However, even so, Li Xingyun still felt the bones all over her body appeared many fine cracks, and all the muscles on her hands and feet were torn. Drops of blood penetrated through her pores, and in the blink of an eye, Li Xingyun became a bloody man.

"Poof" Li Xingyun felt much better after spitting out the congestion in her chest.

"Haha, the sixteen speed dragon flash and blood burning decision are still a little reluctant indeed"

Li Xingyun looks at the twisted and shapeless right hand, a little excited.

After entering the five-star farewell, his dragon flash finally broke out at his will.

In addition to the five-star level of physical strength, Li Xingyun's combat effectiveness is much higher than before.

This is because most of his equipment, such as his night Star Jikai and Longyin sword, was destroyed in the last battle.

Otherwise, he can be stronger.

The full force of the Dragon flash, attached to the state of burning blood.

Li Xingyun's combat effectiveness has steadily broken through the limit of the planetary six-star realm and arrived at the planetary seven-star realm.

The valiant improvement of combat effectiveness is really eye-catching.

However, there are still shortcomings, Li Xingyun's defense and internal force can not keep up with the soaring combat effectiveness.

If you fight hard against people, it is easy to get hurt, and you can't fight for a long time.

Fortunately, Li Xingyun is wearing a five-star defense weapon.

If there is no defense weapon, it will reduce the previous damage.

Now he can't stand up.

It is not that Li Xingyun has not considered this shortcoming of itself.

Since we dare to fight with it, Li Xingyun also has enough confidence.

His advanced regeneration, super recovery, can make his injury very fast.

This just was saved by Ji Xiaoxi, the body's injury was half better.

Without this ability, Li Xingyun would not dare such a fierce battle.

But after the Phoenix in the air was broken, those magic goblin cavalry appeared intact, but the momentum of the dive had been offset.

After catching Li Xingyun, Ji Xiaoxi, the "super electromagnetic gun? Breaking Yang", threw out silver coins.

A small silver coin is thrown into the air, and immediately it becomes the size of a wheel, and then the dazzling electric light flashes on it.

In the next moment, it turned into a gorgeous light column and rushed into the sky.

"Array change" a six-star magic goblin cavalry leader gave a cold roar, and all the magic goblin cavalry changed their formation.

After the appearance of a half moon cavalry formation, a seemingly flimsy but actually impregnable light shield was erected in front of many evil goblin cavalry.

Ji Xiaoxi's super electromagnetic gun, which is enough to threaten the six-star level, hit the light shield, and was ablated soundlessly.

Chen Xiaoming's big hand would stretch out a hundred thick guns and bombard the magic goblin cavalry.

Cold star cold drink a, the dagger under a wave also turned into a hundred meters long sword, mercilessly cut to the magic nightmare goblin cavalry in front of the mask.

After the Dragon tooth threw out the Dragon tooth dagger in his hand, the short dragon tooth dagger also turned into a thick and unreasonably huge dragon's tooth and pierced into the sky.

ChiYan people as their name, raised a huge fireball like the sun and threw it up, Biao's outrageous.

In the end, Luo long was more delicate. Under the flickering of a noble sword, the invisible and colorless transparent sword light bypassed the front of the mask of the magic nightmare goblin cavalry, and came to the back of the magic nightmare goblin cavalry, and then stabbed it fiercely.

Chen Xiaoming, Hanxing, Longya, Chiyang, Luolong and others all attack at the level of six stars. However, when they really hit the mask of Moyan goblin cavalry, strange things happened.

All the attacks are like Ji Xiaoxi's, quietly melted by the mask.

The evil goblin cavalry not only did not look a little weak or injured, but also became more energetic.

There are even a few four-star level peak of the magic nightmare goblin cavalry breath actually began to change to the five-star level.

"Hiss, these magic goblin cavalry's defense masks are swallowing our power for them"

after seeing the principle of magic goblin cavalry, they take a breath of cold air.

Han Xing and others also looked dignified, and the magic nightmare goblin cavalry was more severe than they expected.

Originally, I thought it was just a cavalry regiment led by three special six-star goblin, but now it seems that this is just a Tiankeng filled with dissatisfaction.

If the battle goes on like this, maybe there will be a group of five-star magic goblin cavalry on the opposite side.

"We must hit the strength and break the defense at one stroke, otherwise other attacks will only become their help"

the calm analysis of Han Xing has been recognized by all.However, the magic nightmare goblin cavalry regiment changed again, and another formation appeared.


the magic goblin cavalry regiment like an arrow, under the command of one of the leaders, collectively affected the mount.

At the next moment, all the magic goblin cavalry disappeared in front of Li Xingyun.

For the sensitive to spatial perception, little Sidon's face changed greatly.

Without saying a word, Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming suddenly appeared on the hillside several kilometers away.

In the place where they were originally located, the ghoulish goblin cavalry appeared quietly like ghosts, trapping all the cold stars and others who could not be transferred by Ji Xiaoxi.

"Xiao Xi, look at the goblin army behind us. Elder brother Xiaoming and I will rescue them. If the four of them die here, the task behind will be difficult"

after Li Xingyun finished, the Dragon wing fan appeared in front of the magic nightmare goblin riding army.

The dense sword light weaves into a huge sword net like silk thread, covering all the evil goblin cavalry.

In the face of Li Xingyun's sudden attack, the magic nightmare goblin cavalry regiment did not care to besiege the "belly" of the enemy, and could only change the formation of the defense mask again.

Who knows that Li Xingyun's sword light net will go as soon as it is touched, and has no idea of further development at all.

After Li Xingyun retreats, Chen Xiaoming, who has a good heart, calls out his own dawn GAODA from the metal space-time.

After the man-machine integration, the Breaking Dawn suddenly burst out seven-star level pressure, and the fully charged chopper suddenly burst into flames.

"Burning tail slash"

this time, the magic nightmare goblin cavalry could not digest the power of the Breaking Dawn chopper, and was cut deeply into the ground by Chen Xiaoming.

The four cold stars also took the opportunity to break through the encirclement of the magic nightmare goblin cavalry and ran out. During the period, they also obliterated a group of lower cultivation magic nightmare goblin cavalry.

"It seems that physical attacks work wonders for them"

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