Mason said with a wry smile: "it may be that all the people who have seen the demon are dead, so the news has been blocked all the time. We also learned the news through the tower master, and the specific situation is not very clear"

"in that case, sir Mason, I would like to ask, why does the wizard tower master know the secret information of the demon king?"

Edward looked at Mason with a fierce eye. The cold light in his eyes made Li Xingyun and others nervous.

Mason sighed a little, and knew that if the matter was not explained clearly, it would make a bigger misunderstanding. He could only explain it helplessly: "this is going to start from the beginning

after a long talk for more than half an hour, Edward and others, who had no doubts, walked out of the reception room and were arranged to live in the Mason tower.

After returning to her room, Li Xingyun is still full of emotion. She feels that she can't digest what Mason said before.

It turns out that the sorcerer tower was targeted by the demon king as early as the last big invasion of the demons.

In order to eradicate this thorn in the flesh, the demon king this time but under the blood, sent out his strongest sub body, and transformed into a very strange form to sneak into the wizard tower.

The conspiracy of the demon king is not perfect. The tower owner of the wizard tower realized the existence of the demon king's body a thousand years ago.

However, there is no good way for the demon king to separate himself from the evil spirit.

In order not to frighten the devil and make the devil fall into the wizard tower, the current tower owner of the wizard tower, also known as the strongest wizard tower master in history, made an important decision.

The decision also changed the life of Madison.

A thousand years ago, Medivh, whose strength reached the peak in the history of the wizard tower, realized the existence of the demon demon incarnation, in order to avoid more students and innocent people from being eroded by the devil's body.

Finally, he decided to sacrifice himself and use himself as the container of demon king's separation.

As a result, in order to capture this powerful container, the demon incarnation had to do its best to put all its strength into Medivh's body.

Medivh sealed the demon's Avatar with his own body.

Of course, as the most outstanding master of the sorcerer tower, Medivh's intention is not only to seal the demon king's separation.

As early as Medivh discovered that the demon king was plotting the wizard tower, Medivh was planning the demon king's power.

There are three realms of stars.

The first is the early sun state. The strong people who have just entered the star state are as full of infinite vitality as the rising sun in the East. No matter which race in this realm lives, their life expectancy will be significantly improved. It is possible to live for tens of thousands of years without disaster and disease.

The second is the state of yaoyang. In this realm, the power of the strong Star State has completely changed into another form, which is like the noon sun, which radiates this bright light all the time.

The third realm is the Hengyang realm. In this realm, the star state where the power is raised to the limit is no longer satisfied with the existing life form.

All the strong people in Hengyang are accumulating for their final evolution, hoping that one day they will be able to transform into their own higher life forms, just like the Tianchan into a butterfly.

As the most gifted Dharma saint in the history of the wizard tower, Medivh's strength reached Hengyang state as early as 2000 years ago, and after a thousand years of cultivation and accumulation, he did not take that crucial step.

Medivh in the detection of the demon plot, but also began to belong to their own plot.

The arrogant wizard Tata master decided not only to crack the demon king's plot, but also to take advantage of the devil's power to make himself take that step.

In this way, Medivh and the demon king separated for thousands of years of fighting wisdom and courage began.

Until recently, the invisible battle finally had one result: Madison failed.

The demon incarnation used Medivh's ambition to gradually erode Medivh's will in the thousands of years, making him gradually become another puppet of the demon king.

Fortunately, this arrogant genius Dharma Saint also has his own backhand.

Before he was completely reduced to the puppet of the demon king, he mobilized all the members of the wizard tower in advance and arranged a thousand year seal array with him to seal the demon king in his body to the absolute dark area in the deepest part of the wizard tower.

After being sealed, Medivh regained some of his sanity.

Some secret information that only the demon king knew was revealed, so that the Terran side obtained a lot of vital information, and successfully sniped the invasion of the demon army again and again.

On the one hand, the supreme command is glad that this kind of information is accurate.

On the other hand, they also began to worry about whether the intelligence spread from the wizard tower would be the beginning of another plot of the demon king.

Edward and others came to confirm it.

Of course, this kind of confidential matter has nothing to do with Li Xingyun and others. They were arranged to help Edward just because they had seen the devil incarnation.Edward was the only one who knew what was really confidential.

Only after he has confirmed it in person, those multi hearted and liver loving masters in the supreme headquarters will trust the wizard tower again.

So Li Xingyun and others stayed in the tower for more than ten days.

as like as two peas in the Mason's mouth, did not know how much Edward had done secretly.

The sorcerer tower really seals the most powerful part of the demon king.

And through this avatar, I got many secret information that the devil knew.

The accuracy of these intelligence is more than 90%. It can be said that although there is no such an important combat power as the wizard tower, the Terrans still make a lot of money after exchanging the information.

Through these secret information, the Terrans took the lead in the war for the first time and suppressed the demon army in all aspects for the first time.

In fact, the devil also realized that many of his secrets had been exposed by his most powerful character.

So now the devil is also crazy looking for the wizard tower.

In order to destroy the sorcerer tower, the demon king even sent a large number of troops to the eternal ice to search for the kind of magic that can influence the war situation in the most fierce moment of the battle.

If the warlord really controls the magic object, the sorcerer tower will be watched again by the devil in the first time, which is why the wizard tower appears in the eternal ice.

"This is probably the case"

after Edward called the crowd together and explained his behavior in the past few days.

He took up a cup of wizard tower's special fruit juice and drank it out in one gulp. These days, he was tired. Under the continuous work without sleep, he finally confirmed the credibility of the wizard tower. , the fastest update of the webnovel!