And the gorgeous gate they had seen on the wall was turned into a wall.

The sudden changes in Li Xingyun and other people's hearts were cold sweat. If they could not help but escape from the false door before, their bodies would be cold now.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you can really enter the wizard tower through this door. I wish you all your wishes"

with the words of the old man in white robe, the wooden door slowly opens.

The old man in white bowed slightly and gave up the wooden door behind him.

Edward is not wordy, led the Li Xingyun and others into the wooden door.

Li Xingyun and others were relieved when they really entered the wizard tower.

However, it's not easy for the wizard to stay in the hall for more than ten years.

If Edward's calmness had not affected them, they might have been in the delivery hall.

"Is this the wizard's Tower? I thought it was a real tower, but I didn't expect it was a different space"

Li Xingyun was shocked by the beautiful scenery of the world, and even Chen Xiaoming was stunned.

In the past, they always thought that the wizard tower was a large-scale war magic weapon that could fly to the sky, but now it seems that they have misunderstood it.

The true face of the wizard tower is a huge space.

It's no wonder that the wizard tower's whereabouts have always been mysterious. You know, this kind of strange space is very similar to Li Xingyun's dormitory in the black prison University.

Without the permission of the owner of the different space, people outside can't even find the entrance, let alone come in.

"It's so, so it is"

Ingrid's murmuring induction of the active and abnormal energy in this strange space makes her eyes dim with tears.

For any caster in this world, the sorcerer tower is a place worthy of dreams.

There is even a legend that any casting profession is the source of the sorcerer tower.

So for countless years, many magicians, priests and other casters have wanted to enter the wizard tower to find out.

It's just the mysterious whereabouts of the wizard tower that they can't even know where the tower is.

After Ingrid really entered the wizard tower, she knew why she had not found the real location of the wizard tower after half her life's searching.

"Welcome to the wizard tower. I am the servant who is responsible for receiving you. Please call me little Frey"

just when people were shocked by the secrets of the wizard tower, a snow-white owl flew down from the sky, suspended in front of everyone, and saluted like a gentleman.

Just as the crowd looked at the owl in surprise.

The owl fluttered its wings slightly and flew forward: "please come with me. The master has been waiting for you in the reception hall. The wizard tower can't fly at will. Please forgive me."

the speed of owl flight is not slow. In addition, all the people can't fly, so people have no time to talk to each other, so they quickly follow up.

After following for a period of time, Li Xingyun and others found that this owl is really not simple.

After the speed of the nine people has exceeded five times the speed of sound, the owl is still leading the way in front of them, showing no signs of any difficulty.

With the rapid increase of speed, Li Xingyun, the worst performer, even had to use his rhinoceros as a flash, so that he did not fall behind.

Fortunately, the road is not too far away, just as the speed of people soared to 13 times the speed of sound, a huge black painted tower appeared in front of them.

The giant pagoda is carved with all kinds of mysterious magic. Looking at it all makes people feel that the energy fluctuation of scalp numbness constantly curls around the huge black tower.

It's not until the owl approaches that the active energy fluctuations subside for a while.

"This is the Mason tower where my master lives. Let me take you to see my master"

when the owl entered the tower, they suddenly felt their eyes were dazzled, and they were forced to be transported to a gorgeous hall.

"Welcome, welcome, the wizard tower has not been visited for many years. I am Mason, one of the vice tower owners of the wizard tower. On behalf of all the members of the wizard tower, I welcome you here"

Li Xingyun looks at the past with her voice and sees an old man dressed in colorful clothes, just like an actor deliberately vilified on the stage.

With the public looking at the past, the strange old man also carried out a dramatic bow waist etiquette.

"Dear Mr. Mason, I haven't seen you for a long time"

Joey was the first one to react to him and perform a standard aristocratic etiquette to Mason.

"It's little Joey. It's been so many years. I can't recognize you."

Mason squinted a lot of eyes for a while. After Joey was happy, he hugged Joey, and suddenly burst into a strange sound of bone moaning.Mason exaggerated to the grotesque behavior, so that Edward and others have a bit of a ghost feeling, only Joey still keeps smiling, as if the bones are about to be broken is not him at all.

"I'm sorry, I'm old, I don't have a good memory, and I forget that my physical body is no longer what ordinary people can bear"

Mason quickly released Joey after hearing the brittle sound of his bones. At the same time, a healing technique comparable to angel light was applied to Joey, which cured all the negative effects for him.

Looking at the people's strange eyes, Mason gave a slightly embarrassed smile, then turned aside the topic and said: "I can almost guess the purpose of your coming"

"during this period of time, great changes have taken place in the wizard tower. As we said to the supreme headquarters of the thirteen kingdoms, our tower owner has a problem, and this problem can not be solved completely for the time being However, we have recently received a vital intelligence from the tower master, that is, there is a very powerful demon sleeping in the eternal ice realm "

" the fighting power of this demon can even change the current situation. The demon king's body also learned about this news, so we sent a large number of troops The team has entered the eternal ice realm "

" now our Wizard tower is also trying to search for the hiding place of that kind of magic object. Even if we can't win over the Terran side, we should also ensure that the magic object will not turn to the demon king's side "

after Mason's serious expression, he quietly waited for the public to digest the news.

"Powerful enough to change the course of war? Why hasn't a trace of news of this demon come out for so many years "

Edward's face is dignified. , the fastest update of the webnovel!