For many years, the Li royal family has not intervened in the development of this world.

Maybe there are still strong people at the level of nine stars on the planet behind them. Li Xingyun's three little guys are nosy. It's not enough for people to slap each other.

The purpose of Li Xingyun's three people is just to finish the task with the power of the royal family. They are powerless to do the rest.

This time, Li Xingyun's three people are trying to borrow the way that Ike does not belong to any of the 13 kingdoms. It is just a small country sandwiched among the three great powers.

The purpose of Li Xingyun's three people is to go to the capital of white rose kingdom through the transmission of this small country capital.

This will leave them a lot of distance. The only problem is that the transmission array of Ike is not open to the outside world.

And it's only in the hands of King Ike. King Ike's consent is required to use this teleport array.

This is also the purpose of the three li Xingyun's escort mission. Through Lilith and Lina, the two local people, Li Xingyun heard a lot about Ike, and at the same time, they had a preliminary plan on how to move the king of Ike.

The journey, especially the transnational journey in feudal times, is always boring and more interesting.

In the true out of the white rose Kingdom, Li Xingyun they have basically never seen human smoke, in addition to the wild mountains, is a variety of wild demons.

The species of demons are not limited to Goblin, the descendants of the demon family with extremely strong breeding power. Many demons that Li Xingyun did not see also appeared in front of them.

For example, Hill giants covered with mud layer after layer, such as trolls with head horns covered with scales, such as dragon beasts with dragon blood

After seeing the chaotic demons, Li Xingyun finally knows what the so-called magic creatures are. In fact, most of them are more used to calling them monsters.

In this world, it seems that all species except human beings in intelligent form belong to the category of demons.

In fact, only a part of the Warcraft is the product of blood contamination by the Warcraft, and most of the rest are original monsters.

I don't know whether it's because the rules of the world are a little different. Li Xingyun saw many powerful monsters along the way, but these monsters did not have any tendency to evolve into demon clans, and they still kept the original ecological style and lived in this world.

After walking for nearly a month, they finally entered the territory of Ike. Lilith and Lina finally saw the very familiar scenery. The two women couldn't help but hug and cry.

The two of them have left their country for some special reasons for many years.

Because of some accidents at home, I was eager to go home, but the money I carried was really dwarfed. So I stayed in the kingdom of white rose for such a long time. Now I finally return to my hometown, I can't control my mood, which is quite normal.

Lilith is also very grateful to Li Xingyun. The trip also let the young lady who grew up in the greenhouse see what the real cruel world is.

Without the escort of Li Xingyun, let alone the safe arrival of Ike, it would be a problem whether we could walk out of the white rose kingdom.

In the turbulent world of demons, even those caravans with hundreds of guards also left, not to mention their two weak women.

In fact, the weak women also underestimated Lilith. Lilith is not weak in her own strength. Her three-star cultivation and her water magic are enough to deal with ordinary demons.

And Lina also has a planet three-star level and the special lineage of cat man, combat effectiveness is not weak, and extremely sensitive, can avoid a lot of danger.

If in peacetime, with their strength, not to mention this more than a month's journey, even to the far away spirit empire is enough.

It's just not enough to see in this chaotic world. Along the way, Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun have even been attacked by five-star flying dragons. But for Chen Xiaoming's action, Lilith and Lilith would have been dead without any bones left.

"Thank you very much for your escort. It's hard to express your gratitude for your money. I heard that the three of you also intend to go to the capital of Ike. You might as well stay here for a day or two. The young lady has already left her home letter. In a few days, my family's escort will come to meet the young lady's return home. If you are going with us? After arriving at the national capital, my host gave Chen Xiaoming another gift "

Lina handed the balance of the task to Chen Xiaoming and looked at him with a smile.

Chen Xiaoming nodded without hesitation. After coming to Ike, they realized that Lilith's family background was not simple, and she was also one of the largest families in Ike.

Although Ike is only a small country less than 500 years old, it can not be ignored. After the three neighboring kingdoms and four small countries, Ike's commerce is extremely developed. If there is peace, the scene of heavy traffic will make Li Xingyun's three people moved.It was only after the rampant demons and the large number of soldiers recruited to guard the pass that frequent commercial exchanges were blocked.

The time of Aike's invasion was so heavy that it made all the foreign people resist the disaster for the first time.

Lilith and mariben studied in the bramble City, and were eager to return to their own country after receiving the double summoning orders from their families and countries.

This kind of thing is not uncommon, except for the thirteen kings, small countries in this land like stars dotted around the thirteen kingdoms.

At ordinary times, the nobles of these small countries would naturally go to the more developed thirteen kingdoms in order to study. However, it is reasonable to return to their own countries after the national disaster. The gold nest and silver nest are not as good as their own.

In fact, the tide of anti hometowns has come to an end. Most of the people who can go back to their hometown have already gone back. The vast majority of the rest are trapped in the thirteen kingdoms because of blocked traffic.

After waiting for three days in a hotel in the small village, the bodyguard of the Lilith family finally arrived.

After a handsome blonde Knight appeared in a small village on a huge terrain dragon, he immediately caused a sensation. In addition to the 50 knights in Guangkai behind him, the sensation became a shock.

The village head with the highest prestige of the village and the leader of the hunter did not say a word, so they went out in a hurry to welcome the arrival of this group of big people. , the fastest update of the webnovel!