Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun see that the pupil of this man is also slightly shrinking. The man named lanran is also a student of the black prison University, just like the two of them.

In fact, in addition to LAN ran, a student from class 53, grade one.

Nine people as well as a pair of Betty and Becky brother and sister, is also a first-year class 96 black prison college students.

That is to say, this time the task, the black prison college students accounted for more than half, the remaining four talents are the world's practitioners.

On the surface, they are also the four men in the world.

Steel storm - Edward's nine star cultivation is worthy of the first place.

One of the other three is Christine, a famous eight star Archer of the silver moon elves.

One is the eight star sacrifice to Ingrid of the sauris in the orc worship.

The last one is a thin blooded prince in the white rose Kingdom, who is also the eight star Prince Joey.

The lineup of nine people including Li Xingyun is quite luxurious.

Only this kind of luxurious lineup can give them the courage to face the evil king's separation. After all, not everyone can see the devil's separation as Xinyue does.

Facing the wind and snow, nine people began to search for the entrance of the eternal ice realm, and soon met some ice elements that could ignore the cold.

These non psychic ice elements are called guardians of the northern realm. Their purpose is to guard the entrance of the eternal ice realm.

It is the elemental life summoned by all members of the wizard tower ten thousand years ago.

Meet the element of ice, it means that we are not far from the entrance of eternal ice.

Sure enough, after three hours of searching, Li Xingyun and others saw the entrance of the eternal ice realm composed of gorgeous aurora.

Looking at the entrance of the dreamlike eternal ice realm, Li Xingyun has to feel the uncanny workmanship of nature.

Ten thousand years ago, the two strong star states might have killed them, but an unexpected battle will build this strange secret place.

After entering the entrance of the aurora, Li Xingyun and others felt a flower in front of them. The ice and snow all over the sky turned into crystal clear ice crystals.

All kinds of ice crystals form a huge ice crystal cave. The colorful Aurora above the cave become more colorful after being refracted by ice crystals.

For a moment, it feels like walking into a fairyland on earth.

Of course, the temperature in the eternal ice is much lower than it is outside.

Except for practicing the ice attribute of lanran, the rest of the people felt uncomfortable.

"Even my body strength of six stars is about to freeze, and the temperature here may have reached more than 100 degrees below zero"

Li Xingyun moved her stiff fingers and felt the piercing cold, she had to turn on the body protection light of the defense weapon to expel the cold.

Li Xingyun's defensive weapon is not the armor of Ike.

It took only four months for Li Yun to change his defense.

In addition to the Liuhe shield, which he had been reluctant to damage, other defense tools could not stand his toss.

Even the five-star defense weapons are often destroyed after several battles.

Now his five-star soft armor, named Xuanyin secret armor, is the best defense weapon he can afford so far.

The so-called "affordability" does not mean insufficient financial resources.

But Li Xingyun's cultivation is too low, the number of original energy is too small, too powerful magic tools will use up the force after a few times, but become his burden.

Otherwise, with Li Xingyun's existing wealth, like Chen Xiaoming, he will replace his whole body with six star level, which is not a problem at all.

"It's not a coincidence that the devil's Avatar and the wizard tower appear together in this place. There must be a connection between the two"

"so I suggest that we first find the wizard tower and track the movement of the devil's separation"

Prince joy of the white rose Kingdom looked straight at Edward.

Edward shook the snow dregs and gave Joey a resentful look.

"You don't have to teach me what to do, kid. I'm afraid you're still sucking when I'm taking risks"

after Edward scolded the arrogant Joey, he ignored the angry and wide eyed Joey.

"Christine launched the investigation magic to see if there are any traces of demons nearby, and track the movement of the wizard tower"

after watching Christine finish his orders without saying a word, Edward said to the rest of the people: "remember what our task is, is to monitor the demon king The trend of separation does not mean that we should fight against the demon king's separation "

" it is no coincidence that the wizard tower and the demon king's body appear in this place at the same time. "

" it's just that this time the behavior of the wizard tower is very strange. Since the demons began to attack in a large scale, the coalition forces of the thirteen kingdoms and Adele holy mountain have not received any news of the wizard tower. ""Even if we don't doubt that the wizard tower has defected, we should also know clearly that the wizard tower has changed a lot"

"it's not a good thing to contact such a wizard tower rashly"

after Edward explained his intention for a little while, he closed his eyes and rested. Before Christine came back, he did not intend to act rashly.

After getting Edward's explanation, Joey was unwilling, but he didn't have a fit. After finding a place alone, Joey began to close his eyes and rest.

After more than ten minutes of rest, Christine finally came back.

After flying down from the top of the ice cave, Christine, who is as flexible as a swallow, flies down from the top of the ice cave and faces all humanity: "ten kilometers ahead, the ice cave is divided into three holes, and each hole is followed by three holes"

"the last nine holes correspond to these nine different huge ice crystal worlds"

"these ice crystal worlds are like mazes, and there are forbidden spaces I didn't continue to explore the trace of the wizard tower, but I saw the trace of the demon group.

after Christine finished, a strong force turned into the image he had seen before in front of Li Xingyun and others.

After watching the images, they found that the traces of the demons were almost everywhere in every cave, and there were traces of the demon troops stationed at the entrance of each corresponding Ice Crystal Maze world entrance.

It seems that these demons are searching for something in the eternal ice.

"The soldiers are divided into nine routes?"

Ingrid, the great sacrifice of the lizard people, touched her chin and wondered.

Eternal ice is not too big. It doesn't take too long to search all of them.

It's the worst decision, because there's more than low temperature in the eternal ice.

Many of them are also hard to deal with. With a large number of ice elements, if the troops are not enough, they will be in a dilemma if they are not careful. , the fastest update of the webnovel!