"Now it seems that general Leighton still has foresight. Since Thunder Tiger magic sword appears here, it means that there is another demon army in front of the canyon, fighting with the army of broken edge army city"

while Xiaobai is talking, the battle between Huofeng and the devil is coming to an end.

After being chopped by the devil, Huofeng finally completed her mission, turned into a flame and disappeared in the air.

At this time, the vanguard troops formed the sword front and came to the canyon. All the Terran soldiers raised their swords and cut down at the demons in the air.

Then a hundred meter long shadow of a huge sword appeared on the earth, and the devil in the air was hit by the huge sword before he could escape.

After the huge sword hit the devil and fell into the canyon, several kilometers of canyon were shaken, and countless boulders rolled into it.

"The second magic brigade attacks the canyon indiscriminately"

Leighton demands the second magic brigade which has already been prepared to attack before the vanguard forces can really attack the canyon.

Leighton's voice had just dropped, and three flamingos, one size smaller than before, flew up.

After the three phoenixes flew into the canyon, the violent explosion suddenly and continuously sounded.

In the fierce explosion of the gorge, the lightning barrier set by the demons was also broken. The next second, thousands of lightning struck through the dark clouds and struck the earth.

In the thunder and lightning, Li Xingyun watched the front-line army of the vanguard force split into an obvious gap by the terrible sky.

"General Houston of the second group led his troops to attack and cooperate with the vanguard forces in the attack"

this time, 100000 troops came out again. After the same energy connection, a giant sword appeared on the earth.

After the spearheads and swords of the vanguard troops were inserted into the canyon one by one, Li Xingyun could feel that the whole canyon was shaking obviously.

All kinds of gold and iron sound and huge explosion sound continuously from the canyon.

"The 150000 sergeants of the vanguard force plus the 100000 troops of general Houston of the second group of the vanguard troops are only 250000 troops, so they should not be the opponents of the demon army"

Li Xingyun calculated the number of soldiers, and found that the combat effectiveness of Leighton's army was not even equal to that of the demon army.

The Terran army under the same number is not the enemy of the demon army at all, which is a recognized law.

Only three times as many as their number can we achieve equal combat effectiveness and fight a war of annihilation with them ten times as many.

Now Leighton has only sent 250000 sergeants. To know that Li Xingyun alone has explored more than 200000 demon troops, such people are really not rivals of the demon army.

"Don't worry, we'll see it later"

Xiaobai smiles and looks at the continuous light in the canyon.

When Li Xingyun three people are surprised at the meaning of the small vernacular, the thunderous roar suddenly spreads out from the earth under their feet.

Then, like an earthquake of magnitude 8, most of the luolei cliffs moved and rocked.

A huge crack, not a moment above the ground.

Then a huge monster flew out from the ground. With a body like a unicorn and a big face like a baboon, Li Xingyun recognized this monster as the strongest nine star monster under the star map.

And follow this demon beast to fly out of the ground there are two towering demons.

After the two demons chased the monster and flew out of the ground, they immediately saw the Terran troops stationed on one side, and were immediately stunned.

"There was an ambush"

Leighton snorted coldly and waved his hand.

Three hundred thousand troops formed a huge formation and rushed out.

After Li Xingyun's exaggerated energy gathered together, a vivid three Tailed Fox appeared on the army.

The three Tailed Fox formed by the 300000 army is comparable to the super strong in the realm of stars in pure power.

And those two demons are also incomplete products. Compared with the star level demons turned out by Thunder Tiger magic knife, they are only half steps away from the star level.

This time, the three tail demon fox and the serious nine star level monster under the star map will chase the two demons in a hurry.

The appearance of the star chart seems to have sent some news to Xiaobai.

Xiaobai smiles mysteriously at Li Xingyun and immediately finds general Leighton.

I don't know what Xiaobai said to general Leighton. Li Xingyun saw Leighton's heroic laughter and immediately issued the order of the whole army to attack.

The remaining 450000 troops, including the one hundred thousand magicians who had been on standby, galloped off in the direction of the canyon immediately after receiving the order.

Li Xingyun three people with the army into the canyon, found that the canyon has long been a battle into a regiment.

The demon incarnated by the Thunder Tiger magic sword, with his own strength, has condensed the 250000 army into a group of formidable swords and swords.In the honeycomb like holes on the cliffs on both sides of the canyon, one after another of the elite demons attacked the Terran army like wolves.

At every moment, there are Terran soldiers who are attacked by the elite of the demons and fall out of the battle array, and are finally torn into pieces by the demons.

Although the Terran army, which is obviously in a disadvantageous position, has not yet reached the end of its strength, it is not far behind.

Just as the men were about to despair, Leighton and the rest of the army arrived.

After the remaining Terran army entered the battlefield, they immediately began to work together. A 200000 army formation formed a vision that looked like a centipede, and immediately met the arrogant devil.

In the case of three to one, even the demons transformed from the Thunder Tiger magic sword can not have the advantage.

And the rest of the elite army under the leadership of five-star masters, into a flexible array to meet those wolf like demon troops.

Finally, priests and magicians began to bombard the demon army from a long distance under the protection of some experts with more than eight stars.

The situation on the battlefield had a 180 degree change as soon as the Terran reinforcements joined in. The originally dominant demon army suffered heavy casualties.

However, these demons are too strong to fight, even in the face of the overwhelming Terran army, they still dare to launch a desperate charge.

One face-to-face Kung Fu caused a lot of casualties to the Terran army.

The whole battlefield is like a flesh and blood mill, constantly devouring life.

Both fearless demon soldiers and heroic Terran soldiers are constantly falling.

Even the three li Xingyun joined the battlefield at the beginning of the battle.

With the tacit understanding of the three people, as long as there are less than a thousand people of the demon army array is a hit and break, completely not a threat.

When the demons with more than eight stars will stop them in the future, Ji Xiaoxi helps the three escape from the attack of powerful magic generals with blinking ability.

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