Li Xingyun and others got all the ammunition in the weapon storehouse very smoothly.

Chen Xiaoming even had time to repair the flat riot armored vehicle.

And Li Xingyun's strong executive power also convinced all the people in prison. In this doomsday, the strength of the strong will not arouse people's disgust, but will make those who are ruled have a sense of security.

For this hard won sense of security, most people even use their own lives to defend the authority of the ruler.

Man is such a contradictory animal.

After Li Xingyun and others are armed to the teeth, it seems that the plot changes.

It was supposed to wait until the appearance of Arcadia, and there were mutant zombies with holes, and Zombies like executioners.

And it's not that there are only three or two kittens in the movie, but a group of them appear.

When more than a dozen three meter high executioners with huge axes appeared in front of the prison, the scene was really spectacular.

It's so spectacular that most people in prison are scared to almost pee their pants. The reason why most people are said to be scared to pee is that some people are scared to pee, such as the asshole producer Bennett and his little Valet Kim Yong.

The real trouble is not the executioners, but the mutant zombies with holes.

When strange noises came from all over the prison, Li Xingyun and others knew that it was sooner or later that the prison was captured by zombies.

"The flat storm armored vehicle can seat 20 people, while the special helicopter can seat 10 people, all of them can be transferred at one time"

"only after the transfer, people on the ground will face a large number of zombies"

"who would like to stay in the armored vehicle to fight together?" Li Xingyun looked at all the people and said these words, most of them chose to avoid his purpose Light.

Finally, only Chris and Luther stayed to fight with Li Xingyun and others.

The rest, with the frail Mo Shao Cong and alpha wesk's clones, left in a special helicopter.

Just as the men flew away, the main gate of the prison was broken by the executioners.

At the same time, the prison was suddenly drilled out of many holes, a mutant zombie with chrysanthemum like mouth ran to them.

"Will also cooperate to fight, when will the intelligence quotient of zombies be so high?" Li Xingyun coldly looks at all kinds of zombies' attack before and after, and her tone reveals the indescribable coldness.

With Morgana's command, the engine of the flat riot armored vehicle also roared.

The 10 ton flat storm armored vehicle with huge kinetic energy, like a siege hammer, rushed directly out of the front of the prison.

Several of the executioners in the way were hit by the flat riot armored vehicle before they could wave their axes.

Under the huge kinetic energy of the flat storm armored vehicle, all the things in front of it are crushed in a real sense.

More than ten minutes later, the flat riot armored vehicle ran out of the zombies.

However, it can only stop here, because Li Xingyun and others met with greater trouble.

A leader of the executioner, two sizes larger than the executioner, appeared in front of the armored vehicle. With his huge body and the same exaggerated axe, Chen Xiaoming did not dare to drive the armored vehicle to crush him.

If the executioner leader's combat effectiveness is similar to that of the executioner leader they met before, the armor of the flat violence armored vehicle can't bear a few times.

"Alice and I will go out to solve him, and you will take a detour." Li Xingyun also knows that we can't stop now. Once the vehicle stops, massive zombies will drown them together with the car.

After opening the top of the flat riot armored car, Li Xingyun and Alice flashed out one after another.

Now Alice thought the power is strong enough to let her temporarily hang in the air, so Alice flew out, directly a forward somersault and jumped onto the pole on the road.

The big shot of the eagle at the bottom of the desert is the big one.

With Alice's ferocious fire, Li Xingyun launched the first dragon flash and then disappeared into the air.

Using this extremely fast speed, Li Xingyun walked on the head of the zombie and quickly approached the leader of the executioner. His sharp sword cut the air and made a piercing sound.

The leader of the executioner, who was repeatedly hit in the head by large caliber bullets, was immediately infuriated, and the huge ax was carried upside down and rotated by him.

In the whimper of the air, the axe slashed hard on the pole.

The man's waist thick pole was cut off by a giant axe. The pole made of concrete is not much better than bean curd at this moment, and it is also vulnerable.

Alice, who had been prepared for it, jumped up again. In the gap of a beautiful side somersault, Alice took time to replace the empty magazine of desert eagle.

After Alice landed, the desert eagle roared again, and the gun was still on the head of the executioner.At this time, Li Xingyun also appeared behind the leader of the executioner in a flash, and his sharp sword cut into one leg of the executioner leader.

Although Li Xingyun is not sure that the leader of the executioner will be killed with one blow, but with his sword power, Li Xingyun is confident that after this blow, he will scrap the leg of the executioner leader.

The leader of the executioner who has lost his power is just a living target with more tenacious vitality.

But before Li Xingyun's sword fell on the executioner's leg, the change happened again.

The concrete ground at the foot of Li Xingyun collapsed, and a chrysanthemum like strange mouth appeared at the foot of Li Xingyun.

After stepping on the ground, Li Xingyun's face changed greatly.

At the beginning of the Dragon flash, he did not have the ability to fly. There was no place for Li Xingyun to rely on. No matter how powerful the speed was, he could not play it out at the moment.

At the moment of the nebula, Li Junfa burst out.

To be precise, it's his death declaration power and the interplay of alien energies that produce wonderful changes.

A pair of lifelike Black Dragon Wings broke Li Xingyun's clothes and appeared behind him. Under the influence of these two wings, Li Xingyun was suspended on the chrysanthemum strange mouth.

"Is this dragon flash?" Inside the pingbao armored vehicle, Chen Xiaoming was surprised to see the change of Li Xingyun and opened his mouth in surprise.

No one knows better than Chen Xiaoming and others who live with him day and night.

However, it has some ineffable side effects.

If one of these side effects can't be done well, people will die in minutes.

Therefore, even if Li Xingyun is superb in kendo, he does not dare to use the moves above Chu Long Shan in the martial arts realm. , the fastest update of the webnovel!