At the time of destroying heaven and earth in the front battlefield, Ingrid did not believe that the demon king had enough troops to face all kinds of threats in the eternal ice after they were divided into nine routes.

"It seems that the devil is in a hurry to find that thing." Edward was also thinking of this stubble, with a sneer on his resolute face.

"What to do now? There are too many traces of demons, and I can't confirm that the devil is in that direction"

Christine showed his hands and said that he was helpless.

Edward was silent for a moment, and then ordered: "we nine people, divided into three groups, track the demons in three directions, and contact each other every five hours"

"if we find the trace of the devil's separation or the wizard tower, we should contact other people immediately. After the nine people get together, they will make further plans"

Edward did not say much, so he started Assign people.

Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming seem to have the worst accomplishments. Naturally, they are taken care of by him and become a group with him.

Joey, Lena and Christine are in the group.

Finally, Betty, Becky and Ingrid form a group.

After the distribution, the people immediately set off to walk towards the interior of the cave.

Three days later, in the middle of a huge ice crystal maze, Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming lie motionless on a low ice crystal hill.

In an ice chamber not far from them, a group of ice elements are fighting a group of demon troops.

Among all kinds of energy attacks, Li Xingyun watched one by one ice elements gradually from weak to defeated under the siege of the demon army.

"The two sides have similar combat power, but the ice element has no intelligence and can't see the situation clearly, so it's really difficult to become a great tool"

after shaking his head and analyzing it, Chen Xiaoming can't help but complain about his Edward.

This guy started with a good trio.

As a result, after entering the ice crystal world, he immediately changed his mind. He did not know where he had gone, leaving Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming looking at the maze like ice crystal world in front of them.

"You said that the old man would not have problems"

Chen Xiaoming was a little worried. Edward looked reckless, but he could be called a hero of the silver dwarfs.

Chen Xiaoming doesn't believe this guy is a guy with only chest muscles and no brain.

In addition to the historical precedent of betrayal by the golden dwarfs, it was inevitable that they did not doubt whether the old man had some ulterior purpose, which allowed everyone to act alone.

"It should not be. The people in the supreme command are not fools. It is not too long to send an unreliable person to monitor the demon king's separation."

Li Xingyun's words reassured Chen Xiaoming a little.

"This demon army is the third army we have found. Its combat effectiveness is not very strong. In addition, it does not have a combat effectiveness of more than eight stars. It seems that it is not the main force this time. 80% of the demon army in the world is just an investigation force"

Li Xingyun observes the battle of the demon army and follows Chen Xiaoming quietly Go back.

After turning a direction, bypassing the demon army, continue to walk towards the ice crystal world.

In three days, they had already walked thousands of kilometers.

Along the way, in addition to the ubiquitous sky blue ice crystal walls, they have seen all kinds of ice crystal sculptures. It is hard to imagine that those vivid things are formed naturally.

After careful observation, Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun found that these ice sculptures were not formed naturally, but carved with ice elements.

Although these things have no sense of mind, they have inexplicably good memory, and they also have "artistic cells". When they have nothing to do, they will carve ice sculptures all over the world to decorate this monotonous world.

Fortunately, these ice sculptures are used as signs. Otherwise, Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun would have lost their way in the same place.

Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun have been looking for traces of other demons all the way. Although we don't know what these demons are looking for, no matter what they are looking for, it is obviously not good for them.

So Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun are also trying to find all kinds of strange things, trying to find something.

"There are too few clues. Do you think the demon army is looking for the wizard tower? Otherwise, how could it be so coincidental that after the wizard tower appeared in this place, it disappeared, and the demon king's Avatar appeared here "

after looking for three days, he still had no clue. Chen Xiaoming was a little upset.

"It's possible, but isn't it just right? If the demon army finds the wizard tower, we won't have to look for it again"

Li Xingyun pondered for a while and found that if the demons were really looking for the existence of the wizard tower, it would save them a lot of trouble.

At that time, as long as you follow these demons, you can easily find the wizard tower. As for how to obtain the friendship of the wizard tower, you can only act according to the circumstances. After all, they have not made clear what the inside of the wizard tower looks like.Don't betray the sorcerer tower and turn to the devil.

If you want to gain the friendship of the wizard tower, you should betray the Terran with them. If you don't pay attention to the failure of the main task, it's not worth the loss.

Perhaps because of their poor luck, Li Xingyun has been searching for several days, but they have not found anything other than a few more powerful demon troops.

Nine days after entering the eternal ice realm, Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun finally received a message from Edward.

Looking at the intelligence content from Edward, Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun look at each other. Instead of going directly to the destination Edward said, they return to the entrance of the world and wait for others.

"Have you found the devil's part?"

After Li Xingyun and other people meet, Joey looks at them in doubt.

"We also received the news from Edward, but as soon as we entered the world, we were scattered. We don't know the specific situation"

after hearing Li Xingyun's words, other people's faces were also slightly darkened.

When it comes to the dwarfs, whoever is the first to think of is the original gold dwarfs, which is now the lava dwarfs.

If it had not been for the lava Dwarfs' efforts to forge equipment for the demon army, the wars in the human world in recent years would not have been so arduous.

In those days, the combat effectiveness of the elite Legion in the human world could be equal to the most elite army of the demon clan.

One of the biggest advantages of Terrans is that Terrans occupy the absolute peak in equipment, until the gold dwarfs rebellion completely changed the balance between the two clans.

It can be said that the rebellion of the golden dwarves is a permanent pain in the hearts of the people, and it is also a shame that the dwarves can not erase.

Now the strange whereabouts of Edward, is really had to let the heart doubt. , the fastest update of the webnovel!