Chen Xiaoming laughs and plans to raise the chopper again. He is very proud of his determination.

If it hadn't been for spending a lot of credits and learning points to get this genuine chopper from the black prison University, it would not have been so happy now.

However, a phoenix is very flexible to break the broken earth and avoid Chen Xiaoming's chopping knife.

But the magic nightmare goblin cavalry regiment didn't expect, just escaped a disaster, but Li Xingyun's attack came.

Under the weaving of Li Xingyun, the sword light net turns into a vivid sword light dragon. At the moment, Li Xingyun stands in the center of the dragon's two corners, holding his hands high to form a sword, and cutting towards the phoenix of the underworld.

The collision between the dragon and the Phoenix led to another terrible nuclear explosion.

A mushroom cloud rose into the air again

Li Xingyun spits blood and flies upside down with Ji Xiaoxi catching the ball again.

The so-called secondary ripening, Ji Xiaoxi once again to meet Li Xingyun becomes more beautiful.

There is even a mind to brush a layer of healing light on Li Xingyun.

"The number of them has not decreased"

after the dazzling light of the nuclear explosion disappeared, Longya's cold words made everyone feel cold.

However, the number of demons is not reduced.

Even the magic nightmare goblin cavalry, which was solved by them before, appeared intact.

"Infinite resurrection, coupled with the ability to travel through space and absorb the opponent's strength for several purposes, do you still dare to be in the abnormal point"

ChiYan is a bit gnashing his teeth and looking at the majestic appearance of the magic goblin cavalry, and his angry beard is all up.

"It's really the card of the devil's separation. It's really terrible. I'm afraid that the master of the Seven Star peak will have a headache when he sees this abnormal ability and combat effectiveness"

LUO long looked at the magic goblin cavalry with admiration, and his greed in his eyes could not be covered. If he had mastered such an armed force, he might be able to directly take on the count The housekeeper of the mansion.

"Eat me again"

Chen Xiaoming's dawn broke the sky over the magic nightmare goblin riding regiment.

Unexpectedly, relying on the powerful defense of the dawn machine a, he ate the destructive power of the nuclear explosion aftershocks and successfully completed the unexpected surprise attack.


the formation of Moyan goblin cavalry regiment changed into an arrow in an instant, and the obscure spatial fluctuation appeared in the magic nightmare goblin cavalry group.

However, just when they are going to shuttle space, Ji Xiaoxi appears in front of them.

Ji Xiaoxi pressed hard on the void, and the obscure space fluctuation of the magic nightmare goblin cavalry regiment suddenly became chaotic.

The head of the goblin cavalry regiment, who was always indifferent, suddenly changed his face,


a huge Canyon burning with fire appeared on the ravaged and shapeless land.

Looking back at the magic nightmare goblin cavalry regiment, there is a huge gap in the dense formation.

With the delicate cooperation of Li Xingyun, Chen Xiaoming and Ji Xiaoxi, he finally caused substantial damage to the magic nightmare goblin cavalry.

This series of attacks, not to mention the magic nightmare goblin cavalry regiment, even as the audience of Han Xing and others are a bit stunned.

The rest of the magic goblin cavalry was led by a leader.

Without any hesitation, they formed the Phoenix formation.

One of the smaller phoenixes, with one wing around the ferocious dawn, flew to the direction of the goblin army.

"Want to run"

Li Xingyun clenched his teeth and suffered the wound that had not yet recovered, and once again stood in front of the Phoenix. This time, Li Xingyun learned how to deal with the six armed White Ape.

Ten strong chains are entangled in the Phoenix.

In order to avoid Li Xingyun's sword light chain, the speed of the Phoenix suddenly slowed down.

But the Phoenix is too flexible.

Li Xingyun's sword light chain, which reaches more than 20 times the speed of sound, can not firmly lock the Phoenix.

"Don't be dazzled. If we don't solve this team of goblin cavalry quickly, none of us can run"

after the cold star said it coldly, the whole human turned into a shining cold star and flew to the battlefield, its speed was not much slower than Li Xingyun.

Longya and Chiyang look at each other, and they join the team of blocking the phoenix of the underworld.

Only Rolon stood in the same place and did not move. He seemed to be thinking about something important.

After Ji Xiaoxi and Chen Xiaoming go to fight against the phoenix of the nether fire, the phoenix of the underworld is finally in a desperate situation.

Take out the real ability to the cold star and other people's combat effectiveness is no less than Li Xingyun's three people.

In terms of pure power, there is even more than that.The phoenix of the underworld is getting smaller and smaller under multiple attacks, and is about to be eliminated.

Luo long suddenly appeared in the middle of the battle field. A noble sword broke out with unimaginable power and forced everyone to retreat.

Luo long was forced to retreat Li Xingyun and others.

He took out a strange picture from his arms.

On the scroll, there are craggy rocks and towering mountains, which form a huge magic array and wrap an open space.

After the strange picture was thrown out by Rolon, it grew long when it saw the wind. In a flash, it turned into a giant scroll several kilometers long.

After that, the Phoenix was drawn into the open space by a strange force in the painting scroll and became a part of the painting.

"Luo long, what do you want to do"

Chen Xiaoming saw that he was about to destroy the magic nightmare goblin cavalry regiment and get credits and study points. However, he was cut off by Luo long on the way, and he was furious.

Li Xingyun and others saw Luo Long's action, which was surrounded by cold eyes.

If Rolon doesn't give them an explanation today, he won't be good.

"Please don't be impatient. This painting volume is the masterpiece of the legendary magic painter. Any person or magic object in the Seven Star realm can't get rid of it. Today's seal of this goblin cavalry regiment is a debt to you from the Earl's house. If you have any request in the future, Rolon and the Earl's house will help each other."

after Rolon took the name of count purple crown, he was cold Stars and others all showed obvious hesitation.

Li Xingyun, however, remained silent to maintain the encircling formation.

"Mr. Li, Miss Ji and Mr. Chen, the count asked Luo long to cooperate with you, but..."

Luo Long's words have not finished, but there are amazing changes in the picture again.

The Phoenix in the painting has changed into an unheard of formation, and suddenly becomes a mouth with sharp teeth and fangs.

Chongshan grotesque rock in the picture scroll is like a swallow returning to its nest. , the fastest update of the webnovel!