After the disaster, reconstruction, injury treatment, the bereaved soldiers' pension, all kinds of things made the city master Albert busy after the crisis. Just as he was busy, Li Xingyun finally returned to Kalas city.

This time, Li Xingyun flew back from the air without any props. Everyone knew that the mercenary who had made great contributions during the city garrison went further and reached the five-star level.

Li Xingyun was also very surprised by the breakthrough. After his physical strength reached the five-star level, his cultivation also came to the critical point.

The bottleneck of cultivation is obviously more difficult to break than that of the physical body. Like a mountain, the bottleneck makes Li Xingyun very worried. Without ten years' hard work under the bottleneck, it is difficult to eliminate it. Li Xingyun is not poor in fighting power, so he has no urgent need to break through.

After learning that King Ike had issued a decree, Li Xingyun immediately found the city master of Albert. After handing over the transfer order, Li Xingyun left with the familiar Rona sisters, Luo Luo Ya and others, and went straight back to the city of punxsas.

Along the way, Li Xingyun was very pleased to see that after countless villages had been destroyed, they were thriving in the construction of villagers.

Although the protection of them is only in the task of doing it, but can see the rare scene of peace is not bad, he risked his life to behead the behind the scenes.

However, one family is happy and the other is worried. Li Xingyun also sees a big city on the road, which has become a ruin after being broken by demons. There is nothing left except a pool of blood and a broken house.

A large number of demons dragged away any corpse that could be imported, leaving only such a tragic appearance on earth.

After coming to the city of pomace, Li Xingyun saw that the tall city wall also collapsed a big gap, and the mottled blood has not been cleaned up.

Like ants, civilians are constantly cleaning up the rubble after the city wall collapsed. Meanwhile, the more complete stones are placed in different categories for use when repairing the wall.

Teams of dignified Knights also came in and out of the city gate. It seems that the war between them is far from over.

After being ordered by the king, Li Xingyun went to the mansion. After seeing Ji Xiaoxi and Chen Xiaoming safe and sound, Li Xingyun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, the demons behind the demons are a little unexpected. Along the way, Li Xingyun is worried about whether they will have any accidents.

After the three people gathered together, they naturally talked about the events they had experienced. Li Xingyun was shocked to learn that there were seven-star demons in the city of pomace.

"It's no wonder that such a big gap has been made in the high wall of pomace city after the border blessing"

Li Xingyun murmured that it would be surprising to meet a demon clan with more than five stars.

I didn't expect Ji Xiaoxi to see the seven star level demon clan. The high-level combat effectiveness in the world seems to be worthless. At the beginning, he was crazy to go out.

"Yes, if it wasn't for Duke Ike who broke through to the eight star realm in time and killed the demon in the city of punksas, maybe the city of punksas would have been occupied now"

Ji Xiaoxi also said with some apprehension.

After all, Ike is a small country of about 500 years, and there is not much inside information. Even the most famous army of Dragon Knights has been drafted to the front line of fighting the demons.

There are not many masters left in our country. In addition to Duke Ike, who is on the verge of breaking through, there are only one seven-star court mage and more than ten six-star level masters.

And this time, the strength of the underworld behind the scenes is extraordinary.

Not only drove a large number of five-star level above the demon, the ability strength also reached the seven star level.

The two add up, and even the city of punxsas, which is full of experts, has suffered a big loss.

After the city wall was broken, I don't know how many people were sacrificed before the rescue of Archduke Ike.

Even Ji Xiaoxi had to take risks to block the progress of several six-star level demons, which made the city of Pang Texas survive the crisis without danger.

However, although the risk is not small, the harvest is also great.

After these demons died, they harvested many natural materials and earth treasures. The five-star and six-star demons' corpses were like pork in the roadside vegetable market. They were placed beside the street and selected at will, not to mention the other demons.

It can be said that after this bloody war, the foundation of IKE has become much thicker.

Ji Xiaoxi, who made great contributions, also received a large amount of military achievements. With this military merit, Ji Xiaoxi exchanged a kind of elixir that can help people break through the existing state from the royal family of Ike. Under the effect of this miraculous medicine, Ji Xiaoxi also successfully advanced to the five-star realm, and the combat effectiveness has increased more than ten times.

Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming also got two favorite treasures from the Royal treasure house of IKE country with their military achievements. After the handover, the headmaster prompted them to crack a plot of the demon king. It can be said that Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming made a profit in their trip to Ike.After receiving a generous reward, Li Xingyun also announced to Ike that he planned to go to the capital of the white rose kingdom.

Before leaving, Duke Ike gave Li Xingyun two big gifts.

With this badge and letter of recommendation, Li Xingyun can ask the count of purple crown for help in the white rose kingdom.

At the time of receiving this gift, Li Xingyun didn't feel much at all until they came to the capital of the white rose kingdom. They didn't know that Duke Ike's generosity was far beyond their imagination.

It can be said that the letter of recommendation from the count of purple crown and the hemolytic bone emblem is the biggest harvest of Li Xingyun's trip to Ike.

"Next, what to do? Let's go to the count of purple crown directly"

Chen Xiaoming looked out of the window at the bustling people and said to Li Xingyun, who was also staring at the crowd in a daze.

Li Xingyun nods mechanically with the hemolytic bone emblem in her hand.

Today is the third day for Li Xingyun to come to Kerry City, the capital of the white rose kingdom.

On the first day, Li Xingyun was shocked by Kerry City as soon as they walked out of the transmission array.

The white rose kingdom is worthy of being one of the thirteen largest kingdoms in the world. This huge capital covering an area of more than 100 square kilometers has made Li Xingyun's eyes straight. , the fastest update of the webnovel!