In the area where Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun fought, the pressure on the Terran army was much less than that in other places.

Some powerful military formations can even kill the demon army and rescue the troops in other places.

Under Leighton's command, the war of annihilation went smoothly.

The demons did not have the rest of the reinforcements to rescue. The war lasted about half an hour, and most of the demon troops had been killed.

Most of the rest are elite armies led by powerful magic generals with more than five stars.

At this time, Leighton, who had been commanding the battle, pulled out Li Xingyun, who had always thought that it was a decorated sword, met the demons transformed by the Thunder Tiger magic knife.

After Leighton really broke out its own strength, Li Xingyun three people were surprised to find that general Leighton was a star level super master.

But after the Thunder Tiger magic knife was catalysed into a demon, its combat effectiveness was comparable to that of the star realm.

But after all, they are not really strong in the stellar realm. Facing the army of Terrans, they can circle around and even suppress them.

But for the real star state strong, can only fight the street.

In less than three minutes, the fake demon was killed by Leighton under the sword.

At this time, Leighton was really as dazzling as the stars in the sky. Even the countless thunder in the dark clouds seemed to fear. His deterrent became much smaller and became the foil of general Leighton.

At the end of the battle on Li Xingyun's side, the battle in front of the canyon is also over.

The army of the broken edge army city also entered the canyon and successfully joined them.

The confluence of the two armies officially announced the defeat of the remaining demon troops. Then those real elite soldiers of the demon clan were blasted to pieces without even a minute's persistence.

There is no such thing as captivity in the war between the two races.

They have one principle, that is, to kill all the demons that appear in front of them, which is all the meaning of their garrison in this place.

After the war over here, the last Terran army came out from under the ground.

Jinbeibei is sitting in front of the nine star monster. She is very happy, but the star map behind her is a little dark.

"There are 100000 demon elite troops in front of the canyon and 50000 demon elite troops under the ground. In addition to the 200000 demon troops, there are 350000 demon troops stationed in this small Canyon"

"this time, more than 300000 demon troops went into luolei cliff alone. Fortunately, they found out in time, otherwise they would wait until the big one Most of the troops support the front line, but when the rear is empty, it will be troublesome for them to suddenly come out of this group of guys. "

the speed of cleaning up the battlefield by more than a million troops is exaggerated. In just over ten minutes, the mound of demon corpses was burned by them.

The bodies of the comrades in arms were put into the space magic weapons. After returning, someone would be responsible for the burial.

"Under the absolute superiority of the number and combat effectiveness, the Terran army also paid the cost of nearly 300000 casualties to kill the Devils'

" the combat effectiveness of the demon army is really terrible "

Li Xingyun can't help but be surprised when he gets the casualty rate of the Terran army.

Three million troops besieged 300000 demon troops, and they even shot nearly one tenth of the casualty rate. Li Xingyun felt a little strange.

However, this is only Li Xingyun's own view, and others obviously don't.

Many Terran generals led by Leighton were very satisfied with the results of this battle.

Among the 300000 casualties of the Terran army, most of them were small soldiers of about three stars. However, this time, 300000 of the demons were elite, including thousands of five-star and six-star magic generals.

Moreover, after this war, there are dozens of demon generals who have killed more than seven stars.

Among them, there are five famous magic generals of nine star level. It can be said that this world war at least brought about a year of peace for five military cities with a radius of ten thousand li.

The demon army has lost so much elite that it is difficult to think about any action in a short time.

"After this battle, we finally have some time to rest and rest"

Leighton stood in the almost ruins of the canyon, looking at the lightning falling from the sky.

After cleaning up the battlefield, more than 2.7 million troops began to return with the wounded.

Luolei cliff is not a good place. If you stay for another quarter of an hour, there will be unknown danger. Leighton doesn't want to consume his staff in this inexplicable place after defeating the demons.

And Jinbeibei and others led the ambush to attack the underground hidden demon army, also played a very beautiful ambush.

Jinbeibei even went to the battle personally and killed a nine star demon clan general.

After fishing for such a large military worker, all members of Xinbei kindergarten disappeared in everyone's eyes.

Just like when they appeared, their whereabouts and ghosts reached their peak.After the war, Li Xingyun did not leave with the army. Instead, they found an excuse and stayed in the luolei cliff.

Those generals did not care, this time can be so smooth annihilation of this demon elite, Li Xingyun three people have made great contributions.

This little request will naturally pass with one eye open and one eye closed.

What's more, although Li Xingyun accepted their organization in name, they were not controlled by them.

As long as Li Xingyun these mercenaries do not engage in collusion with the enemy, they will not pay too much attention to it.

It's as if no one paid any attention to Li Xingyun's mercenaries during the previous battle.

On the battlefield, there are not many of them, but also many of them. It can only be said that they are icing on the cake.

The most important role of mercenaries is to complete some things that are not convenient for the normal army to do.

For example, a small number of elite need to go deep into the million man mountain to investigate the enemy situation, snipe key people and other special tasks.

On the real front battlefield, unless Li Xingyun has the strength of Jinbeibei and others, otherwise, they will not have much effect.

Compared with the skillful and able to win more powerful legions, the personal strength is really not enough to see.

After all Terran troops have withdrawn from luolei cliff.

Li Xingyun's three people began to search for a suitable place for Li Xingyun's crazy cultivation plan.

Three days later, luolei cliff south of the place, a humble depression.

Li Xingyun sits cross legged on a ten meter high rock.

The whole body of the stone is purple and black, and there is an arc jumping out from time to time, which looks extremely dangerous.

Li Xingyun sat down and was entangled by a stream of small lightning.

If only these arc Li Nebula can hold on, but under the attraction of the boulder, the thunder and lightning in the sky also starts to move. Soon, there are four or five lines of thunder with the thickness of one person splitting on the body of Li Yun Yun. , the fastest update of the webnovel!