Li Xingyun has been wandering around the goblin palace for most of the day, but has not found any other strange places except for a few disgusting basements.

On the other hand, the disgusting love of abusing other races really made Li Xingyun angry.

In the basements he found, there was more than one female human body that had been ravaged by goblin.

In addition to the traces of wild dogs gnawed on the bones, Li Xingyun can imagine what kind of tragedy these women experienced when they were alive.

The more you know about the goblin race, the more you feel about it. These guys are just like a collection of the seven sins of Catholicism. Their evil character is carried in the depths of our genes.

Li Xingyun doesn't rule out that there are good goblin, but there are too few of them. In other words, the kind goblin won't survive long in this kind of population.

Generation by generation, the election has been eliminated, and now the goblin basically can not find a few kind-hearted, and the rest are assimilated by the vicious of the whole goblin race.

Just as Li Xingyun is struggling to kill his heart and continue to search, he receives a signal from Han Xing and others.

After seeing the hidden but special signal, Li Xingyun ran to the Northeast without hesitation.

After meeting with ChiYan along the way, the two of them searched for the past along the mark.

Finally, I found a secret door in a remote corner.

In fact, it is not called a secret gate, but a transmission array.

Through this transmission array, Li Xingyun and ChiYan come to a strange place.

"Underground magma layer here? "

Li Xingyun was surprised to see the continuous flow of magma like an ocean in front of her.

The magma in this world is obviously different from that in the ordinary world. The magma under high gravity is extraordinary in both temperature and weight. It is almost impossible for the non planetary five-star class to fall into it.

And now these sea like magma is covered by a huge magic array.

The huge heat generated by the magma is constantly absorbed by the magic array. I don't know where it converges.

"What a big hand"

ChiYan is obviously scared by this kind of picture.

If the magma was brought to the ground by the demon king, it would be wonderful. It would be impossible to destroy a kingdom, but tens of millions of human beings would be wiped out.

Seeing that Hanxing and others are all behind, ChiYan impatiently asks, "do you know the function of this magic array? It's not to bring this magma sea to the ground"

if ChiYan says so, let Luo long look at him like an idiot.

"Red leader's imagination is very good. If such a large piece of magma gets to the ground, it may be able to submerge the capital of Baiqiang country"

"but this kind of thing, let alone a devil separated himself, even if the devil himself is not sure about it"

"ha ha, it's not good." ChiYan laughed and was not angry.

Ever since this guy Rolon had a hard time dealing with the nightmare goblin cavalry.

Even after they tried to attract fire at risk, they could not blame him.

After all, he did not work so hard, and the people present were not sure that they would have to retreat from that level of combat.

This guy is really strong if you don't mention the character of rolonville.

Even in this team can be ranked in the forefront, far from the ordinary six-star level swordsman can compare.

Most importantly, Rolon's decision-making ability is extraordinary. After making mistakes, he doesn't want to escape or break the pot.

In order to make up for the mistake, Laurent's heroic gesture has won back the trust of his team-mates.

The count of purple crown was able to send Luo long, a real strong man, to help Li Xingyun and them, whether from the heart or from his own point of view.

Li Xingyun's seven people endure the high temperature of magma and fly along the magic array all the way. Finally, they discover the secret that the demon king is not willing to sit in the town himself.

"This is an ancient transmission array that uses underground magma to provide energy"

"according to the size of the transmission array, this transmission array is enough to transport a real demon army to this place"

"no wonder the devil's separation does not lie in the exit channels leading to the ground. If there is a real demon army, open up 100 channels again It's all right. "

Longya looks at the picture in front of him.

At the thought of the fierce front-line war, a demon army suddenly emerged from the dead corner of the thirteen kingdoms. What kind of disaster would it be.

"Only this kind of strategy that can change the trend of the war between man and devil can be called the devil's conspiracy"

"the peace of mind goblin army outside is just a cover.""I'm afraid the thirteen kingdoms have discovered the strange trend of goblin in the past"

"but I have not paid attention to it. After all, no matter how strong goblin is, compared with the huge thirteen kingdoms, it's just a relatively large flea. It can't play any tricks. It's just a threat to several cities, and it's not worth their efforts to mobilize the masses."

"the devil king is using this kind of light Hei's thought, with goblin as a cover, did not know how much manpower and material resources were spent to build the transmission array "

" once the demon king's plot succeeds, the consequences will be unimaginable "

obviously, Luo long is also shocked by the devil's writing, and his tone of voice is floating.

Luo Long's words made everyone determined to destroy this transmission array.

Finally, under the command of Luo long, who knows a little about the array, others occupy one of the nodes of the transmission array.

At the same time, he tried his best to blow down the transmission array.

The violent explosion made the magma sea boil up, just like a volcanic eruption, countless hot abnormal magma spurted up into the air, and finally turned into a rain of magma all over the sky.

This strange ancient transmission array is also worthy of being arranged by the demon king himself. Its firmness is beyond Luo Long's expectation, and there is not much damage in one blow.

"Come again." Rolon gritted his teeth and continued to bombard the nodes of the transport array.

Under the unbridled bombardment of seven people, the nodes of the ancient transmission array finally began to collapse.

When the first transport node collapsed, the red eyed goblin king in the underground world suddenly shivered and looked at the place where his home was.

Then a dark flame sprang straight out of King goblin's eyes.

The demon king's body was awakened again.

This time, the demon king who wakes up and knows that the transmission array arranged by all kinds of hardships is being destroyed, and he is suddenly trembling with anger.

"Damn fool, damn it, how did you fall in love with this idiotic race in those days" , the fastest update of the webnovel!