Unfortunately, just like the mercenary team Li Xingyun had seen before, they fell into the situation that they could not survive or die.

We should know that if these young men and girls get strict training and are led by experienced hands, they will be able to take charge of their own affairs in troubled times.

But in the absence of the correct guidance, so the death in a group of low-level can not be in the hands of low-level demons.

The selfishness and shortsightedness of the world's rulers can be seen clearly by Li Xingyun in just a week. , the fastest update of the webnovel!