The White Ape giant beast broke out again, and the jade white flames all hit the mouth of the blood in an instant. Then a bright light column broke through the void and shot at Li Yun Yun.

Li Xingyun, who had been prepared for a long time, escaped from the extreme danger.

After watching the hundreds of meters high mountain behind him was blown to pieces, Li Xingyun secretly felt a cold sweat.

The White Ape monster looks tyrannical, but it is extremely insidious under the control of the black robed monster. If he had ventured a little before, he might have been hit by this light column.

After seeing the breath of the White Ape giant beast withered again, Li Xingyun became more aggressive.

Half an hour later, the natural environment within the boundary was completely destroyed by Li Xingyun and the Great White Ape, the trees were razed to the ground, the depressions disappeared, and even the tall mountains became chaotic rock slopes.

And the great white ape was consumed to death by Li Xingyun in an almost shameless way.

After killing the White Ape monster and the black robed monster in his body, Li Xing yundun felt that a pure vitality different from other demons rushed into his body.

The bottleneck of Li Xingyun's physical strength has been loosened under the impact of this vitality.

Li Xingyun didn't dare to neglect. After finding a more secret place, Li Xingyun began to run his five thunder forging body decision and began to try to break through the bottleneck of physical body and cultivation.

From the beginning, the battle situation of Kalas city entered into the most severe degree. As the city guard, Luo Luo Ya had already taken the battle in full armor, and with his own pro Guard troops, he stood on the western wall.

On the southern wall, Adrian, the leader of the magic team, also stood on the wall with this magic wand, blowing away the gaps between various kinds of magic from time to time, and he also knocked the magic objects in front of him with his magic wand, which made them brave.

The northern wall was supported by a private army led by a five-star strong man of the Earl's house, the most powerful in CALAS.

Although the number of these people is far less than that of the soldiers, their combat effectiveness is not weak at all. With the high-level equipment equipped with full equipment, although it looks a bit dangerous, in fact, they still have spare strength.

The most dangerous part of Kalas city is the east wall. I don't know if Li Xingyun killed him too hard before.

This time, the number and level of the demons on the east side of the city wall are better than those on the other three sides. With Li Xingyun's temporary abandonment, the pressure on the city guards is even greater.

Fortunately, a number of small nobles in the city of CALAS made concerted efforts to send their own private army, which stabilized their position at the first time.

However, with the war, the eastern wall is becoming more and more precarious.

Just when Luo Luoya thought that the east wall was going to be unsustainable, a large and small metal box suddenly changed its shape under everyone's eyes.

See one by one roroya, the people in this world have not seen Gatling and other heavy fire weapons began to shoot at the demons crazily.

At this time, those demons were already about to break through the wall, which could be said to be close and could not be closer.

So even under 25 times the gravity, these guns also played an unexpected lethality, and a large number of demons fell under the fire of those heavy machine guns at the first time.

In addition, Li Xingyun's war equipment arranged in advance was also launched in several warehouses inside the city wall.

After the deformation of large metal boxes hidden in ordinary materials, the robot chariots like Autobots appeared.

Of course, compared with real Autobots, these robots left by Li Xingyun are too simple, not only unable to change their flexible arms and legs.

The shape after deformation can only maintain the appearance of the chariot.

It can be said that these things in Li Xingyun's hands are not real Autobots at all, they are just a mechanical chariot after the use of Autobot deformation technology.

These mechanical combat vehicles have the ability of thinking. The reason why they act on their own is that the intelligent chips are working.

Although it is a mass production simple version of the deformable mechanical combat vehicle, but in the face of the army combat, its power is really not underestimated.

After a missile with tail inflammation blossomed in the demons, the pressure on the east wall suddenly weakened a lot, and the original precarious form became easier.

Li Xingyun left behind these backhand, really greatly out of Luo Luo Ya's surprise.

In this way, in the high intensity of the city defense for an hour, the overwhelming demons suddenly disordered their positions and began to flee in all directions. The soldiers who were killed with envy suddenly felt that there was no pressure, and they could not hold on and fell down one after another.

Even the five-star level Luo Luo Ya and others are also panting to see the demons scatter and flee, not a bit of the idea of seizing the victory and pursuing the pursuit.

"Did he succeed? "

Luo Luo Ya saw that those demons suddenly ran away, but he didn't know that it was the dark men who were behind the scenes.

But he did not expect Li Xingyun's action to be so fast. When he saw the intensity of the demon attack so terrible, he had already made a preliminary inference about the strength of the dark men behind the scenes.So many demons are forced to go to the battlefield, at least a five-star level or above can achieve this level under the threat behind.

Li Xingyun, a four-star man, does not think there is any chance of winning in the face of six or even seven-star demons.

As a matter of fact, Abbott, who had never appeared, had already arranged the way back under the advice of Lorea. A large number of residents had been concentrated in a huge underground cave by Abbott.

If loroya and others can't hold on, Abbott, the city Lord, can only use the last card to sacrifice the life of the whole city and die with all the demons.

Fortunately, although the war was a little tragic, the tragedy of total loss predicted by loroya did not appear. Although there were many dead soldiers and civilian soldiers, compared with the worst outcome, the present tragedy is really nothing.

"Inform Abbott that the crisis is over, let him organize personnel to rescue the wounded"

after telling his assistant, Luo Luoya sat on the top of the city wall and watched Li Xingyun disappear. He couldn't think of Li Xingyun, a man less than five stars, who could solve that level of magic.

After three days of rescue and reconstruction, King Ike finally issued a decree to cancel the alert, and the city gate of CALAS was opened again.

Many idle villagers began to return home under the protection of the remaining soldiers. Although there are still many demons wandering outside, but the autumn harvest is coming. All the villagers would rather risk returning home than give up the fruits of a year's labor.

Fortunately, with the guards of soldiers, the remaining demons dare to take the initiative to attack the army. , the fastest update of the webnovel!