"Get out of this land of right and wrong. This goblin cavalry is so special that it must have something to do with King goblin. If we meet King goblin in this mode, I'm afraid it would be hard to die. "

the sudden arrival of the cold star makes everyone shiver.

At the thought that King goblin would appear at any time, the seven people's expression of joy turned ugly.

At this time, people did not care what waste, all kinds of life-saving elixirs were used all at once, only to recover a little combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

It's better for King goblin to find a chance to escape even if he can't beat him.

And from here we can see the difference of world class. Just as the cold star is still trying to recover, Li Xingyun has recovered most of his strength.

a ready-made panacea and medical products are not bragging, and the most important thing that they can gather is the magic pills.

After almost recovered, Ji Xiaoxi and Li Xingyun discussed for a while, and they did not wait for other slow recovery of combat effectiveness.

After a straightforward explanation of his plan, let the four cold stars give up their resistance psychology, so that Ji Xiaoxi will take them away in a flash.

After everyone is ready, Ji Xiaoxi immediately uses his blink ability and disappears in place with them.

Before in the battle, Ji Xiaoxi was not unwilling to help others.

But her blinking ability will be completely invalid if someone resists halfway. At that time, she can't help moving other people, and even Ji Xiaoxi's ability will be in danger.

Therefore, Ji Xiaoxi also had to get the consent of other people to give up the conflict in order to really act.

And in the gap of Ji Xiaoxi's blinking, Li Xingyun opens the flying dragon flash and takes people crazy to fly away.

At this time, his death announcement has been a vague warning of what.

Li Xingyun faintly felt that if he and others were running slower, they would be caught up by a terrible existence.

After Li Xingyun said his premonition, everyone knew that the cold star was right. The king goblin who was possessed by the demon king was really chasing them.

"We have to find a way to get rid of King goblin's pursuit"

when Li Xingyun was thinking hard, Longya coldly put forward an unexpected proposal for everyone.

Half an hour later, Li Xingyun seven people disguised as goblin walked into the goblin King City.

At the moment, without the king's seat, the whole city of goblin Kingdom seems to have lost its backbone.

Even the super giant goblin at the gate did not have the spirit of the past. One by one, he was lazy, and even the demons in the city were not willing to deter them.

This picture of goblin King City is full of holes, which makes Li Xingyun and other people easily mix into the city.

"To tell you the truth, I'm very curious about what it is. King goblin has been stationed in this ruined city, ignoring our previous crazy behavior. After all the cards have been killed by us, he will personally go out and kill us."

Longya sneers at the gorgeous caves where King goblin lives.

It's nothing if only the king of goblin. After all, Goblin himself is not good at wisdom. It's not surprising that their king is a man of strength and mind.

Only when it comes to the devil, who dares to belittle his wisdom.

You know, since the demon king was born in the demon world, it has always been the biggest trouble in the human world.

Over the years, his wisdom and strategy have been admired by countless clan advisers.

But now there is such a thing as ignoring the threat of Li Xingyun and others, just clinging to the Imperial City, which is obviously abnormal.

After finding a shelter for the four, Li Xingyun began to plan their own affairs.

"The last time I deployed the bomb, I had already explored the city almost. This time, I have 60% confidence that I can blow up the city"

"unfortunately, the nuclear bomb is unstable under high gravity, otherwise the success rate will rise a lot"

Chen Xiaoming sighs at several round nuclear warheads in the metal space-time.

Originally, in order to cope with this class, he also specially prepared a lot of high-yield nuclear bombs.

Who knows the gravity of this world is so abnormal that he has discarded a lot of his cards at one time, and he can no longer be a nuclear maniac.

Taking advantage of the gap between the cold stars, Li Xingyun quickly deployed many special bombs in goblin city.

This batch of bombs made Chen Xiaoming heartbroken because they were not made by Chen Xiaoming himself, but "samples" exchanged directly with the principal.

Chen Xiaoming exchanged these bombs at a high price. On the one hand, he wanted to study the technology of these bombs. On the other hand, he also wanted to have a killer mace in a time of crisis.

This is good. All his long-time collections have been taken out at one time.After laying out these bombs, cold star and others have almost recovered.

Disguised as a team of city guards, the seven swaggered into King goblin's palace.

"Hahaha, the old boy didn't expect that we would copy his hometown"

ChiYan couldn't help laughing at the thought of King goblin's jumping feet in anger.

"This strategy can be concealed for a while, but it can't be concealed for a lifetime. If the demon king wakes up, sooner or later, I will think of it. I am also a military dangerous move. If Mr. Li and Mr. Li can get rid of King goblin's pursuit, my strategy will not work."

"so let's check whether there is any abnormality in this place quickly"

seven people successfully infiltrated Immediately after the goblin palace, it was scattered.

At this time, after King goblin went out, the guard of the whole palace could not help but become more relaxed.

Think of it, with the intelligence quotient of the goblin race, if it is not strong enough, it is impossible to show the quick and cautious style of attendance.

Usually there is king goblin in town, these guys naturally dare not be lazy.

Even in boredom, they stick to their posts. Now when King goblin goes out, these idiots are exposed.

Looking at those crooked goblins, even fighting with each other, Li Xingyun felt that the demon king was also a wonderful flower. If you don't choose any race, you have to choose the mud that can't be helped up.

But looking back, it is also a special race with strong reproduction and survival ability, but vulnerable in other aspects.

Other races may not be able to develop this scale under the eyelids of the 13 kingdoms of mankind.

After all, the kings of Terrans are not fools. If there is a strong race rising in the human world, how can they ignore it.

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